Doubt very, very much; in fact, if there was a way to wager money on the anonymous internet board, I'd risk substantial amount against you being a pure partisan at best, Obamabot at the worst. Constitution? Yea, right
Under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution obama isn't even a citizen. Even if he was born on US soil. Of which, there is no proof of that.
except back here in the real world, you've been shown over and over again how and why your interpretation of the 14th A is completely wrong. the entire US judiciary has repeatedly shot down your definition.
You were the one who made the claim that other candidates had provided their birth certificate. When that was challenged you said: "But Michelle Bachmann was quick to produce one, even though she may not become a candidate after all" So we challenged that....and your response? Whats the big deal. I guess that sums up your attitude to your claims. "Whats the big deal if what I said is false?" "Whats the big deal that I just assume that everyone other than Obama is eligible?" "Whats the big deal about the truth?"
Well aside from the dubious veracity of some of what you claim....American voters had heard about them and made their choices. And not one of those things has anything to do with eligibility or birth certificates. Why am I not surprised when you can't defend the hypocrisy of demanding ridiculous levels of veracity as to Barack Obama's birth in the U.S. while blithely assuming that all the other candidates were born here, without a shred of evidence, you once again try to change the subject to something else.
LOL... The big deal is that your obvious hypocrisy has been exposed, yet again. Not only did you not demand that all GOP candidates, or anyone other than Obama, release their birth certificate, you claimed that some candidates had, and when it was pointed out to you that they hadn't, you said it's not a "big deal." And in relation to writing her and requesting one: So, again, I ask: Where's your thread about how she won't release her birth certificate? Oh, wait, she's white and Republican. Never mind.
Although I do not believe it merits a separate thread, I hereby demand for Bachmann to release her Birth certificate. Here, let me repeat it again - Michele, where's your birth certificate?
Dubious veracity?? Which of my 3 claims is a lie - that Ayers is a domestic terrorist, Wright is an America hating pastor, or Rezko is in jail?
So one anonymous poster on the internet has requested Michele Bachmann's birth certificate, and she hasn't mailed a certified notarized original copy to every man woman and child on Earth? In birther "logic", this is 100% absolute proof she's an ineligible usurper.
Great- I look forward to you pursuing her birth certificate with the same intellectual curiousity as you have displayed towards Obama. I look forward to seeing the threads you start requesting her birth certificate- the one you already claimed she had released. If a miracle happens and she is elected, I expect to see you claiming she has never proven her eligiblity for the following 4 years. Me- I just assume she is just as eligible as Obama.
That Obama is a political protégé of Ayers. That Obama is 'the first affirmative action president' Of course the Media had quite a field day with Wright...I always love how the Obama haters claim that the media never reported about Wright when is was front page news for several days. Implying that the media ignored Wright is of course false also.
Of course Media "reported about Wright when is was front page news for several days", and the 70mln voters chosen to ignore this fact... and of course Obama is a political protégé of Ayers - well known fact. But here's something interesting concerning Obama's eligibility: You JEFF always enjoy saying how' 70mln American voters have spoken, right? 70 mln American voters ignored the fact Obama's political mentor is a toilet blowing domestic terrorist. 70 mln American voters ignored the fact Obama's spiritual mentor is an America hating preacher 70 mln American voters ignored the fact Obama's is a junior senator with only 2 years of political experience Right? Of course right. So, if 70 mln American voters ignored all these troubling facts about Obama, why should they concern themselves with such unimportant peculiarity as a possible ineligibility to serve as a president?
She'll produce her birth certificate, worry not JEFF. And if she won't, you'll be the first to raise hell, so I am not worrying about her getting more favorable treatment then Obama. But guess what? When she does produce it, it won't have layers, and it won't have different fonts
Once again- Dutch is showing that Birthers cannot seperate "Fact" from "speculation, innuendo and outright lies". Dutch simply cannot tell the difference between the claims of Obama opponents and "facts". It is part of the Birther delusion. But here's something interesting concerning Obama's eligibility: You JEFF always enjoy saying how' 70mln American voters have spoken, right? 70 mln American voters ignored the fact Obama's political mentor is a toilet blowing domestic terrorist. Actually voters ignored this anti-Obama propaganda 70 mln American voters ignored the fact Obama's spiritual mentor is an America hating preacher Actually the voters ignored this anti-Obama propaganda 70 mln American voters ignored the fact Obama's is a junior senator with only 2 years of political experience Actually American voters knew that this was a lie. What they decided was that he had enough experience to vote for him. And that they preferred him over the Republican John McCain. Once again, Dutch is unable to seperate between political opinion and eligibility. Dutch cannot understand why the voters didn't believe the anti-Obama propaganda and chose to vote for him, rather than McCain. It is part of the Birther delusion. The voters ignored the rest of the Birther propaganda too. Which is why the public, the Electoral College, Congress and Chief Justice Roberts never believed that there was any possible ineligibility. Not surprised that a Birther would prefer to assume that a few dozen crank Birthers have the secret decoder ring for the correct interpretation of the Constitution, while the majority of American voters are just saps. After all, Birthers have been trying to get the courts to perform an unconstitutional judicial coupe for 3 years now.
Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it? a) When we pointed out that Birthers are hypocrites because they dont' care and have never cared about any candidates eligiblity other than Barack Obama you claimed that 'several candidates' had shown theirs. b) When challenged on that you said Michelle Bachmann had shown her Birth Certificate. c) When challenged on that you told us to go ask her for her BC. d) Now you claim she will produce it. So we are still back to Birthers are hypocrites because they don't care about the eligiblity of any candidate other than Barack Obama. That Barack Obama is the only candidate currently in the race who has proven his birth in the U.S., and Dutch and his fellow travellers don't care. He claims she will produce her birth certificate.....someday....because well...because Dutch just assumes she will just as Dutch assumes she is eligible but assumes Barack Obama is not. And then Dutch claims I will be demanding her birth certificate- after I already said, no I will not. I assume she is eligible- even though I have never seen her birth certificate- just as I assumed GW and Clinton were eligible. But Obama is the only candidate I have seen actual evidence of eligibility. If Bachmann by some miracle is elected, not a single Birther will be demanding she prove she is eligible. That is because for Birthers it has never been about eligibility it has always been only about Barack Obama. Which is another reason why it sucks to be a Birther.
Say what? Do you mean to say, you're not going to raise hell if Bachmann gets on the ticket without producing her birth certificate even though people still question Obama's eligibility, and going to keep your mouth shot? That I want to see
You call this anti-Obama propaganda? [ame=""]Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God (*)(*)(*)(*) America" - YouTube[/ame] I call this one of the reasons Obama is who he is - a product of 20 years of being mentored by America hating, racist preacher. And yes, this has everything to do with eligibility - 70mln voters who ignored Obama's close association with America hating pastor and toilet blowing domestic terrorist also don't give a (*)(*)(*)(*) about Obama's funny looking birth certificate. And why should they - all of them had their agenda. Some voted by the color of their skin; some voted to satisfy their own bleeding hearts what's with being good liberals and electing America's first black president... most voted straight democratic ticket country be (*)(*)(*)(*)... and no-one voted for Obama because of his leadership skills and potential good he can do for this country. You liberals are so predictable, so easy to make fun of... it is good being a birther
Thank you for being honest - as I've always said, you need only to keep quashing any concern about Obama's eligibility, as directed from the Center