Harris chose to sit out the Al Smith charity dinner. I'm not convinced that if she attended, it would have been favorably recieved by her supporters. The event: https://www.alsmithfoundation.org/dinner/ Fallout from the event https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cr...ed-video-aired-during-catholic-charity-dinner
By way of reference, Bill Clinton was not invited because of his stance on late term abortion. Interesting how Harris was invited, with even more extreme views on the topic.
Relax. Liberal outlets took the time to put their own spin on it. Harris is a "practicing" Catholic so I do find this a bit odd. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-booed-al-smith-dinner-jokes-harris-1971030 https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/18/politics/trump-al-smith-harris-wisconsin/index.html
Her video was mocking Catholics. I now believe she realizes she's going to lose and has decided to give America the middle finger.