It has to be FALSIFIED?!?! That is completely the opposite of how science works. Please look up "The Scientific Method" and we can move on. I will not disrespect your knowledge, but want you to KNOW why Evolution is a religion. Believe me. You will agree with me after this discussion...
Read your post... You just validated it is a religion. I won't call you out, just read your post, then Google the definition of "Religion". Thank you...
noun 1 a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. 2 a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects:the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion. 3 the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices:a world council of religions. 4 the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.:to enter religion. 5 the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith. 6 something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience:to make a religion of fighting prejudice. Absolutely none of this fits evolution. Zippo. Garnix.
WHAT!?! Please stop saying false evidence. "IF" actual scientist said anything - Name them. You have Google Search. Microbiologist (not all, but over 60%) disagree with evolution. Google it... They deal with gene disreputable characteristics... Wow... If Evolution was real, wouldn't it be over 98% of them? It is a religion... To defy God - Nothing more. It is not science.
I have NO IDEA we what you are talking about... Evolution DOES NOT NEED A STARTER... I have never said it did ever... THEN - CREATIONISM and Evolution are like saying pairs and grapes are the same because they are fruits. Please understand that "Evolution" is a science that hasn't been proven and as become a religion because of that ..
This post seems full of unfinished thoughts I read it several times and I can't make heads or tails of what you're saying here.
Exactly... Facts matter... Provide me the Biologist that proved Evolution as (at least - because it is retarded) as Theory... Case studies and Scientific Method data. Please... I will apologize and call myself an idiot. Stupid... Moronical... Two sheets from a comfortable bed. You tell me... Who are they, who confirmed their findings, and the forthcoming presentation to the scientific community... Please... Google it - should be easy to find... What... You can't find it? Can you find Gravity? How about Black Holes? String Theory? What is HAPPENING? IS EVOLUTION THE ONLY SCIENCE WITHOUT PROPER EVIDENCE TO BECOME A THEORY!? WOW... imagine that...
Evolution is not a religion you could say it's a religious tenant but revolution is no more religion than creationism. The scientific method would be how you would test a theory theoretical nature of evolution means that everybody is certain you can't really test it.
You seem a good person to debate. But... Still dealing with my two mother's dying. I just posted to say that I am not done... Please give me this space and I will be back. Please
I only posted just to be back... My two (2) mother's died... I am a mess. Forgive me - they died WAY to young and it was devistating to me and my family. I apologize for the waiting. I will be back... Promise. (And I can't WAIT to dive into religion as an instructor of wealth and war).
Dude - it is moronic to come into a forum and tell someong "Go to Google and find Evolution 101 somewhere" It is moronic to post a link - (which you did not bother to do) supporting your claims - and doubly moronic to post a link - but not past from that link what you think is important. Last - any biology textbook can tell you about mutations - no need to go to Berkley .. nor is there anything special about Berkley. Here is one simple definition from Google "Mutation, an alteration in the genetic material (the genome) of a cell of a living organism or of a virus that is more or less permanent and that can be transmitted to the cell’s or the virus’s descendants" Because mutations are random changes, they are expected to be mostly deleterious, but some may be beneficial in certain environments. In general, mutation is the main source of genetic variation, which is the raw material for evolution by natural selection" See how easy that was .. you post a link - and quote from that link. Any questions ?
Microbiologists absolutely do NOT disagree with the theory of evolution. There are certainly details that microbiologists don't agree on, but they have to do with stuff like specific mechanisms that result in evolution. You're asking me to prove a negative. If you have any evidence, you need to cite it.
If you want the best, but not perfect rundown of the evidence, I suggest reading this: I'm curious what your reasons are that fossils aren't evidence for evolution. I'm aware of the general creationist issues with the fossils, but I really want to hear your perspective. In some forums, but not all, evolution is placed in the religion section. This is because it tends to be religious communities that are skeptical of evolution. There really isn't a debate about evolution in the scientific area.
I apologize for my hiatus', but family problems took me away. I apologize, and hope we can restart this conversation as Evolution is Faith based since there is no evidence of it being more than a hypothetical biological standard that has not been through the Scientific Method. We may now continue for those who want an intelligent conversation.
Thank you all for your kind words, I lost my step mother then, my biological mother a couple months later. Then to kick the donkey - I lost my dog. Betty Richardson Robinson L. Carolyn Robinson Khan Noonien Singh (Khan from Star Trek) R I P♥️
The Theory of Evolution has had full exposure to scientific method from the very start. Today it is universally accepted as one of the premier theories in all science. Beyond that, I'd point out that this theory is tested every single day, and has been for a couple hundred years. I'm guessing you have some significant misconceptions of how science works.
One current example of evolution in action is that female African elephants evolved to lose their tusks because of poaching = Another example of evolution is that recent humans have evolved with a new artery in their forearms. There used to be two, now there are three.