For all those Rabidly opposed to homosexuality: Please, justify yourselves

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by PTPLauthor, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. JEFF9K

    JEFF9K New Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Many of these people lie about what's in the Bible and what's in the Constitution.

    Psychologists suspect that these people are closeted gays.

    Why in the heck would a straight person even care?
  2. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    A decade ago I had already been in a same-sex certified domestic partnership for two whole years, and wishing we could be legally married.

    A decade later, the only thing that has changed is that the voters in my state effectively voided my certified domestic partnership (in 2004) by adopting one of the most sweeping marriage amendments in the country - one that bans recognition of any agreement other than one man/one woman in marriage, for any purpose. So not only are we not able to marry, we're prohibited from enjoying any legal status for our marriage, and from entering into legal agreements that attempt to duplicate the effects of a legal marriage.

    So don't presume to tell me what I or any other gay advocate wanted a decade ago. You are clearly not a mindreader.
  3. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Not the gays, I am talking about your newly won over public. These people who support you now were t there 2 years ago.

    You can be married without a government you know. Government is only necessary for divorce.
  4. doctorhugo

    doctorhugo New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    Your OP title appears to be a dangling bait...
    For all those Rabidly opposed to homosexuality: Please, justify yourselves
    In the first part you define those whom you wish to respond as "Rabid", capitalized for emphasis, and in the second part you, having already judged them guilty of something insist that they "justify" themselves.

    I'm afraid your invitation into the quicksand pit is all too obvious.

    However, if it's "reasonable" debate you wish, y'know...a fair and open exchange of ideas and opinions to some constructive end, why not amend the OP title!

    Something benign that opens the door wide for discussion like...
    'About the objections to a homosexual lifestyle.' Do you see my point?
  5. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    So what? Are people not allowed to have a change of mind/heart or develop a new perspective on an issue?

    Yes, I know this. There is no need to explain it to me unless the intention was to talk down to me as someone you perceive to be your inferior.
  6. PTPLauthor

    PTPLauthor Banned

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Sir, I am not a judge in a court of law, I do not have to presume someone innocent until proven guilty, especially when they have expressed themselves that anyone with a fully functioning logic center of the brain would be able to see how virulent the vitriol they post here is discriminatory and prejudicial toward the LGBT people.

    Yes, I deliberately targeted the homophobes of this site, in the same way they single out the gays and lesbians for public ridicule. Now that someone decided to stand up and put the shoe on the other foot, it isn't that comfortable is it? However, instead of pointing out the homophobia and calling it out as wrong, I have given reasoned arguments as to why their position is flawed. Such a concept is so foreign to them that they are unable to effectively counter and turn to less effective, and more absurd methods of supporting their opinion. The worst of them stop supporting their opinion in their replies in favor of attacking their opponent's position in ways devoid of any semblance of logic.

    I have much contempt for people who dismiss, ridicule, demean, insult, and promote hatred of people they have no understanding of. I have no intention of being benign to them, just as they have no intention of being benign to me. Conservatives on this site all too often bait Liberals, but now that someone else is baiting the conservatives, they are all whining. Do you see the blatant hypocrisy of your position?

    Well, it was intended to be obvious, yet I still caught a few, just like the dinosaurs who watched their fellows walk into the tar pits and then followed them in. The only way to get a Conservative's attention in many situations, is to insult them.

    How apt an allegory, because in due time, just as the dinosaurs only have a few representatives of their kind left, so too will homophobes and transphobes once the great Darwinian process has run its course.
  7. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    That is fine, i also changed my mind on the subject. They shouldn't be bashing those that haven't, especially people who had their opinion just a year ago. Arguing is fine, but boycotts and the like are not appropriate here.

    Don't get your panties in a bunch. Just saying no one is holding you back from making that commitment in a personal way. If that is your desire go for it. Tax deductions aren't everything.
  8. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Don't talk down to me or bait me with inflammatory statements like the above. I don't have much patience for that crap, as it contributes nothing of value to the discussion.
  9. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    OK, I can see you have a really thin skin here and like to be condescending but interpret everyone else's comments as insults. You started with the attack, I am allowed to tell you to cool down.

    If you want to know why people are opposed to gay marriage, is because it is unnatural. There is no point in it. Who cares if two adults want to hang out all day and live together and owe each other things? Means nothing to society. Society is about fostering institutions that can offer stable growth for the future of the nation. Something a gay marriage can't accomplish. We can write it into law, but the Emperor still has no clothes on. You can't have the normal family unit that has been the cornerstone of every successful society.
  10. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    And I'm allowed to ignore you, which I will be doing henceforth, as it appears you have no interest in a respectful discussion of the issues.
  11. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Dodge that second part did you? It is OK, the country is coming around to pretend it is all the same anyway. You win.
  12. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    "I know there are people in the world who do not love their fellow man, and I HATE people like that!"

    ~ Tom Lehrer
  13. PTPLauthor

    PTPLauthor Banned

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Prove my point, you're hated by more people than just us.

    I however, understand your position, and holding contempt for you is not the same as hatred, just as a judge who holds someone in contempt does not hate them.

    You don't understand our position from a logic-based stance, and thus lack a true understanding. It's the difference between knowing a car goes, and knowing that to get the car to go, you have to apply pressure to the accelerator which triggers the fuel system, and all the other mumbojumbo I am not going to explain to you, because I have doubts as to your reading comprehension skills. I am not a special education teacher, I have high standards for those who I teach, and willful ignorance doesn't compute.
  14. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    No you don't. You've demonstrated that repeatedly by misrepresenting my position at every opportunity, and you'd obviously rather be dead than understand it.

    Yes it is. It just feels more righteous than hateful when you're blissfully mired in a delusion of rectitude.

    Please, I understand it a million times better than you ever will in your present state of confusion.
  15. doctorhugo

    doctorhugo New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    An allegory you say? Hardly that. It truly appeared to this reader more like a venting for yourself. Not even knowing me you assumed me to be your enemy. So consumed are you with emotionally-driven anger that you lash out in generalizations which are presumptions of guilt about others and as such are flawed and inaccurate as are all generalizations. In your little trolling excercise, which you freely admit to by targeting a specific group, you gain no converts to your cause, but you sir...are blind to that net result and why? Simply because you have gratuitously self-indulged yourself in this "venting", which was all you desired in the first place!

    You sir, have just demonstrated that you are as guilty of the same narrowminded prejudice and labelling of others as those whom you so despise yourself. Sadly an all too pedestrian characteristic nowadays. Sorry to have to be so direct, but your message is one of intolerance of others ironically and you can't even comprehend that.

    Thanks for making that very obvious so I won't bother wasting my time in attempted serious discussion with you. You see, since you already HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS, you won't be receptive to any discussion centered about the truth. A fruitful discussion requires two people, each willing to listen to the other. You fail to measure up to that most basic standard for intelligent discourse. Good day!
  16. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    I'm just curious

    is this thread looking to see if anyone is rabidly opposed to homosexuality or is it a thinly veiled attempt at yet another gay marriage thread along with the other 11,798 of them?

    I want to be sure that I address the actual topic
  17. PTPLauthor

    PTPLauthor Banned

    Jul 12, 2013
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    The motivation of this topic is to find someone, anyone who can give a logical reason beyond "I don't like it" or "it's not natural" to justify the discrimination. Frankly, saying gay marriage is not natural on an internet forum could easily be countered by the internet itself, is not natural.

    Outlawing something just based on a fact that a group of people don't like it opens a slippery slope, especially now that Americans who oppose the bans are in the majority. Not to mention, criminalizing thought is a trait of a tyrannical society, not one couched on the principles of liberty and freedom.

    Outlawing pedophilia is based on the fact that pedophiles cause emotional and physical trauma to the children subjected to it, the same has not been proven for homosexuality or transsexuality.
  18. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Wow. 2 whole paragraphs plus a partial, and not a single point or coherent thought. Amazing.
  19. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Because there is no point in the government spending money on it. Who cares if two guys want to call themselves married? What does it mean for government? Oh congrats! You started a family that will end with you. Hooray! Who cares? What is the point of it?
  20. PTPLauthor

    PTPLauthor Banned

    Jul 12, 2013
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    It means nothing to the damn government.

    You do know there are several genetic disorders that render a couple incapable of natural reproduction. For that, modern society has the remedy of adoption, and there are plenty of children unwanted by their heterosexual, Christian parents who were abandoned by one, leaving the other incapable of sufficiently caring for the child, forcing the parent to give them up to the state.

    So allow me to congratulate you on your eloquent eugenicist position. Nazi ideals are alive and well within the Conservative movement here in America, who would have known we would have fought a war to destroy those ideas only to see them co-opted by our own countrymen.
  21. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Those couples can raise adopted kids, besides Perrin into medical records is a violation of privacy.

    Resources will be spent on this. Why? Why should the government get involved? Why shouldn't gays just make that commitment to themselves and be done with it? What is the point of a gay marriage recognized by government?
  22. PTPLauthor

    PTPLauthor Banned

    Jul 12, 2013
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    Medical records are kept private, because just like sexual orientation, they are a private matter that the government or anyone else has no damn business interfering with.

    There's a study out of Australia, where the laws are a lot more evolved than they are here, and they say the children adopted by gay couples are more well adjusted than those adopted by hetero couples. I figure because of the inherent tolerance of others who mean no harm that is taught within a homosexual household.

    You're right, government shouldn't be involved in marriage, give up the benefits you get for being married, and get all other heterosexual married couples to do the same and the gay marriage debate ends.

    Oh, but since that'll never happen, just let us have the benefits, since it won't hurt you.

    What do we want? The same benefits any hetero-married couple would get.

    Oh, and a CBO estimate actually said the net financial effect of recognizing gay marriage would be an increase in tax revenues, by virtue that most married couples have a tax penalty.
  23. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    OK, so it's YAGMT (yet another gay marriage thread)

    I'll pass
  24. Bluespade

    Bluespade Banned

    Jun 7, 2010
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    I'm rather apathetic towards gays, gay marriage, and gay adoption. Simpily put, people being gay is really none of my concern.

    On the other hand, I do have some problems with their agenda. First of all, acceptance of homosexuality thru political coercion is wrong. Face it gays, you can't force people to accept your ways, and as long as nobody is infringing on your rights, you really have nothing to whine about.

    Next, this whole transgender bull(*)(*)(*)(*) kinda irks me. Sorry if you're born with a prick and balls, you're a dude. If you're born with a (*)(*)(*)(*), you're a woman. It's simple biology. Society shouldn't be forced to adapt to you because you're one sex, and you feel like another sex, That's your problem not ours.

    Next, keep your homosexual circulum out of public schools and away from kids. If their parents wanna teach them about adam&Steve, so be it. But, that's not a role educators should be taking on.
  25. PTPLauthor

    PTPLauthor Banned

    Jul 12, 2013
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    If only neurobiology was that simple as to say that physical appearance is the sole determining factor. Sadly, it is not, I am sure every transperson would agree with me on that. Just because you do not understand something does not make it bull(*)(*)(*)(*).

    Transgendered people attempted to ask for gender-neutral bathrooms in public places and were shot down, then when they tried to use the bathroom of their assigned bathroom, they were shot down there. I know a transwoman who was raped when she attempted to use a male bathroom. They are trying to adapt to being as cisgendered as possible in a body that is not so.

    Gays are doing nothing worse than what blacks did, if someone is against what we are doing, they are then, by extension also against what the blacks did, and thus against all equality, and no better than a Nazi.

    It's not YAGMT, it's yet another civil rights topic that you don't care about because you wouldn't give two (*)(*)(*)(*)s until someone tried taking your damn rights, then you'll (*)(*)(*)(*)ing care. I hope you're one of the people that thinks your guns will stop the military from taking them if they so fit. For your information, if the military wants your guns, they will take them at their pleasure, and nothing you have will be able to stop a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) M1 Abrams main battle tank.

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