I was actually tidying up some boxes of stuff in the lockup a couple of days ago and I actually threw one of those pens out !!
It's a great story but unfortunately that's all it is. There is no historical evidence to support the idea that the French cut any fingers off English archers, they were far more likely to just kill them. Nor is there any evidence that sticking your fingers up at the French ever happened. Oh, and fletchers used goose feathers not pheasant feathers on their arrows. https://www.forces.net/heritage/his...ly-invent-swearing-two-fingered-salute-v-sign
Oh yeah? Sounds like French propaganda to me. A transparent attempt to discredit the pheasant pluckers. You'll have to do better than that, Facebook Frenchie.
The state of the education of our livestock is a national disgrace. Did you know that not a single chicken has ever earned a high school diploma? That there are no swine in union apprenticeship programs or cattle interns?
Cattle hold a full 1/3 of Australian PhDs. Somebody just HAD to say PhD stands for Piled higher and Deeper. That just opened the door to livestock.