A guy who supported Romney in Ohio left for Santorum. BIG NEWS FOX says. Leaving out the fact the guy supported Pawlenty 1st..then switched to Romney when Romney surged..and now switches to Santorum when Santorum surges. Has Fox mentioned that Santorum didn't give to charity as much as the others ? Nope. Or that FOX paid Santorum $ 230,000 dollars last year ? and that Santorum earned over a MILLION working in WASHINGTON DC as a consultant ? Nope.. All anti Romney news ..all the time..the conservative station for Santorum. FAKE FOX NEWS.
I think he is saying that the FOX News station that was reserved for Republicans of a certain persuasion is now reserved for Republicans with an alternative persuasion.
I find it rather amusing that Fox news vehemently supported Romney as the best candidate, then dumped him for Santorum when they began to perceive that popular sentiment was turning against the wealthy Romney.
I find it amusing that some find no bias at all in the liberal media when it ic clear they are waving the pom poms 24/7 for Obama - but find what they call bias at Fox News Depsite the fact Fox News has libs on everyday giving their opinions
Ain't that the truth! My wife & I have NPR on every morning. The VERY DAY Obama was inaugurated, NPR changed from saying "The Recession," to saying, "The Recovery." It couldn't have been more obvious - except to people who simply refuse to notice.
Look no further then MSNBC if yu want to see blatant and in your face bias toward a political party and politicians How many conservatives work at MSNBC? Now think how many libs are on Fox News day in and day out
Yea if you are a far left moonbat who does care about truth and facts but only DNC talking points and based on the ratings, not many people pay any attention to DNCTC
You're getting off track as usual.. I could care a rip about who worked when and where as long as it gets reported fairly and in context. Santorum worked for FOX and as A Washington DC consultant. The station only reports a positive spin for him while a negative one toward the other Republican candidates.They are the ultra right wing conservative news station that THEY say is fair and balanced. Fair and balanced would be to report the Romney person switching to Santorum also supported Giving Convicted Felons the right to vote while in the senate ...and many claim it is why he lost his seat as well. Maybe you like giving hardcore convicted felons the right to vote..most conservatives dont. It would be like giving someone convicted of a felony DUI the right to drive again..Just because they didn't drink in prison or kill anybody there either. There are penalties for serious and heinous crime..losing you right to vote is JUST ONE of them... So this guy supports Santorum because Romney's super Pac attacks him on this issue ? I suggest it is political..is public..and there by OK for debate..and these 2 are on the wrong side of that debate. So they attack those attacking their weak position as mean spirited ? No..they use it to deflect their true VOTING RECORD. Santorum NEVER VOTED TO CUT GOVERNMENT spending..ONCE ! I guess the tea Party doesn't have a card check either. NOR does Fox report fair and balanced.
So why bash Fox News - I think they do a fine job of giving both sides While on the other cable nets you get nothing but wave the pom poms for Obama and the Dems
Only if you're a loony, far-right, bedwetting wingnut who still thinks Obama's birth certificate is fake, that Osama Bin Laden is still alive and that his death is a "conspiracy", and that birth control pills are "the work of Satan". Conservatism--much like bedwetting, paranoid schizophrenia, or belief in organized religion--is a clinical mental disorder, and should be treated as such.
To form your opinion based on any one source is folly. Liberals and Conservatives alike should do more research into what it is that they are receiving from these sources. They will only tell you what it is that you need to know to perceive their agenda in the light they would have it cast in. Off topic, A national survey showed that people who watched only Fox news were more disassociated and uninformed of current events than people who watched no cable news at all... wonder why that is...
I watch FOX news everyday and I don't see them favoring any candidate. I think you may by hypersensitive. You want them to report only favorable things about Romney.
OMG!! They are NOT a "News" show. They don't even pretend to be. They are a liberal feeding tube for liberal viewers.
IT'S been 2 days since Santorum reported his taxes.. I'll give anyone 500 credits for a FOX TV NEWS story that led off or reported Santorum gave the least amount of money to his charities. The ticker under their TV shows only ran That a Romney guy deflected to Santorum and his reason why..I GAVE YOU THE REAL REASON. Not Fox. If you listen to FOX they say Santorum has all the momentum after his last 3 big wins. I DARE ANYONE TO SAY I AM WRONG. Fox does not mention some of that momentum had been stopped when Santorum barely got 1000 votes in Maine..and finishes 8 pts behind at CPAC..which was a BID DEAL until Romney won ..again.. Does FOX ever mention the states where Santorum had ZERO support ? Nope..just that he beat Romney in 3 non binding polls. Check CNN for the delegate count.. SINCE FOX wont give it. I'll give another 500 pts to the last time anyone can report what that count was reported by FOX news during the last week... IT wasn't. Santorum has 37 newt has 38 Romney has 127 CNN . You tell me who is ahead. After HIS LAST 2 WINS. Romney.
What's really surprising is we have a media system in this country that takes sides on every story. If you want to hear news that supports your conservative viewpoint, go to Fox; if you want news that supports your liberal viewpoint, go to MSNBC or CNN. Where are people supposed to go for journalism that just covers the facts because we are perfectly capable of thinking for ourselves with some "expert" telling us what to believe? What's even more surprising is that, as a whole, we don't seem to care at all that our media system doesn't practice any kind of objectivity whatsoever.
JOKER.. That's all I wanted..confirmation by conservatives that Fox is and will always be FOR the MOST conservative person. When all the others drop out FOX will be PRO ROMNEY again. I just want the fairness to extend to their insider reporting as well. Romney has NOT 1 news network even reporting the positive Romney delegate count. Even though that's is JUST a number and is FACT..not opinion. They ( fox) try and dead pan the Aspirin deal as a bad joke..by the main guy behind Santorum ..and at a time when this is the most talked about subject driving the news..When Santorum himself wants women to stop using contraceptives..and having sex outside marriage period. While that is an admirable goal...why is this driving him to the top of the polls ? Because on DEBT VOTES and spending HE failed. On Insider influence and peddling power in Washington DC he Failed. On presenting himself as a pickup driving working guy..he failed. Fox cannot report this stuff or face the wrath of the ultra right wingers that pray at that channel for their only news source. Why did Santorum..Huckabee..Palin all go to work at Fox...?? GEE..do the math. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
No thats not why. But you do know how they do that don't you? It's not what you think, they don't get ratings because people like them.
How did you come to that conclusion, was it from MSNBC's sinking ratings or was it from knowing that FOX News continues to have the highest rating among them all with O'Reilly's Factor topping all cable news?