Yes it! The shills complain about charges for information (even though they do exactly the same thing), so objective folks and other non shills, feel free to educate yourselves. Here is a nicely put together rebuttal of all "official". Enjoy! Great piece. The even address, get this "disinformation shills". We have a few of them right here!
The 9/11 Commission Report remains the undisputed, unimpeachable, and undefeated champion at describing the terrorist attacks that occurred on that day. It is 100% accurate on all of the major points. Always has been, always will be.
Aside from the lie that debunkers charge for anything on their sites, there is also that the author of this garbage Andrew Johnson is a NO-PLANER whom believes there were NO aircraft involved and it was some super-duper exotic space-thingy weapons that brought down the Towers. He is a true lap-dog of Judy Wood ... and she is bat-(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy, which does not seem to put you off promoting her increasingly. He is also moronic enough to believe that Mars was once inhabited and that aliens walk amongst us ...yep, he's certainly well switched on too ... [ame=""]YouTube - ‪Andrew Johnson Explains the 9/11 Conspiracy pt 1‬‏[/ame] How do you manage to convince yourself that ALL these different claims are true or real ... some of them completely argue against each other ... how do you reconcile that ??? Oh! that's right you don't ... you just unquestioningly fall for all of them ... and you call us the "sheeple" !!! But look at how well it is doing ... in print since last year, just ONE review on Amazon and a low ranking ... well done yet again, you have yet more junk to promote ... Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #339,718 in Books
Space beams of death and no planes! Do you ever read the stuff you link to? Or are you over in the Ventura/ Wood camp now? You do know that the 'disinformation shills' he refers to are people like you who "claim to be for the truth but ignore the work of Dr. Judy Wood". He thinks the government pays YOU to keep the 'real truth' hidden! Guess we can add you to the shill camp, now. It's ok; we have great cookouts.
No, they most certainly don't actually read this stuff ... they most likely just do word searches for certain terms and take it entirely on faith that is supports them. Wonder what will be made of that Andrew Johnson, being so heavily promoted here AS support for them ... DOESN'T in fact support the nano-thermite is explosive bit ... and asserts that any one, truther included, that does is also part of the shill/disinfo camps. Is it just that he is a truther so he's right even when he says things that show that nano-thermite is guff ... contradictions in terms seem to be a stretch too far for twoofy logic to grasp (I use the term logic most loosely of course).
'Fraud, you seem to have forgotten this thread - tell us more about Mr. Johnson and Dr. Wood. And space beams ... don't forget the space beams.
Sure...soon as you tell me about the buried planes that nobody could find. 95% found was the "official" BS, wasn't it?
Wrong thread, try to keep up, Shilly. You stated in the OP that this was a 'great piece'. What about Dr. Woods' theories do you find so fascinating?
I guess they forgot to mention this: Any report that would conceal this information is what is known as a WHITEWASH....Deal with it....
Seems you forgot to highlight the words preceeding. They were "I think". Speculation does not equal evidence. Got any evidence? No? Okay, continue with the derail. Who's paying you to keep the discussion off of Dr. Wood?
That is true which makes it abundantly clear that the Report that you are so enamored with is nothing but a fraudulant whitewash...Uhhhh... Foreign governments were involved in the attacks which is why a bunch of "in the bag" liars were appointed to control the info...GWs first choice was Kissinger until he got laughed out of the position...Then some less known scumbags from both sides of the phony left vs right paradigm were carefully selected...Most of them had ridiculous conflict of interest issues...The report is a joke... Deal with it sport...
Its the old know the guys who lived during those times you cited (Washington, Jefferson, Franklin) would confront people to their face and challenge them to a duel. Why don't you try that with some of the people you're libeling? The report remains unassailable, undisputed, unimpeachable, and 100% bulletproof in terms of being 100% accurate on the 9/11 attack's major points. I hear that the first copy was actually printed on Kevlar. Or perhaps you can furnish us with your version of history. It will be pure garbage if your other posts are any indication but it will be worth a laugh or fifty. Go ahead sport...I dare you. Didn't think you had the sack to do it. You're owned.
I think the part about there being no plane was ever buried at all, and the duma**es that believe that BS.
Dr. Wood never made that claim. Why can't 'truthers' tell the truth? You linked to her, Shill. Why are you running away from your own source?
Yet it remains unchallenged. You have yet to show any part of it false. The joke is on you, Sport. Your cult leaders have sold you windmill and a dead horse to assail it.
I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you but our boy is also a Holocaust Denier: And they wonder why people point at them and laugh.
I am not your boy, nor am I a "holocaust denier"....I was born in 1954 nine years after the "holocaust", therefore I have not even been accused of any crimes regarding that period.... Why do you insist on changing the subject? Also, your sleazy, transparent ploy of taking quotes from the comments section under a news article I posted and trying to hang them on me is duly noted for it's dishonesty...One of the first rules of disinformation protocol is to start sqawking and squealing about anti-semitism whenever you are getting your ass handed to you in an unrelated subject. Thanks for the demonstration sport.
Good point. Hey Jack, what do you think of the video/ article in the OP? Is Dr. Judy the perfect rep of the 'movement' or just bat crazy? If it's the latter, how do you feel about Fraud's defection to that sect?
I didn't say you took part, I quoted you. Sorry; how dare I use your own words against you. The nerve. As for changing the subject....are you really going to go there? I've been called a paid shill what 400 times now by your fellow terrorist sympathizer 'Fraud. I believe when you look at the works of people like you on the whole, you get a good view of just how far they've gone around the bend.
You keep repeating this statement as if it were a dry turd you are trying to stick to the wall. It aing gonna stick
It aing? Oh daing. Hey 10aces, back to the topic: what do you think of the video/ article in the OP? Is Dr. Judy the perfect rep of the 'movement' or just bat crazy? If it's the latter, how do you feel about Fraud's defection to that sect?