i know that your spectacular immune system and athletic physique are sure to protect you much better than the "vaccine," but consider the effect of the so called vaccine on mortality rate. but, do your own research. (the recent drop off in mortality among the unvaccinated is probably related to reduced spread among the vaccinated. "herd immunity.") the next variant will probably reverse that trend.
Our World in Data is supported by grants from the Quadrature Climate Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Lol......
An imaginary boogey man for the fringe right to salivate lunatic conspiracy theories over every time they have trouble thinking straight? I agree. They are almost equal as the targets of lunatics at this point.
Unfortunately, not all realize this is a joke and we actually have lunatic conspiracy theorists vomiting up such garbage as if it were a serious opinion. I know you are just joking, but it's actually a popular opinion among the most unhinged on the right.
I think they just say that. It sounds a lot better than just admitting that Trump wanted to kill off that demographic to save on Social Security, and yes, I do realize that's as deranged a conspiracy theory as any here but I think that's what Trump was trying, first because it is just the kind of thing that would appeal to him and second because it's the only thing that makes sense.
Isn't it wonderful to have a President whose willful neglect and incompetence are saving graces because he at least can't be ****ing up?
Staff used to remove documents, memos, etc. from his desk so that he'd forget the stupid ****ing policy issues that he wanted to push.
I showed him my vaxx card. He must be satisfied that I have enough of his nanochips in my bloodstream, and he left.