A private investigation reveals that the Social Security Number being used by Barack Obama does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to verify whether or not prospective employees have the required authorization to work legally in the United States. http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=344461 Wong and CO, please debunk? For, I myself cannot
Self Check doesn't work in Illinois, Obama's state of residence. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=2ec07cd67450d210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD Moreover, to use Self Check, you need to (correctly) enter information which I doubt any birther knows. If you got to that screen, it means you entered in an incorrect state (again, since it doesn't work in Illinois). Finally, given the nonsense that has gone on with Obama's SSN, it's no surprise that number has been flagged. Looking at the larger picture, there's no political advantage to be gained by using a fake SSN, and Obama's citizenship has been independently verified on dozens of occasions, so there's obviously nothing sinister or problematic about this. Debunked. Moving on.
Wait, I take that back. The person who created this is a fraud, and the document is fabricated. When I put Obama's information into the Self Check system, I get this screen (attachment below)...
Doesn't matter as the document is fake. But if you look at the link, it says Self Check is not available in Illinois. Again, though, doesn't matter. It's a fake. Birthers lie yet again.
Holy crap, Councillor, do you mean to tell that you've actually went onto the Government official website and impersonated Barack Obama? Is not it illegal? LoL, don't answer that, it is very obvious it is... I appreciate you zeal in quashing every attempt at questioning Obama's past, but for the member of legal profession whom you claim to be to so openly break the laws... Jesus
What's to debunk? The system has flagged the President's Social Security Number. We all know why. What exactly is your confusion?
The confusion is in the reason: SSA found a discrepancy in the record. Care to speculate what's the discrepancy may be?
No, I didn't. Please... "impersonate"? LOL Not even one page on this thread and you're already so out of gas you need to resort to personal attacks. Typical.
Why should we? The page is likely just made up. Would you care to speculate as to how "discrepancies" in someone's Social Security number can help get them elected President? In all this bull(*)(*)(*)(*) about his number you can't seem to explain that. Assuming the President is using a "fake" SSN, why??? What would that do?
Who says there needs to be a discrepancy? There is a flag... not necessarily a discrepancy. The most obvious reason he would be flagged is because Birthers have been irresponsibly posting his SSN all over the Internet for years now. Orly herself has been scolded again and again by Judge Lambreth concerning her irresponsible publication of the President's SSN. You think the army of Birther flying monkeys constantly trying to access the president's information did not become obvious to the SSA when this all started? There is even a very good chance that SSA has issued him a new SSN by now. Earlier this month I noticed this testimony to the Ways and means Committee: But even if he hasn't changed his number... we can see that the list of reasons for such a flag offered by Orly is far from complete. I also note that Orly has proved again that this is the number Obama filed his income taxes with. The IRS checks SSNs on income tax filings every year. They seem quite satisfied that the number is valid. Go figure?
And if you are so convinced that this is evidence of anything, please go ahead and march into your local FBI office and file a complaint. And report it to the SSA.
Well this took me 15 seconds to find on the E verify website: USCIS is releasing the Self Check service in phases. At this point the service is offered only to users that maintain an address in Arizona, California, Colorado, the District of Colombia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, or Washington. The availability of Self Check will be limited for the initial launch as the service is tested and improved upon based on the outcomes of the initial implementation. Since Self Check is not available for residents of Illinois- matter of fact it won't even let you proceed with Self Check unless you show a residence in one of the above States or DC.- pray tell how there could be a legitimate mismatch for President Obama? What state of residence do you believe he had? Just the usual Birther bat guano. WND has to sell its products somehow.
Oh and by the way, since I live in California, I was able to confirm that I am eligible to work in the U.S.! Did you bother to go through the Self Check Dutch? The ID questions were not that tough- probably anyone from my family or my very close friends could have answered them.
Did you not write this several posts back? "When I put Obama's information into the Self Check system, I get this screen (attachment below)..." I rest my case
Read again - Government record says there's a discrepancy. Not the flag, the discrepancy. What does it mean - go figure?
Did. And found no discrepancies there. But of course with Obama, his whole life is one big discrepancy, is it not?
The meaning of word "discrepancy": A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts. The meaning of being flagged: 1. Mark (an item) for attention or treatment in a specified way. 2. Draw attention to. So, read the record again - US Government flagged Obama's self-check social security record because of discrepancy. Insert multiple "duh" here
was it a red flag ?? LOL i'm sure it's just a coincidence.. hey orly's meeting with lamar's people, 'bout time... i mean it might be lamar's people, somebody... make sure you guys call your congressmen..
Yeah. That's one definition. Good for you. You can use a dictionary. Your mom must be very proud. Now... back in the real world... when a system designer creates a set of generic categories for reporting purposes, sometimes they can be just a teeny bit imprecise. You yourself are simply beside yourself, wringing your hands in anxious concern over the ambiguity... pretty much acknowledging the imprecision here. But what do we know from the other categories that aren't checked? 1. It's not a mismatch between the SSN and Obama's name or birth date. Because that category is not checked. 2. It's not an invalid SSN. Because that category is not checked. 3. It's not an inability to confirm citizenship, because that category is not checked. and 4. It's not an inability of the SSA to process the data, because that category is not checked. The category that is checked? "Other reason." That's right. "Other reason" The generic category into which you toss in everything you couldn't think of when doing the design. Like, maybe, when a file is flagged because nut job flying monkeys have been abusing the system. So... the bottom line is that whatever the reason this did not verify (and we all actually know why it didn't) the SSA has verified that the SSN is valid, it belongs to Obama, and he is a citizen. Gosh.... it sucks to be a Birther. Still Yes.... that would be an "Other reason." You're welcome.