Double-vaxxed, boostered Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin gets Covid

Discussion in 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) News' started by kazenatsu, Jan 3, 2022.

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  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Double-Vaxxed, Boostered, and Triple-Masked SecDef Lloyd Austin Has Symptomatic Covid-19

    You can see in this picture he looks kind of comical with both a face mask and a face shield over that.


    Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has tested positive for the coronavirus on Sunday after experiencing symptoms of the virus while at home on leave.
    In an emailed statement released Sunday night, Austin said that he is fully vaccinated and received his booster shot in October, which he says has made the infection “much more mild.”

    “As my doctor made clear to me, my fully vaccinated status - and the booster I received in early October - have rendered the infection much more mild than it would otherwise have been. And I am grateful for that,” Austin said.​

    Double-Vaxxed, Boostered, and Triple-Masked SecDef Lloyd Austin Has Symptomatic Covid-19 The Liberty Daily
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  2. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Double-Vaxxed, Boostered, and Triple-Masked SecDef Lloyd Austin Has Symptomatic Covid-19

    Infectious diseases don't discriminate based on one's job.
  3. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    According to you all of the people in the picture looks ridiculous.
  4. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    For some reason, the OP is not recognizing the fact that vaccination doesn't mean no infections are possible.
  5. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Nothing, including vaccines, is 100%. The now obsolete vaccines aren't doing much about infection any longer but they are still reducing the severity of symptoms. If omicron turns out to be as mild as they say, then the vaccines won't matter any longer and we can stop obsessing about them.
  6. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    But they DO discriminate based on one's jab.

    We're having a pandemic of fraudulent use of tests and individuals inoculated with covid causing drugs.

    Austin, like his senile boss, is an embarrassment to the country. So is soldiers wearing useless masks to supposedly protect them from a cold virus with a 99% survival rate.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2022
  7. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    blah blah blah.
  8. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The bitter truth hurts, eh FMW? :lol:
  9. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Of course not, but when people are getting jabbed THREE times in nine months and STILL getting COVID, that should lead one to believe that the jabs aren't working. When people are getting jabbed THREE times in nine months and are STILL clinging to their masks, social distancing, not returning back to their normal life, and etc... that should lead one to believe that the jabs are not working. If a bunch of flu vaccine recipients still come down with flu anyway, then we'd say that the flu vaccines aren't working...

    This is one of those statements that just gets chanted religiously.

    ... except the obsession will never stop, as "masking, distancing, vaxxing, passports, etc) is not in any way about "health and safety". It is all about tyranny.

    The vaccines (and coercing/forcing as many people as possible to get them) are all about implementing a tyrannical passport system in which only submissive people are allowed to participate.

    The current tyrants of the world, with regard to using COVID to bring in their globalist "climate change" "new world order" "great reset" "build back better" agenda, are making Hitler look like a complete amateur when it comes to oppressing people.
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  10. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    The same thing happens with flu vaccines all the time. We always vaccinate people for last year's strain of the disease. The same thing has happened with the Covid vaccines. Initially they had a 99% effectiveness rate. After two major arrivals of two new strains, those obsolete vaccines are much less effective. The vaccine is fine. The strain of the disease for which it was designed is no longer infecting people.

    Because it is true based on clinical tests.

    I agree. I have no problem with the vaccines. I have a problem with the authoritarianism just like you.
  11. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    ... and that's why we always hear about how ineffective the flu jab is, and it'll be the same for COVID jabs.

    I don't put any stock into made up numbers.

    I don't buy into the "COVID variant" chanting either, as it's just a semantics game that the leftist media (and aligned governments) are playing in order to further weaponize fear.

    They have branded COVID-19 as something to be deathly afraid of, so they now need to "maintain the brand". They want people to associate anything and everything that actually isn't COVID-19 to being COVID-19, which is why they make claims that there are now "variants" of COVID-19.

    Logically speaking, you can't have a variant of a variant (just like you can't have a brother of a brother). Just like the "brother of your brother" is merely your brother, the "variant of a variant" is merely a variant.

    Since COVID-19 is already a variant of the SARS-CoV series of viruses, "Delta" and "Omicron" (IF they actually exist) are something other than COVID-19 (more SARS-CoV series viruses??) ... IOW, they continue to count "Delta" and "Omicron" cases and deaths as COVID-19 cases and deaths even though they are NOT actually COVID-19. But COVID-19 is the brand that they have built up (and what has the reputation as being "scary"), so they need to connect "Delta" and "Omicron" to somehow "being" COVID-19 (even though they aren't)... hence, "variants of COVID-19".

    It seems to be less safe than other jabs are, and if it's anything like a flu jab in terms of effectiveness, then it won't be effective for "what's actually spreading around". Meh. I see no reason to get it.

    I've come to realize that most "clinical tests" are complete and utter horseshit.

    This is the common ground between us. We both abhor the authoritarianism. This is where we can work together and stand together vehemently opposed to tyrannical authoritarian oppressive mandates.
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  12. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    No doubt. But the fact is that hospitalization and death rates among the vaccinated are much lower. So view it as a therapeutic.

    So you think the numbers from the clinical trials are lies. Is there nothing in which you believe?

    No it is established science. Corona viruses all mutate constantly. That is why the flu vaccines are of limited effectiveness. You said so above.

    Yes there is ridiculous hyperbole and widespread fear caused mostly by government. It has nothing to do with variants.

    There is good evidence that covid 19 is a new virus created in a Chinese lab from the SARS virus. I think it is more likely than your premise that it is a variant of SARS. Let's take a look at how the variants form and that may help you understand it better. Evolution is a process that has mutations affecting changes in the RNA and DNA of an organism. Natural selection then determines whether those changes will succeed (survive) or fail. Mutations in humans are rare. Mutations in viruses like covid are actually constant. The virus is just a chunk of protein that contains RNA or DNA strings. When they attach to a living cell, the living cell receives that RNA or DNA and replicates it with mutations. Most of the mutations fail to take hold and disappear. Every now and then a mutation contributes to the success of the virus and it continues to replicate. The result is a new strain of the virus with the improved DNA. So far we have seen two successful variants that we call delta and omicron. Delta was successful because it was more contagious than the original virus. Omicron is even more successful because it is even more contagious and probably milder so it doesn't kill so much and that is good because a dead host can't spread the virus.

    The vaccines, as you point out, were designed for the original strain of the virus. As new strains appeared they caused the vaccines to become less effective. In effect the new strains are more resistant to the vaccines. That is where we are today.

    No, the problems that have occurred with the vaccines are very rare and occur very rarely with all vaccines. If you see no reason to be vaccinated then you should choose not to be vaccinated. While there is that therapeutic benefit, it may not matter if you are young and healthy enough to fight off the virus without ending up in the hospital. I think people with natural immunity should not take a vaccine. Those elderly or health compromised people in the society definitely should take one. For everyone else it should be optional. If you are everyone else then you choose.

    That is ridiculous and unscientific.

    I can only hope that we can keep government out of the response to future pandemics. It has been a disaster.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2022
  13. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Depends on the specific clinical trial. I don't think the numbers are lies, but I do think that a lot of these trials/studies are either unscientific (or otherwise poorly done), have conflict of interest issues, and/or people draw incorrect conclusions from the trial data.

    I believe in the Christian God, for one thing.

    No, it is just semantic gameplaying in order to keep people scared, since COVID-19 is the "brand" that has been established.

    As I explained, there is no such thing as a "variant of a variant", just as there is no such thing as a "brother of a brother". Within your family, your brother's brother is merely your brother. Likewise, within a virus family (such as SARS-CoV or influenza), a "variant of a variant" is merely a variant. IOW, it is another SARS-CoV virus or another influenza virus.

    Therefore, a "COVID-19 variant" is NOT COVID-19... It is COVID-19's "brother"... It should no longer be counted as a "COVID-19 case/death" because it is no longer COVID-19. This leads people into the paradoxical belief that "Delta" and "Omicron" ARE COVID-19, yet at the same time ARE NOT COVID-19.

    My point is that "Delta" and "Omicron" are purposely being branded AS COVID-19 in order to keep up the fear mongering over the number of cases and deaths (which are complete BS as well, since cases are being artificially boosted by shitty tests and constant/excessive shitty tests, and deaths are being artificially boosted by calling anything and everything under the sun a "covid death").

    tldr; The fear mongering over COVID-19 is all a political scam to bring in the "new world order" and has absolutely NOTHING to do with one's health/safety.

    They actually don't. This is a commonly held but incorrect belief.

    A virus itself cannot mutate at all, as viruses are not alive. A host may cause a mutation, however, but most mutations do not get outside of the body and into the outside world. Some do, though. There, they can no longer change in any way. They are what they are until another host causes another mutation.

    Flu vaccines are largely ineffective because there are so many different variants of flu viruses in existence and we cannot vaccinate for all of them. Same goes for coronaviruses. There are simply too many variants of coronaviruses to vaccinate for all of them.

    The current ridiculous hyperbole and widespread fear with regard to COVID-19 is very specifically about "variants" of it, namely "Delta" and "Omicron".

    As I explained earlier, this is purely semantics for purpose of fear mongering, since COVID-19 is the "established brand". Delta and Omicron, if they exist, are no longer COVID-19. They are something else. Are they two more SARS-CoV variants??

    That would mean it's a man-made variant of SARS. I'm fine with that. In fact, it was not too long from the "discovery" of it that I have believed it to be man-made rather than naturally occurring.

    Viruses do not mutate on their own; they are not alive. A host is required for mutation to occur. Any mutation of COVID-19 is no longer COVID-19.


    The result is a "variant" (IOW, COVID-19 now has "a brother"). This new variant is no longer COVID-19, but is something else... likely another member of the SARS-CoV series...

    Yes, except there is no such thing as "original COVID-19". There is only COVID-19 itself. Delta and Omicron are no longer COVID-19. They both are variants. They both are something else entirely. I would suppose that they are two more viruses in the SARS-CoV series of viruses (SARS-CoV-3 & SARS-CoV-4??) ...

    Instead, now we're playing word games about "variants" of "a variant" in order to maintain the "brand" of COVID-19 that is "oh so scary". A different name (calling it something other than COVID-19) doesn't allow the COVID-19 name to continue and doesn't allow that particular fear mongering to continue. IOW, this plannedemic is all about promoting a fear-based brand rather than adhering to science.

    Yes. In other words, a vaccine for the H1N1 strain of influenza is not a vaccine for the H3N2 strain of influenza. Likewise, a vaccine for the COVID-19 strain of coronavirus is not a vaccine for the Omicron strain of coronavirus.

    ... except VAERS reports are through the roof with regard to the COVID jabs (compared to all other jabs).

    Indeed, and that's the choice I've made.


    In my case, it doesn't matter. I am young and healthy, and have a well functioning immune system. I all but never get sick with anything. I see no reason to risk side effects and would rather get natural exposure to COVID (and now Delta and Omicron).

    I agree. There is no reason for someone who already has COVID immunity to get a COVID vaccine.

    I wouldn't go that far, but I'd say that exposure in that manner is typically preferable than exposure to "the real deal" for such people, if they wish to get jabbed.

    For EVERYONE it should be optional.

    Clinical tests that aren't done in a scientific manner are unscientific... not my rejection of such clinical tests (or of the faulty conclusions that are drawn from tests).

    The more that government stays out of, the better. Unfortunately, any power that We The People give to the government (or that the government usurps from We The People) is never freely given back.

    That's why the mask bullshit should have been vehemently opposed right from the start. Many more people should have acted as I did and refused to wear it (at least during their own time). I still to this day refuse to wear it. Many more people should have also joined me in refusing to comply with vaccine mandates (or even refusing to be coerced into getting a vaccine). Many more people should be aware that these vaccines (and the push to get them into as many arms as possible) are not at all about people's health/safety, but rather about being able to implement a vaccine passport system (as we are already seeing happen in LA, NYC, Chicago, Boston, etc., and soon to a place near you!) ...

    It is all about politics... It is all about money, power, and control.
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  14. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    GFM, excellent work! :applause:
    gfm7175 likes this.
  15. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Multiple jabs don't discriminate, either.
  16. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Thank you kindly. I've devoted a lot of time into the COVID topic, so I've been trying to get people to realize the true "aim of the COVID game" and to realize that the common "in your face" information they are getting spoon fed is largely just a complete crock of crap.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
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  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    “As my doctor made clear to me, my fully vaccinated status - and the booster I received in early October - have rendered the infection much more mild than it would otherwise have been. And I am grateful for that,” Austin said.

    a well-trained immune system.... better odds of winning the battle
  18. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    There's not much of a battle for a robust immune system to defeat a virus with a 99% survival rate.

    Austin and his doctor are as well-indoctrinated as POTUS.
  19. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    the 1% would disagree
  20. Arleigh

    Arleigh Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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