FB has permanently banned a children's book company called "Heroes of Liberty", which sells upbeat books about conservative heroes like Ronald Reagan and Clarence Thomas, because, they said, it was "disruptive". "The books I want to buy for my children, like the ones I was raised on, are no longer on the market. Children are now bombarded with mind-numbing, repetitive, didactic, woke indoctrination. These books don't even tell stories any more. They teach children to hate their country and themselves." Read more. https://nypost.com/2022/01/03/facebook-shut-down-our-hopes-for-an-anti-woke-book-world/
Was it better when our books told us to hate people that don't look, love or worship like we do? Or, is it the good ole double standard again?
I'm puzzled by your comment. It's not only irrelevant, it doesn't even seem to have a point. FB is banning wholesome children's books--inspiring books about American heroes. Are you for book burning or against it? Let's start there.
It is relevant. You made the comment about teaching kids hate so my comment didn't fall from the sky. Why would anybody be FOR book burning? And, who, who isn't a 12 year old girl, is even using FB? Seriously?
I said nothing about "teaching kids hate". Care to try again? That's the question I'm asking. FB is in favor of it. And you seem to be attacking me for attacking FB. I don't use FB. (I have a page which I haven't updated in years.) But I believe children do use FB. And parents with children use it.
Facebook reverses course after 'permanently' locking account of conservative children's book publisher https://www.foxbusiness.com/politic...ative-childrens-book-publisher-heroes-liberty
OK. So that part was somebody's quote. My mistake. My apologies. We have different definitions for the word "attack". No, I'm not in favor of book burning. I'm not in favor of anything that makes each new generation dumber. Nobody sane would be. Here's the deal. Americans are busybodies. We love to be in everybody's business because we don't want to deal with our stuff. My mother was one of 11 kids. Her older sister died when she was 12 (the sister) because her friends pushed her into a river and none of them knew how to swim. My aunt drowned. As a result, my grandmother wouldn't let any of her other kids get near water because of her tragic loss of a daughter. Fast forward X number of years and my father, Army dude, part-time lifeguard meets my mother and they get married. Fast forward two years. I was born. 18 months later, my sister was born. Our dad taught us how to swim as toddlers and took us to the pool every day after work. It was a blast. My parents own several properties and one was on a lake shared by three other homeowners. Every Summer we went up there and our dad, my sister and I would dive off the boat and play out in the sun. He eventually got my mother to wear two life jackets and literally tied her to the boat so she couldn't fall over. She would just scream and cringe the whole Summer long. Guess what? Of about 32 first cousins, we are the ONLY ones that know how to swim. Our father made sure of it and he told our mother "the best way to NOT drown is to know how to swim." He passed near Father's Day last year and never got her anywhere close to trying to learn. The moral of the story is: Pretending to be holier-than-thou and self-righteousness is exactly why our society is so dysfunctional. Instead of worrying about what your kids precious little eyeballs' might read is ridiculous. Burning books and banning crap and being annoying is contributing to the societal ill of ignorance. Stuff doesn't disappear if you ignore it. If it's a problem, it's going to fester. It's just the dumbasses that called for Dr. Elders to be fired for daring to suggested the kids need condoms. Why? Because our unwed mother statistics aren't horrific? Our "nuclear" family is being destroyed? There is absolutely no logical explanation for ever trying to hide the whole world from kids. It's better for us to let them read it, see it, talk about it or whatever because they WILL keep searching for answers and you don't want them talking to dumbass other kids. What the hell is so scary about books? There is NOTHING in any book anywhere since the cavemen were etching sh!t into walls that is scarier than real life. It's beyond stupid. Reading, learning, experimenting (safely) never hurt anybody, but you can bet your @ss that ignorance has. Don't ask me any more ridiculous questions. Nobody sane wants to ban books. How about we ban nosy busybodies and exile them to some other country or planet to clutch their pearls in unison? OK. My kids are teenagers now and I closed my account after my ex kidnapped them to ensure that I would not post anything that could be twisted into something crazy to the cops. That can't happen if I'm not involved in any of that.
Well I would quit in protest but haven't had an account there is forever. It is mostly old people anyway.
All I can see that cancel culture is consists in people exercising their right not to associate or deal with people they find to be evil in one way or another. Don't we all do that?
The red scare was over 60 years ago. The current cancel culture is worse than the red scare. Ask any conservative. (I was banned in another forum because I said China was responsible for the epidemic. I have the lockout notice if you don’t believe it.) These are perilous times for freedom and democracy.
https://www.facebook.com/HeroesOfLiberty/ I have never bought a book from facebook. I promise there are still other ways to get books.
I'm not speaking for @Moonglow but I read that comment as "cancel culture" is not a new phenomena. People have been "canceling" anybody they don't like for various reasons all throughout history. That's easy enough to recognize just in the tone of how some people rationalize their behavior. Instead of accepting their opinion is skewed, they want to *punish* whomever they feel has caused them harm in some way. For example (and there are countless examples everywhere), back when IMDB had their message boards, the Christians would flock to rate EVERY movie that had anything to do with religion or Jesus as a "10". By doing so, they were artificially raising the average for movies even if they were poorly done. So, in essence, while they weren't "official social warriors" (as defined in today's climate), but they were able to get many movies ranked higher (thereby canceling truly "really good" movies because their ranks would drop. We see redlining and steering all the time. I knew professors in college that gave "A"s to all the white students and "F"s to all the non-white students. He didn't even bother to grade our assignments and he didn't even require us to show up for class. I know an instructor at a community college that taught "real estate". If a student received an "A" or "B", the exam fee was waived. He would mark the white students up to an A or B and all the non-white students got C, D and Fs. These last two examples are why I don't really pay attention to people justifying their racism based on the idea that non-white students are not smart or able to learn. Nobody is born stupid or intelligent. Those are societies' labels and they are very, very skewed against people that don't get white privilege. I've seen it over and over and over and most white people think "racism" just means using the "N" word or lynching black people. It's much, much deeper that. It's a completely different world for non-white people in our country and those that fight against efforts to try to get more balanced will simultaneously *deny* that racism doesn't exist while arguing that they don't want to see non-whites on tv or in their grocery stores or their neighborhoods or basically anywhere. Even when a non-white person gets through all those systematic road blocks, their "value" is still measured at the lowest common denominator. Obama taught at Harvard and yet he was branded as "just a community organizer" and "token.". There are heated debates about the Aubrey case and they love to say "he was a criminal"; however Ashli Babbitt had some criminal behavior in her background but she is held up as a martyr because she was shot by a black cop and he and his family had to go in hiding because white supremist. I have absolutely NO doubts if Obama showed up in the news commenting on Trump's presidency, people would be calling for his head on a platter. So, Moonglow is absolutely correct. The *foundation* of our country was cancel culture toward Native Americans. Slaves, mostly from Africa but a few other areas, didn't even get to be "counted" and then they were counted at 3/5ths. Since slavery ended, non-white people are canceled all the time. I had some friends in college that I distanced from when I learned what they were doing. It was 4-5 of them. There were more but those few were the main ones. They offered a "service" whereby a white person involved in a car accident with a non-white person could call them before they called 911. By the time the cops arrived, they would have arrived on the scene and lie and say they were passengers in the car and witnessed the whole thing. If they wanted more drama they would say anything to the cops just to get them to rough up or even arrest the non-white person. It's just bizarre when you think about it. They absolutely REFUSE to believe they have privileges despite mountains of evidence but they COMPLETELY accept a lie of "widespread election fraud" with NONE. So, it's reasonable to conclude that they *know* they have privilege and they don't want to actually equalize our society because they get the spoils of the silent war against everyone that doesn't look, love and/or worship the way they do. It's still there and they just come up with new ways to rationalize why they should have privilege while denying other people of the same basic rights afforded them in our Constitution.
I didn't even know books were on FaceBook but I don't use it. I don't recall books there when I had an account. I have a friend that ONLY gets her "news" on FaceBook so she's always ranting about whatever the other people are ramping about without even bothering to verify it's even true. And, she hates Biden so that's "fun" (fully understanding nothing) to listen to for over an hour. <smh> I honestly don't know why people aren't more informed. Nobody has to walk up a hill both ways in a blinding snow storm to haul 50 lbs. of books through a forest with bear traps to get information. Outside North Korea and parts of China, EVERYTHING is somewhere on the internet. However, I don't watch television and I'm an avid reader. I recently download my e-books to create a spreadsheet to index my books and right now it's a little over 18,000 unique titles. That doesn't the physical books and PDF books I have. That doesn't include my physical of PDF books. I'm kicking myself for not doing as I purchased the books. Quite the chore when they haven't been organized for years.
"All of us" don't own mega-social media platforms. Cancel culture includes not just refusing to associate, but organizing others to destroy a reputation or a business.