You're back on this kick again. You have already stated you can NOT do anything different from that which is already known, if an omniscient god is involved. So your question is pointless.
So you evade the question by simply giving your opinion that the "question is pointless". got it... LOL.
I don't think he knows how to answer other than to evade and deflect. Must have been educated socratically.
The correct definition for Inc. would be SOC or SoC.- Systems on a chip. It's an IC - integrated circuit. It combines a lot of computer parts on one chip. Commonly used because of its low power consumption. But if I'm wrong I've no doubt he'll put you right.
This dinosaur was rapidly buried in water with a fish. Fossils like these are indications that the catastrophic events of the Flood buried animals from different environments together. View attachment 32480 If you visit ICR’s office in Dallas, Texas you can see this fossil in person!
When you are finished with these, I have thousands more for you to read and refute with your science education: Catastrophic Overthrusts Catastrophic Superfaults & Pseudotachylytes Ocean Current Velocities During Flood [SUP] 14[/SUP]C Evidence For Flood Hypercanes After The Flood Bent Rock Layers What Initiated The Flood Magnetic Field Reversal During Flood Plate Tectonics During Flood Computer Model of Tectonics During Flood Ocean Patterns During Flood Subduction Driving the Flood Origins Belief and Moral Values Rapid Erosion @ Mt. St. Helens Lack of Sea Salt: Problem For Evolutionists
we ask the questions that no one was allowed to ask for the past thousand years or so - not because we want answers, but because we want theists to take a minute to think through the dogma imposed on them. you don't like that (because no one in Christendom deigned to prepare for a time when these questions would be asked - such was the arrogance and complacence of rule by force), so you find whatever means you can to discredit the messenger. it's psych 101. hopefully, atheists in the future will not need to do this hard work, since we'll have done it for them. and hopefully they WILL have better ways of keeping superstition out in the open, without exemption from scrutiny. and hopefully they'll laugh at our early and earnest but frequently misfired attempts to strip bare the dark secrets of religion and superstition. vicious attack dogs? are you kidding? your lot have been killing people for dissent these past two thousand years and you call internet debate 'vicious attack'? I guess this is evidence of the power of religion to (*)(*)(*)(*) with the moral compass.
Good thing the religion of evolution is dying a slooow and painful death as more and more scientific evidence exposes the fairy tale the Marxists used to brain-wash two generations of people.
there are no 'atheists of the past', Inc. you guys killed us if we looked at the village church in a funny way. if you're referring to despotic regimes which demanded people ignore the old gods in favour of worshipping an individual leader, then you've misfired. these were ultra religious, authority worshipping, servile cultures. their lunatic leaders MAY have been privately atheist, but that really is beside the point. the mass of humanity in any one of these places was devoutly religious - they just worshipped a different god to you. I'm afraid the only atheist societies (which is the only realistic way to determine the effects of elective atheism) you have to work with are places like Norway and Denmark. Good luck with that
see my post above, re: Norway and Denmark. meantime, had a good chuckle at your 'brainwash two generations' thing. as though our western societies are permeated (nay, saturated) with communistic ideology. try two thousand years of brainwashing, and inescapable societal pressure to conform.
Remember that that time table was developed by ministers who thought that the seven "days" were 24 durations, even though the sun and moon and stars had been mentioned as time keepers. They had no clue about evolution, cosmology, or or the Geological Clock. The Bible was not using the Solar Clock, which had not even been mentioned until it was created right after plant life appeared in Gen 1:14.
This just simply isn't true. Atheist societies lived within many different religious societies peacefully, for thousands of years. Further, religious societies lived within other religious societies for years. Jews lived in Rome under the Holy Roman Empire. Atheist merchants/mariners/tradesmen lived next to puritan societies in the British colonies. Atheists have wiped out religious groups with ethinc cleansing. Religious groups have wiped out atheist individuals through zealoutry. But, you pick out specific examples from the worst of the religious, paint athists laughably as non existant, through murder, and... somehow... THEREFORE, you are really the victim fighting against me, because you are the atheist and I am the religious. Somehow you must make me atone for your one sided account of history. Why don't you, the atheist, answer for the reign of terror in France, inspired by Karl Marx, that promoted militant atheism, and focused on exterminating religious groups? Why don't you answer for Zedong's great leap forward, which systematically exterminated not only political dissidents, but religious groups, in an effort to bring social revolution with atheism? Why don't you answer for Stalin's orders to Yagoda to intensify Trotsky's persecution of Christians, resulting in the additional murder of 50K clergy, on top of the 1228 murdered already? Why don't you answer for the atheist Pol Pot? Why don't you answer for the hundreds of millions of people murdered by atheists in the hope of bringing about social revolution? Why not? Because you don't know history, or are willfully deceptive of it. You pick the very worst of religion, who have murdered millions of people, and ignore the worst of atheists who have murdered hundreds of millions. You demand that we answer for our worst, and then ignore your own worst. How dare you. How dare you ignore the deaths of people. How dare you ignore genocide. I acknowledge the genocides and murders by religious people, and will readily entertain constraints on state sponsorship of religion, as a result. Heaven knows our popularity has dwindled for all of this. YOU are the one who ignores the murders of people, because it is inconvenient to your beliefs. YOU are the one who refuses to answer for that. YOU are the one who has questions to answer. Not the religious. YOU. Then, and only then, once you remove the log from your own eye, will you be able to see to help remove the speck from others. It's because of this blind double standard, this hypocrisy, that people like you are discredited, entirely by yourselves. The ironic thing is, I have no desire to hold you accountable for the sins of the atheists that come before you. If you don't murder anyone, why should you answer for it? I only bring you to task because you take the unethical and illogical position that I must be held accountable for those that did something I don't advocate, those who came long before my time. You hold me accountable for the witch hunts of centuries ago, for Crusades on horseback. You forget the last hundred years. You forget recent history, undertaken by atheists who are actually still alive today. Your move, atheist. Next time, I suggest you know history before you try to make me feel guilty for it. I will not stand ignorance. I will not tolerate double standards. Step it up, or drop this cliche guilt trip. It's a tired old trope.
You'll make up anything to justify your book, won't you? Which clock was used when time went backwards? So much for your accuracy. The article above states differently than what you suggest.
very few got away with it. VERY few. mostly these were insulated by money or privilege. ordinary people just didn't have the resources to safely defy the status quo. the point here is that christianity was, and still is in some places, imposed upon the western world - and no one was given a choice. this imposition remained unchallenged until very recently. it appears that the shock of being unexpectedly challenged is too much for some of the faithful.
? I read what is written and then think about the science of today, and see that what was said by other men ages ago was all wrong. If I didn't do that, I would not be comprehensively examining the Bible, but just arguing with the last generations of Bible readers who got a lot wrong. You saw the church people change stuff they said before Galilleo arrived in 1650, right? The old core readers were reading a book they couldn't understand much about. What you have done is set your ,m\mind against the Bible based upon the interpretations of those medieval church people.
Yeah,... right. But as I show you that the Bible can be read to compare well with Science, you fluff it off and resort to ridicule. You are a secular person without respect for the Bible. You are determine to us the misconceptions of the medieval Bible readers as a tool to oppose religion. You set aside the differences between the sexually promiscuous society you want and the Bible's preaching against it. That is the ends to what you want.
Either the Bible(S) are the "Word of God" and they are wrong....~OR~....The Bible(s) are NOT the words of God and YOU are wrong. And...Guilty of Blasphemy.
What she calls "attacks" are really government actions against breaking the Laws and opposing the Theocracy that ruled all the Roman World for a thousand years. The Rosenbergs were executed for treason against America, based upon the same ideas. Whether a government is a Theocracy, a democracy, or one of the other five types of government, people will be arrested and charged and executed if necessary because that is what governments,... all seven possible kinds,... will all do.