Do you feel the same way about people who spent their whole life getting overweight and suffering from diabetes? Of course not you won't even have the gall to answer my post
Can you cite this? I had the vaccine last March, I'm not dead nor even sick. Do you mean it increases the chance of getting an asymptomatic or mild case? In that case i don't care and really don't appreciate your trying to scare me with a lie but again, that's conservatism for you.
I truly hope you say the same thing if you get sick and someone suggests you go to the hospital, (Unless you mean you ARE getting vaccinated, or have been) And I wish you luck in any case.
Yes, 'cause the 'vaccine' monkeys with our immune system every time we get the jab and the 'vaccine' is designed to protect us against a variant of Covid that has already burned itself out.
Realize some dopes are still concerned about number of cases and a huge increase in number of cases is most likely with a 'vaccine' designed to be effective against a strain of Covid that has already burned itself out yet not effective against the current variant of Covid. BTW by the time a pharmaceutical company gets a vaccine to production, that variant of Covid the vaccine was designed to be protecting against has already burned itself out. EDIT: The vaccine doesn't allow the immune system to get a head's up as you call it against the variant of Covid because each jab is designed to experimentally and permanently change our immune systems by manipulating spike proteins.
thanks, but my oncologist and gp agree with dr fauci. meanwhile you should consider the penalties for practicing medicine without a license. .
I haven't got COVID and neither have millions of others. Meanwhile something like 95% of the people in the hospitals who are dying of COVID are unvaccinated. You can sashay around that figure and bullshit about variants and "burning out" whatever that's supposed to mean all you want. The numbers are clear and irrefutable. THE UNVACCINATED ARE DYING, THE VACCINATED ARE NOT Get vaccinated if you're not. If you're not your Darwin Award is on the way.
But the vaccinated are spreading Covid to the unvaccinated. I think the bad guys in all this are the companies which made the quote un-quote 'vaccines' for Covid which turned out not to be vaccines at all. Realize some vaccinated are landing in hospitals since the variant of Covid they're currently inoculated against has burned itself out and the new variant (which lands them in the hospital) isn't mitigated by the current inoculation.
had until removed by recent surgery. i feel better every day but still need regular lab tests and cat scans.
You gotta really be worried about Covid since your immune system is pretty low, I'd guess. I'd 'self-quarantine' if I were you until your immune system strengthens.
Ideologues dutifully parrot the anecdotes issued to them, all calculated to minimize the devastating impact of the pandemic.
I had had a regimen of radiation a while ago that seems to have worked, but every lab check still occasions a bit of anxiety. Be well and be confident. Medical science has progressed at an awesome pace.
traditional chemo and radiation did not seem to work, but there are some amazing (and expensive) immunotherapy drugs that kicked it back enoygh to remove. these guys who don't trust the doctors but who listen to some doofus on the radio.......never mind, the doctors learn more all the time.
Re-read the numbers I submitted Nowhere in any of them is anything being said about large numbers who were vaccinated some time ago now being sick. There are SOME like that but they are less than 1% in most instances. The vast, VAST majority, over 95%, who are sick enough to be in the hospital were NEVER VACCINATED AT ALL. You are making up a narrative which fits your own preconceptions as you go along. It has no connection to reality at all at this point. Get vaccinated if you are not. Otherwise make your peace with God for you will soon be meeting him.
Out of curiosity, with something that as a 1.3% possibility of death, why do you feel that anyone who hasn't gotten an injection, will be meeting God soon?
Cancer can be defeated and your posts strike me as you being the kind of person who always triumphs over any difficulty
Without any treatment at all you "only" have a 33% chance of dying from the Black Death. That 1.3% assumes you are in robust good health with no co-morbidities at all and no hidden conditions or weaknesses. It also assumes you want to spend the next several weeks undergoing what sounds like being crucified by your own lungs, but if you find that easier and safer than a minor arm jab, you be you
Where do you get the 33% from? Not everyone with comorbidities automatically dies if they aren't vaccinated. Minor jab to some, but you are good at laying on the hyperbole.
I consulted various specialists and had scheduled surgery, but then opted for radiation instead. So far, so good. Medical science has made and continues to make enormous progress, and the options it now offers allow more opportunities for success. On the one hand, you have ineluctable progress based upon multiple, critical, expert assessments of continually accumulating empirical data; on the other hand, you have ideological dogma that is utterly impervious to such self-critical improvement. From a practical standpoint, it's a mystery to me why anyone would prefer the latter.
when the vaccines were approved it was no secret that they were rated at just over 90% on the original virus. but "they are not real vaccines because they do not work 100%. i'm sure the best vaccines, polio or smallpox don't work 100% the worst cloth mask is about 15% effective. if we're noth wearing masks that goes up to a little over 30%. go with better masks and the percentages go up. but "masking does not stop all the virus." similarly they require perfect predictions from the complex and evolving models of climate and economics .......