Again for the fifth time I think now... That is not what they are saying. That is what leftists want their statement to mean. There's no basically " and there's sure as heck no" fundamentaly inaccurate " Fundamentally impacting accuracy is as ambiguous as you can get. If it wasn't accurate they would have flat out stated so. They can't because the NSA and CIA have both said it is You just proved my point and the debunking of the entire leftist current panicked position... You see how your inferred opinion of their statement that I quoted was easily twisted? It's child's play. Very slick on their part but they must think we are stupid. Not so
Now leftists take note. THAT there in small print is a statement of fact. That Nunes firmly believes he can support. The FBIs weak omission of facts impacting accuracy statement is not a statement of fact. It's a clear deflection. Why? Because when they get asked for these omitted facts they are going to try and hide behind national security. Thats where they are going with this. It's their only play. Won't work. Congress is pissed. Edit : read the small print again. FISA ABUSE. FISA ABUSE BY WHOM? Oh yes that's the real nut that's gonna get cracked
One isn't being partisan when scolding a subordinate. A subordinate that openly defies a legal superior is rogue and operating illegally. We're speaking of an armed component of our government quibbling with civilian political leadership. I think we're beyond 'memos'.
F' institutional integrity, follow the law. F' their feelings. If they'll let a little pride motivate them to treason then they were bad from the begining.
Straight from the mouth of the agency under Directory Wray, a Trump appointee.
The deep State is in deep panic. New out is that the Obama administration gave Sen. Cardin classified information and tried to widely disseminate the information to undermine Trump.
Democrats who have read the document say Republicans have cherry-picked facts to create a misleading and dangerous narrative. But in their efforts to discredit the inquiry, Republicans could potentially use Mr. Rosenstein’s decision to approve the renewal to suggest that he failed to properly vet a highly sensitive application for a warrant to spy on Mr. Page, who served as a Trump foreign policy adviser until September 2016.....snip~ Now that a number of people at DOJ have examined its contents, elements of the classified memo have started leaking (after House Republicans kept a tight lid on it for days prior, Kim Strassel points out), including that Trump-appointed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein approved an extension of surveillance on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, who has been suspected of malfeasance vis-a-vis the Russians. I should note that Page was reportedly the subject of a FISA warrant as far back as 2014, long before Donald Trump was a candidate for president. His conduct and contacts with the Kremlin appear very sketchy, to say the least. House Intelligence Committee Democrats insist that their GOP counterparts' version of events in the memo are "cherry-picked" to paint an agenda-driven and incomplete picture of reality. In response, they've written a counter-memo of their own, which also remains secret.....snip~ Schiff writing up a last minute counter memo says it all.
There's no end to the winning today. Didn't anyone tell Obama, Hillary and the entire corrupt lot that this crap is illegal? Of course they were told. They just thought they were above the law. Maybe they are. Soon very soon we will know.
Operation Sabotage the Memo..... What are Adam Schiff, the Justice Department and the FBI trying to hide? Rep. Adam Schiff has many talents, though few compare to his ability to function as a human barometer of Democratic panic. The greater the level of Schiff hot, pressured air, the more trouble the party knows it’s in. Mr. Schiff’s millibars have been popping ever since the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, on which he is ranking Democrat, last week voted to make a classified GOP memo about FBI election year abuses available to every House member. Mr. Schiff has spit and spun and apoplectically accused his Republican colleagues of everything short of treason. The memo, he insists, is “profoundly misleading,” not to mention “distorted” and “political,” and an attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He initially tried to block his colleagues from reading it. Having failed, he’s now arguing Americans can know the full story only if they see the underlying classified documents. This is highly convenient, given the Justice Department retains those documents and is as eager to make them public as a fox is to abandon the henhouse. Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes had to threaten a contempt citation simply to get permission for his committee to gain access, and even then investigators had to leave Capitol Hill to view them, and were allowed only to take notes. Mr. Nunes has no authority to declassify them. The best he can do in his continuing transparency efforts is to summarize their contents. Only in Schiff land is sunshine suddenly a pollutant. The Schiff pressure gauge is outmatched only by the Justice Department and the FBI, which are now mobilizing their big guns to squelch the truth. That included a Wednesday Justice Department letter to Mr. Nunes—written by Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd, designed as a memo to the media, copied to its allies in Washington, and immediately leaked to the public. And the department wonders why anyone doubts the integrity of all its hardworking professionals. The bigger, swampier game here is to rally media pressure, and to mau-mau Mr. Nunes into giving the department a veto over the memo’s release. Ask Sen. Chuck Grassley how that goes. Mr. Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, recently sent a referral to the department for a criminal probe into dossier author Christopher Steele. He then in good faith asked the department its views on an unclassified portion of that referral that he wants to make public. The department invented a classified reason to block public release, and has refused to budge for weeks.....snip~
We have our secret society meeting tonight and should have new talking points in the morning.... I believe the meeting is at the Alamo Cinema and Drafthouse and we are watching "The Post"....... Ruh Roh.... that doesn't have good optics...
Just out, Mueller is postponing the Flynn sentencing for 3 months based on the status of the investigation. What might that status be? Could it be the newly discovered likelihood the Robert Mueller investigation began under false pretenses? Could it be that FBI surveillance and wiretaps were obtained through materially false representations to the FISA court? Could it be that Mike Flynn was set up by a politically-motivated investigative rogue unit operating within the FBI?
Of coarse the FBI is going to push back on the memo. Do you expect them to do anything less did you expect the FBI to say you know that memo that makes us out to be corrupt crooks that we lied to the FISA court so to be able to spy on a presidential candidate is 100% accurate there for making us corrupt
yes it could mean that Flynn's lawyers threatened to motion the court for a continuance so they can review having the evidence thrown out because it was obtained illegally
5 The director when all this was happening is gone and Trump's being attacked for even considering firing him when he was there
Could be.... could also be "It's common for sentencing hearings to be delayed until the government believes a person has fully cooperated." That's your best hope... Flynn is really making it hard... Worst hope - He knows SO much that they need more time Yawn...
Put all the information out there damnit. First we heard classification problems, then we heard threat to operatives if out there, then a threat to national security, now well they say not that the facts aren't right but it might not be all the facts. What really this crap is really freaking silly. Bottom line you apply for a fisa warrant, you document that, it's stamped. Nunes is going to show us what was used as the basis for the application, if there was more they should have shown it to the committee or release it now simple. Your not getting out of this, it is a THREAT to our democracy when we spy on political opponents. It is scary as heck for all of us regardless of political affiliation.
“Having stonewalled Congress’ demands for information for nearly a year, it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies. The FBI is intimately familiar with ‘material omissions’ with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts, and they are welcome to make public, to the greatest extent possible, all the information they have on these abuses. Regardless, it’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign. Once the truth gets out, we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again.” ~ Nunes response to the FBI
What is going on?! Could this memo of only four pages be that damming for all of this? How do they think the American people wouldn't find this out and question it? Do they really think we have any confidence in what their leftist media which is most of our media.. What they tell us? I don't care what party your affiliated with or left or right or middle or an alien from outer space... This is crazier than a June bug and the net keeps widening. The more they try to cover up whatever it is.. The worse it gets. Nunes didn't cave and it's going to Trump. POTUS. He's going to release it. Has anyone Googled this? Every single leftist media source is going crazy. Worse than when Trump got elected even. They are on fire trying to discredit Trump, the memo, all of it. That's the best barometer you can weigh this with. If it was nothing they wouldn't be going crazy. Literally. They'd ignore it. Send them all to prison.
The DNC and the political weasels running the FBI were caught in the cloakroom doing evil things. Thank God Trump won, otherwise we would all be living in a totalitarian third world country by the end of her first term.