Both the Californian fires back in 2018 and the Australian bushfires at the end of 2019 both had areas that were devastated by the fires that were in the areas of interest to build high-speed rail links. The wildfires and the California high speed rail project Australian Bushfires: A Smart City Conspiracy?
Oh, c'mon - there were fires all over the state - not just in the areas where they might put high speed rail. Try again.
You failed maths, didn't you? For you 2+2 = 3, sometimes 5 hey? Oh, look, Albanese is moving another step closer to making it happen. Why spend $100s of billions buying up land and relocating people when you can burn and flood them out. You may want to expand your consciousness a little more than you are. Come up for some air from time to time.
Yeah, that's what most would think. Sometimes life is not all about rainbows, lollipops & unicorns. And what if were true? Too many variables that point to it being so.
Fires all over every western states for the last decade and you think it impossible that several fires among the hundreds were not incidental to dry weather conditions. Bless your heart.
No, bless you. See, you don't blatantly go and burn an area for the F of it. You build it up. Make it look like it's all part of the natural scheme of things. Look at yourself, you've fallen for it. Didn't you?
Yet, you still haven't made one argument to prove that or did you just want to hurl insults? eta: Please report your OP to have your subject line fixed.
No. Why would anyone bother to read your links when you won't expend the energy to post properly? It's clearly not that important to you. Why should it be any more important to the reader?
Then we have nothing further to say. Your lack of courtesy even to entertain it shows your lack of decency. It could be something that may spark interest as it links to other things. But you would know, or want to comprehend that. For now, you can remain in the dark and pretend everything that goes on in the world is all just random events. Ignorance is bliss, right?
That's fine by me. I have plenty of decency. Your OP does not comply with the rules the owners/moderators have set for posting. Scroll down to the bottom of your screen on the lower right side and click this link. You may also contact the moderators in the subforum (shown below). Nobody but them and you are able to see what is posted there. It might be; however, most adults don't have time to wade through a bunch of links and sort out a poster's position on said topic. If you can't take the time to summarize whatever it is and explain why you are either for or against the subject, why should anybody else take the time with it? It's *your* topic of interest. I have no idea what this is supposed to convey. I haven't expressed an opinion for or against your topic so you are incorrect to try to put me in your various insult boxes. I am telling you that you have not met the standard for starting a thread and have not substantiated anything about your topic. This is your 6th post on your topic and you still haven't done it. You do have condescension down pat though so that part is covered. Mission accomplished if that was your goal. The rest needs a little bit of work. Good luck with that.
California "Wildfires": Direct Energy Weapon Civilization Reset The California "Wildfires" were not wildfires but the result of direct energy weapons. The weapon simply pulverized and dustified the buildings and melted the steel in cars. The pattern of the fires exactly match the high-speed rail plan for California, in effect, it was a human cleanup operation.
No, it doesn't. You haven't presented a debatable topic so there is only one topic on the table. Did you check out the rules and requirements for posting a topic yet?
I'm not a moderator here and it's not my rule. I don't have an opinion on your topic so I probably wouldn't respond if you had followed the rules for posting and/or posted it in the correct sub-forum. Again, in case you missed it in post #12 Ask the moderators anything you like in the subforum or via private messaging. They don't bite (but they do a kick-@ss job at keeping this place relatively clutter-free).
Scroll up to your OP (original post) and click the "report" button. A box will pop-up and you can request them to edit your thread title.
Arson is illegal. If they wanted to hand over the completed projects ownership, and all proceeds to the people that were relocated, then yea sure that's one way of doing something. So let us know when you find the useful idiot that surely got paid a handsome sum to conduct these fires. More then likely, the fire happened, THEN decisions were made on what to do. If money is involved, it was used in a way that would improve the odds of a return..such as installing a rail system,etc.