Evidence reveals Obama's "official " birth certificate was actually photo-shopped!

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by James Cessna, Jan 30, 2012.

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  1. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    OK, but, only because you say so...


    You mean the one that is proven to be bull(*)(*)(*)(*) in ALL of the articles I linked?


    See, you don't have to find the truth when it's already out there...

    It's when you disagree with the truth that you have to dig for bull(*)(*)(*)(*), and, that seems to be your M.O...
  2. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Except that the governor of Hawaii (a Republican by the way) has already asserted that the BC is valid. Therefore, all this nonsense is costing the taxpayer truck loads of money in legal expenses. Then, they blame liberals for their high tax bills!
  3. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Well, we've seen here the "Nairobi" BC is fake, because it says so right on it.

    We know that the "Bomford" BC is fake, because the hoaxer fessed up to it publicly.

    And we know that the eBay BC is fake because it 1) comes from a convicted forger, and 2) is signed by a "Chief Administrator" that did not become Chief Administrator until several months later.

    So... are there any others that need to be reviewed?
  4. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Ok, go to Snopes right now and find ONE link discrediting him or even catching him in a lie. ONE, that's all we need. I'll give you a week, you'll need it.

    And the truth is, Obama is a fraud. you're just in denial.

    So everything pinning Obama down as a fraud is not true, but everything gloating for him is true? Is that what you're telling me?

    I can deal with the fact he's not a Natural born American or that his very first job was given to him by none other than Henry Kissinger at his firm Kissinger & Associates, a known Tri-lateralist. but can you deal with those truths? I don't think so.

    here's a link for you to look at, let's see if you disagree

    Also, here IS Kissinger stating how Obama is the perfect person to bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER. :popcorn:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BzOQg4cS5E"]Henry Kissinger about Obama and The New World Order - YouTube[/ame]

    Let me know when you wake up, the resistance is in full throttle mode.

    catch up
  5. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    AND we know the Hawaiian BC is fake. so many youtubers proving that. Now Sheriff Arpaio is on board exposing it as a fraud too

    but I get it. you don't believe that one...lol
  6. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    They debunk urban legends...

    I gave you Politifact as well...

    They have plenty of Obama statements rated False...

    But, anyway,


    This is a segment about him voting against raising the debt ceiling, and he has since come out in favor of it...

    I don't know if that will qualify as the lie you're looking for, but, it certainly shows him switching stances on a subject (imagine a politician doing that), and is not really in his favor at all...

    Denial of bull(*)(*)(*)(*), yes...

    I don't recall ever saying everything in favor of him is true, so, let's not make (*)(*)(*)(*) up...

    But, all the birther nonsense, complete horse(*)(*)(*)(*), and has been shown to be such...

    But, he is a Natural Born Citizen, so, you fail right off the bat there...

    Oh God, the New World Order...


    Spare me that nonsense...
  7. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    There is absolutely NOTHING proving the Hawaiian BC to be a fake...



    Sheriff Arpaio!?

    Extra LOLz for you sir...

    He's exposed absolutely nothing, except how gullible birthers are...

    But, we didn't need him to do that...

    We already knew...
  8. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    LOL... Did you read WKA's post translating the watermark on the "certificate"? Yeah, I typed it into Google translate. Hysterical.
    How about this source:

    In particular, this:

    I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai‛i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i
    Hawai'i official press release, 7/27/09

    Or, regarding the so-called "long" birth certificate:
    Both documents [long form and 2008 short form] are legally sufficient evidence of birth in the State of Hawai'i, and both provide the same fundamental information: President Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawai„i at 7:24 p.m. on August 4, 1961, to mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Hussein Obama.
    Hawai'i official press release, 4/27/11

    Of course, there's a lot of vagueness there about his origins... :roll:

    So, now that I've provided that information, would you please answer the question I have been asking birthers over and over with no response?

    Please explain to me how the birth certificate is forged or fake, when the Hawaiian Department of Health, the party in charge of making and keeping that record, has certified on numerous occasions that it is absolutely real and that their records confirm Obama's Hawaiian birth.

    I don't even need evidence at this point - just try to give me a plausible scenario whereby that would happen.
  9. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Says who? the photoshopped BC or Obama himself?

    and how ironic that his mom and dad are dead now so we can never really now where this guy was born.

    See what I mean, if it's face fact true, you deny it. Henry tells you in his own words no less and you still deny it.

    I get it.
  10. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    You're starting to wake up. that's awesome. clues are like bread crumbs.

    one word ....MONEY

    That's really all it takes these days. Money trumps integrity in this instance. I can't even respect the Hawaii health department now. They are in on the fraud. Who can make them tell the truth? nobody, not even the Supreme Court if summoned. so much tampering and fraudulent moves by the Hawaii Gov. she's damaged in the integrity department.

    And what's also very strange. why place his birth in Hawaii? and not say Kansas or Chicago?

    I know...I know...they "say" that's where Ann Dunham gave birth to him. but since she's long gone dead how can we be so sure about that?

    Are there any records for Ann Dunham checking into a hospital to have Barry? should be, right?

    Let's dig.
  11. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Of course, this is further evidence of your own confirmation bias.

    You claim you would accept statements from his parents, were they alive, because you know such statements are unattainable. However, if such statements were made, you would dismiss them as biased.

    Please explain to me how the birth certificate is forged or fake, when the Hawaiian Department of Health, the party in charge of making and keeping that record, has certified on numerous occasions that it is absolutely real and that their records confirm Obama's Hawaiian birth.

    I don't even need evidence at this point - just try to give me a plausible scenario whereby that would happen.
  12. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Notice how you went into full Birther copout mode...

    Also, you wouldn't be able to obtain those records, since hospitals can't just release records to anyone...

    But, I'm sure you already know that...

    At least I hope so...
  13. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    And you have what evidence of this?

    So, to be clear, your plausible scenario is that a Republican governor of Hawaii and her Republican underlings were bribed by someone to lie about Obama's birthplace.

    You seriously think that's even plausible?

    More importantly, you think it's more plausible than simply that Obama really was born in Hawaii, and the fools and racists on the internet who say otherwise are simply wrong?

    Come on... You seem intelligent. How can your logic be so faulty on this?

    This type of thinking - the conspiracy ever expanding, now to include essentially the entire government of Hawaii - is simply proof that people like you have descended so far down this rabbit hole you'll never get out.

    Never mind, though. What I asked was a plausible explanation for how the birth certificate is fake. If the Hawaiian DOH is in on the conspiracy, they would simply provide him with a real BC that contains fake information. That means your explanation is not a plausible scenario that would allow for a fake birth certificate.
    Why? You won't accept any evidence that runs counter to your preexisting belief that Obama is ineligible.

    Why would his birth in Hawaii be "stranger" than birth in Kansas or Chicago? Are you saying people born in Hawaii are less American? Or that Hawaiian records are less reliable?
  14. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I applaud your efforts at speaking reason to Horseman but it is a complete lost cause. He is so far off the deep end, I won't even bother. Frankly if you said oranges are orange, if he thought it would affect Obama he would find some bizarre reason why in his mind oranges are not orange.
  15. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Actually no, we don't. I can say with no fear of contradiction from anybody who is a real expert that there are zero signs of forgery or fraud on the birth certificate released by the White House, and that the Arpaio "investigation" is not merely incompetent, but actively dishonest. I'm happy to discuss the details.

    This doesn't even take into account the validation of its authenticity by two consecutive Hawaiian governments, one of each major party.
  16. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    Well, yes both the BC and Obama. But also courts and administrative hearings in 12 cases just over the last three months. I'd be happy to provide the sting cite if you were interested (or could understand it).

    How are dead parents ironic? Mine have been dead since 1997. i fail to find the irony, and I'm usually pretty good at that.

  17. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    That's what we invented birth certificates for.
  18. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    ... still waiting for '' proof '' that the BC is fake ...

    ... and waiting ...

    ... and waiting ...
  19. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    no copout, just objective reasoning. too many holes in his BC story.

    I know you're the type that'll believe anything printed(ie.- Snopes...lol) but that's not me. I like to research deeper than the surface.

    I mean think about it, why are there so few people to get info from on Obama? it's like his handlers have channeled the info so we can only site a few sources..ie- Hawaiian Health Dept. the Hawaiian Gov. and MIchelle and his half-sister. that's it.

    Where are all the people Obama has come in contact with since way back that can vouch for this guy in any manner much lesss a BC?

    For example, YOU probably have, I'm sure, at least 30 different cousins/uncles/aunts and friends that I can contact right now that can vouch for when, where and what time you were born.

    I just find it quite odd that the only people vouching for this guy is the hospital, the Govenor and the Health dept. ALL entities than can be bought off.,

    But what about the friends/cousins/aunts/uncles of Ann Dunham or the friends/cousins/aunts/uncles of Barak Obama Sr.??? where these people at? normal average people that can say "hey, I remember when Ann brought Barack home, he was such a cute little booger"..

    Where are those people at? Where are the average kids that are now grown that went to school with Obama and can vouch for him?

    I dont' wanna hear from his half sister, his wife, Ann's parents or the media outlets.

    The actual truth came when we heard from his Grandmother in Kenya. but She mysteriously died after Obama got elected....hmmmm...

    So there are no "LIVE" sources to vouch for him. all we have is what the Governor and the Health Dept. says
  20. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Also, since 99% of his paternal family lives in Kenya, WHY is the contact with them suppressed? as if they don't know him?

    he grew up there. they know him well.

    Maybe his grandmother's mysterious death was a sign to the rest of the family?

    Speak up on Barack and die?
  21. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    ... still waiting ...
  22. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    All complete bull(*)(*)(*)(*), but, that's you though...
  23. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    What would lead you to hallucinate that contact with them is suppressed?

    You are confused. He never lived there, and never even visited for the first time until he was 26 years old.

    You are very confused. His Kenyan "grandmother" is still very much alive.

    Only in your personal alternative universe it seems.
  24. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Tough questions huh? I know, that's why I asked them.

    See, while you are happy with only 5 sources explaining away this guys' existence. I like to think outside the box and seek a source nobody is expecting to hear from. and I suspect the Obama machine wasn't expecting that so they only prepared for a few sources to respond. His handlers should've paid off at least one more average person to make the lie 360 degrees complete.

    It's not hard to tell he's a fraud.

    Now let me ask you, How many sources can YOU provide that you were indeed born in America? probably about 50 right? same with me. I can get at least 50 people right now that can vouch for where/when and what time I was born. why? because my mom told the whole neighborhood and the neighborhood told the rest of the town. News of babies being born spread fast. even if you don't know the mother or the father or even friends with them.

    Example: this Lady 3 blocks over from my street just gave birth and I know her face, but I don't know her personally, but I found out from her neighbor 2 houses down from her, whom I do know because I shoot basketball with him. So if somebody were to ask me if that lady just had a baby, I can vouch for that child even though I don't know the family at all. Just by word of mouth. NOBODY can vouch for Obama being born in Hawaii but the Hospital? VERY ODD!!!

    Did Ann Dunham or Barack Sr. have any friends at all? that's my point that you can't seem to navigate around.

    Is there ANY sources outside the 5 I just named that can vouch for Obama being bornin Hawaii?

    I know it's a tough question that's why I asked it.

  25. 4Horsemen

    4Horsemen Banned

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Talk of Obama growing up, living and residing in Kenya is suppressed with his Indonesia life. not hard to tell. media doesn't talk about Kenya as much as Indonesia. and neither do you people....LOL...

    And you know this how? Snopes?...LOL...for all we know he was back and forth from Indonesia to Kenya his whole childhood. We don't know.

    I'm speaking of the one that spoke him being born in Kenya. another grandmother maybe? it was somebody elder in his family is all I know.

    YOu speak of Krypton. that's where Obama is from. Not Hawaii.
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