... but great courage is being shown by the residents of Quito. https://www.ft.com/content/54058238-f810-11e6-bd4e-68d53499ed71 Tension mounts in Ecuador as election is too close to call Those of you who pray......... please say one because my wife is from Quito and she is expecting people to die before this is resolved. The people of Ecuador are tired of the corruption. Ecuador was described by a friend of mine as "the Switzerland of third world nations" but corruption on the part of politicians leave the common people of the nation relatively poor in comparison to what is certainly possible in such a nation with such abundant natural resources.
I just got permission to quote one of my wife's friends on what is happening in Ecuador: Michael Bliemsrieder March 30 at 1:18pm · ..... Michael Bliemsrieder April 2 at 10:46pm ·
After teaching English in Quito, for over a year........ I am kind of thinking that I should perhaps begin planning a trip to Ecuador for over the summer while I am laid off from my ten month job. Michael Bliemsrieder
People of Ecuador..... I would like to introduce you to an online friend of mine originally from Cuba.... who I believe may be able to assist you to minimize the danger that you are in. https://www.facebook.com/groups/202052250210741/ One Billion Strong for Donald Trump. Marlon Lopez:
I agree..... https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/13/...he-right-to-a-recount.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0 Ecuadoreans Have the Right to a Recount
I have a suggestion on how ordinary people from Ecuador can do something effective and constructive about your situation. 1. Show President Donald Trump and his team how your situation is relevant to him, and to all American citizens. Here is one possible angle on how to do this: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...s-early-as-2016.397835/page-8#post-1067354662 Should AboveAlpha allow us to set him up for the office of POTUS as early as 2016? my reply to Jrr777:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/202052250210741/permalink/324030851346213/ One Billion Strong for Donald Trump. Dennis Tate Nova Scotia, Canada April 20, 2017 President Donald J. Trump Dear Mr. President: I lived in Quito, Ecuador from January of 2012 to August of 2002. As you know, there are some serious problems with this latest election there. Ecuador is very pro-USA. They use the USA Dollar as their official currency. This could not have happened in Colombia where anti-American sentiment is much higher. Many well informed Americans fear a possible attempt to devalue the USA Dollar. I believe that that attempt will fail, but the level of influence possessed by the people planning this indicates that this threat should NOT be taken for granted. I see a possible way to address both the situation in Ecuador as well as the possible devaluation of the Dollar at the same time. Thank you for considering this option Sir. God bless you. Dennis Tate p.s. I have a suggestion on how ordinary people from Ecuador can do something effective and constructive about your situation. 1. Show President Donald Trump and his team how your situation is relevant to him, and to all American citizens. Here is one possible angle on how to do this:
Here is a good English language update on what is happening in Venezuela....... which gives us an idea of what could happen in Ecuador. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10155280972195238
The mindset of the new aristocracy needs to be understood. One thing is clear to me: they hate Gd, love idols, hate freedom, want delinquency. The father of this new anti-religion is probably Marx. Could be he was one of the Egyptians that was altered at Mt Sinai and has all the powers of a Jew almost, but he loves money (idols). Non Jews that give charity are absolutely as deserving and loved by Gd as Jews are, but they do not have the other obligations of the priesthood (and without a doubt, less direct influence, however Gd notices every effort of every man). Peace, like Shabbat requires the participation of these two lights which are one and the same in value. The New Aristocracy is by definition anti-Shabbas! The people of Israel, the priests are united and therefore the charitable non Jewish world will certainly be successful in bringing the bones of Rabbi Nachman to Israel inspite of the Israeli Government (as secular as possible under the circumstances).
As you know.... I am hoping to be walking the streets of Sderot by 2020 or 2021....... but I can't just pick up and go without my wife......... she needs to feel the calling to go there as well............... On page two of this discussion I put forward a pretty heavy challenge....... Could a Utah State Dollar save the USA Dollar?
My apologies for getting into this Mordecai....... but I do feel that it needs to be done.......... It is a historical fact that about 86% of the members of the Bolshevik Party in Russia....... were Jewish.......... and of course centuries of pogroms...... holocausts...... the Spanish Inquisition...... and variations on that theme in all Christian nations......... had them a little bit angry.............. They knew that Russia could not be converted to Judaism....... so they decided on Atheism instead.......... ...... and they were able to orchestrate a holocaust on tens of millions of Russian Christians during the Stalin era alone........... President Putin for all his many, many, many flaws.... seems to be a massive improvement over the calibre of the leaders who came before him........ Russia and its influence on Mideast terrorism...
I really do believe those predictions about President Trump having some sort of "Mantle of Cyrus" and that Isaiah 45 will be fulfilled in astonishing ways during his eight years in office....... (G-d willing)! USA dollars..... printed or coined in Ecuador....... could finance what could be termed a..... "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems." Can the F-35 play a role in world peace?
I am of the belief that President Donald J. Trump and his team will deal quite brilliantly with the 4.3 Trillion USA Petro-dollars that could be dumped on the markets in 2018. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/jamie-baillie-nova-scotia-israel-and-jordan.506627/ Jamie Baillie, Nova Scotia, Israel and Jordan.
Yes.... and I am seeing a way in which problems all over the world can be addressed by an increase in Ecuadorian, Canadian, Israeli, American and Jordanian cooperation on some common problems that we face. Because Ecuador uses the American dollar as their official currency... they are in a position to do something huge toward making all coastal communities of the earth safer........ at the same time that they address a plan that could devalue the USA petro -dollar. M. P. Bill Casey... President Trump has a 4.3 trillion dollar problem.... ... that you and the people of Cumberland - Colchester are in a perfect position to assist him with.
He did great regarding the Golan....... so I am expecting he will do well regarding Venezuela and Ecuador as well.