They are right - no one is able to be happy while other human beings are living in a hell. If you really think in the way you are speaking about this problem then you lost something worthful in your human soul. Once I looked for two years no television because I was tired about this continuous stream of violence. After 2 years I switched it on again - and immediatelly my eyes were full of tears, because they reported about a young woman who was murdered in Hamburg - hundreds of miles away. It was unbelievable painful to hear this story and I was full of sorrow for this completly unknown human being and her family. I would say this sensitivity is the normal sensitivity of all human beings if they try to live in the near of god. And I would say: What you are saying is separating you from god and this is your hell. If someone would be an absolutelly holy person - without any sin - then he would prefer to live for eternity in hell and he would try to bring his peace to the souls suffering there. .... Popcorn are a good idea. Crunch. Very good idea. An idea from red indians. ... Fine guys. Crunch. ...
My advice: don't be a literal, conservative, fundamentalist Christian. Either reject Christianity, or be a liberal Christian that can be a part of a 21st century dialogue.
Why do you think "bible evil acts" is a traditional fundamental Christian like I am one?
I heard the Koran speaks about 72 virgins a man will meet if he comes to heaven. One male person who comes to heaven per 72 dead virgins sounds plausible for everyone who knows more about the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) species also called "men". So I would not be astionished about if this would be true. Unfortunatelly the ethymology of this expression seems to have something to do with 72 grapes. But okay: Also not bad to get some fresh fruits in heaven.
The bible says you won't be the same in heaven. You will know everyone but not the way you knew them on earth. There is no male/female and you won't be married. You will see people as a collection of their evil/good deeds.
Concrete Question: Would you send Hitler for 25 billion years in his own hell or forever? I thought that's maybe the problem for atheists. This "forever" without any chance to change anything anymore seems to be the problem for them. On the other side they don't have any problem to be forever dead.
I wasn't meaning to say you were one. I was just saying literal fundamentalists have major problems when they hold to inerrancy.
I am a traditional fundamental Christian. Inerrancy is the normal psychological situation of every person in the western world - maybe even in all other cultures. It's for example your problem to use an abstract expression like "literal fundamentalists". This gives your psychological structure the illusion you would know somehting about Marc Snyder (better to say about all Marc Snyders) who is/are an element of this population called "literal fundamentalists" (if such a population is not only a kind iof self fullfuilliung prophecy as an effect of such thoughts) . Another example: Lots of people in the world - specially Europeans, Atheists and Muslims - were attacking George W. Bush because of his christian ideas and identity - while in the same time I - as a traditional and fundamental Christian - never had any idea what George W. Bush could have to do with the christian religion at all. I would not say that he is not a Christian - this I don't know - but I would also not say that he lived in christian visions. I saw in him only a inconsequent spitlicker of Saudi Arabia and the philosophy "pragmatism" - what is sometimes only another word for "social darwinism".
I'm more concerened about this lamb thing. Does that mean we can't eat them anymore? Does the same apply to cows?
I believe everyone who ends up in heaven is stripped of all of their sin. Which means they are stripped of all of their memories. Once in heaven nobody has a mother, father, or sister, but they are all brothers. Plus they'll be experiencing the maximum amount of ecstasy possible. ie. they'll be a bunch of Amoeba's reciting "joy" over and over again.
Let me ask you something else: if you believe that the theory of evolution is a true theory then you know that all animals are your brothers and sisters. How are you able to eat animals if you don't like to be not a broken person in this world here? Either you are ignoring your knowledge or this what you are calling knowledge is not really important for you. Is knowledeg without taking right consequences really knowledge at all?
How could you? You don't believe in hell. There's an old statement of Christians that people who don't believe in hell are in danger to be on the short way to hell. Hitler is maybe a very good example. I don't think he believed in hell - he was hell.
My father will always be my father and my mother will always be my mother and I'm sure I will meet my sister also in heaven - or hell - but I will meet her, if there's a life after life. And I know people who are living in the hope never to meet their brothers in heaven or hell. And if any Borg collective likes to give me a life full of ecstasy instead of truth after my death then I hope I will find a way to kill this entity.