In the pursuit of the millennium, the poor are just collateral damage. Germany’s Fridays For Future Spokesperson: “We’re Planning How To “Blow Up” African Oil Pipeline! By P Gosselin on 14. June 2022 Share this... Rich, privileged (white) eco-fanatic says her group is thinking about “how to ” blow up huge African oil pipeline! Most of Europe’s climate activists come from rich families, who lavish in all the amenities the fossil fuel economy offers. No exception to this are Sweden’s Greta Thunberg, and Luisa “Longhaul” Neubauer of Germany. Hat-tip: Junge Freiheit. Not only are they spoiled rich, leading pampered lives, but they’re also becoming dangerously fanatic it appears and even feel entitled to tell poor countries what they can and cannot have. Recently Longhaul Luisa, spokesperson for Fridays for Future Germany, posted Sunday on Instagram with her Fridays for Future mates joking how right now they are planning on how to blow up” an African oil pipeline that will immensely improve the lives of among the world’s most needy. “Of course we are thinking about how to blow up” the longest crude oil pipeline in the world, she professed on Instagram on Sunday. . . .
MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Rejects ‘Climate Change’ As ‘A Quasi-Religious Movement Predicated on An Absurd ‘Scientific’ Narrative’ Guest Blogger This all leaves us with a quasi-religious movement predicated on an absurd ‘scientific’ narrative. . . . Click to access 2022-09-22-Lindzen-global-warming-narrative.pdf
Dark money at work. Elite Billionaire Foundations Fund Wave of Green Climate Propaganda Flooding into British Schools Guest Blogger …flooding into British schools, funded, it would appear, by the dark green money of elite billionaire foundations . . .
For climate true believers of the Climate Inquisition, ignorance is a choice. Climate Change Weekly #461: Answering the Climate Inquisition Guest Blogger Having closed their minds to evidence and even the mere possibility that humans might not be causing a climate catastrophe, the CI not only refuses to debate or engage climate…
Climate alarmists are quite willing to lie to attack skeptics. Kevon Martis Responds to ‘Heated’ Ad Hominem Guest Blogger Climate exaggeration and extremism is okay, but not Martis’s fact-based presentations and follow-up that exposes the economic and ecological downsides of government-enabled, dilute, intermittent energy sources. . . .
Claim: A Majority of Voters believe Climate Change is a False Religion Eric Worrall “… the climate religion actually has nothing to do with the climate. It is all about power, control, dominion and apologizing for America’s own success. …”
DANIEL MCCARTHY: Climate Science Makes A Bad Religion Guest Blogger The fact that the politics of climate science so closely mirrors religious apocalypticism ought to prompt some reflection. . . .
The pursuit of the millennium justifies all manner of falsehoods. Climate driven “Noble Cause Corruption” goes way back Guest Blogger The attitude of the Green Climate establishment means that they consider themselves entitled to use any Deception or Fraud to emphasise their “Virtuous and Righteous Cause”: to save the planet…
I read "Searching for the Disaster Signal" a few months ago. Should be required reading for those that throw "denier" around. The last few chapters depicting the tough of war between politicians trying to use climate as a tool to implement major cultural and political changes vs scientists still look of the data that would prove AGW - are amazing and revealing.
The climate zealotry continues. Claim: Climate Change is “An intergenerational crime against humanity” Eric Worrall The persistent and damaging academic campaign of climate fearmongering is the “intergenerational crime” which history will remember. . . .
Yeah, I know. You insist on waiting until earth is unlivable to finally decide that, yep, climate did change to something unlivable.
There is no credible evidence -- none -- that CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use could ever possibly make the earth "unlivable," or even modestly less livable.
Changes thus far have been beneficial. Your eschatological imaginings are a problem for you to solve.
Right. Wildfire destroying whole towns, hurricanes and tornadoes with record power destroying property and killing people, drought and lake drying up like Detroit Lake in Oregon, polar ice melting out from under polar bears, permafrost melting and releasing methane, . . . they're all very beneficial.
There has been no increase in wildfires, hurricanes or tornadoes (Neither intensity nor frequency). No increase in drought or polar ice loss (increasing in Antarctica). No extra methane from permafrost. Meanwhile, CO2 driven greening is increasing crop yields.
Really are you that unaware the Planet Earth thinks the additional CO2 is great for life on the world from NASA: Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds Excerpt: From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25. An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States. LINK
No, he is being factually true and your lack of a counterpoint against his statement indicate you have nothing to offer.
Your claims are nothing but absurd and disingenuous garbage with no basis in fact. Acreage burned in wildfires has declined sharply since the 19th century. There is no credible empirical evidence that storms have become either more frequent or more powerful; and although (thanks to the availability of clean, cheap, safe, convenient, and reliable fossil fuels) there are certainly a lot more people and property around to be destroyed and killed, there is no credible empirical evidence that a greater proportion of them somehow end up in the paths of powerful storms. The distribution of precipitation in local areas continues to be statistically normal. That means some places are wetter than normal, others are drier. That is an inherent property of the expected random statistical variation in local weather and climate. Although it has declined sharply since the end of the mid-20th century cooling period 50 years ago, arctic sea ice extent is now effectively at the same level as 80 years ago, before the cooling trend. Polar bear numbers declined sharply after cheap, effective army surplus rifles became available to the Inuit after WW I, but have increased steadily since the introduction of various regulations to discourage hunting of them. Permafrost melted much more during the Medieval Warm Period and Holocene Optimum. Nothing bad happened as a result.
No you don't. My education and work experience was in science and you are a science denier. Andd so we see that as I said, you'll say anything to maintain your far right line.