One of the many problems with having women involved in politics is that most people [who are composed of cells that have two x chromosomes] are afraid of nearly EVERY damn THING. This fact is exploited by the psychopaths who spend their days and nights attempting to perfect methods of exploiting voting populations. If you approach any issue with fear as your main driver, you will almost always choose the incorrect path. After all, it was mostly women who voted for the current President and VP that [by nearly any measure] are the very definition of incompetence. Look at what's going on in Western society...fear of everything...everywhere. It's like we are all being forced to live like women...and it is NOT working. And I know that there are courageous women out there [but not nearly enough]. Men [in general] are better suited to lead because men are stronger and true leaders are those who are able to overcome their fears and make decisions based on a truer representation of what's actually going on. Fear distorts reality. Look at what the feminist movement and the cadre of single mothers have done to so many of the young men in this society. They are either unrecognizably feminized and incapable of projecting strength or they are completely out of control and use their strength to debase and destroy. Leaders need to be able to project strength but use it with great care. This applies on the playground the same as it does in the boardroom [or on the international political landscape]. If it weren't the case that both Russia and China were such complete sh*tshows, we would be in serious trouble with the fools we have in the White House. Who could possibly take these clowns seriously? I am not saying that women should not be involved in politics, only that men should lead and women provide balance. And then there are those rare women like former U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard who shows incredible strength and moral fortitude. Unfortunately, the Democrat establishment was done with her after they realized she was not going to toe the party line. Imagine an honest politician in your ranks? Outrageous!! Part of the massive change going on in the Western world is the process of extricating weak leaders from all sectors of society. We need a return to strong leadership affixed to a moral code that has as its beacon something greater than hedonistic self-interest. Whether in corporate boardrooms, the professions, academia, or any other seat of power/influence in the West, the ideological misfits need to be shown the door. Corruption is an ugly look and has created an environment so toxic that people will sell-out even the most vulnerable in society...our children. It's time to put a stop to this moral outrage and tell these weaklings to take their ill-gotten millions and get the hell out of town. Enough is enough. Courage is the antidote to our problems. Got any?
Eventually, Democrat women are going to get a clue that getting raped and/or murdered by their next door illegal immigrant, black man or homeless addict is not a good trade off to being able to abort your rape baby any ol time of pregnancy you feel like while their daughters are being slapped in the face by transgender dicks and their sons are dying from fentanyl laced drugs. Eventually, they’ll figure it out. Not yet, obviously, they’re so stupid they think stroke victim vegetables are good candidates for office…but eventually.
I understand what you are saying about fear. For women, there are certain realities in which they have to look over their shoulder when walking alone at night for instance. Rape is constantly on their mind, even when they are on a date with someone they like. However, that is not something that Tulsi Gabbard say or did. And in party politics, if Sen. Murkowski did the same thing about one Donald J Trump, I am quite positive the GOP and the Senate Majority Leader would kick her out of the caucus, the RNC will forgo any campaign funds for her reelection, etc. So, breaking party lines is something no politician does, otherwise, they are cast out. Look at the Republican reps who voted to impeach Trump. They were ousted by their own party, and called traitors by some, including a few on this forum.
Is that any better than getting raped and murdered by their signicant other because they want to file for divorce?
Women got the right to vote in 1920 which eventually lead to election of FDR for four terms. The same FDR who promised "a chicken in every pot". Women voters, looking for security over freedom, fell for his socialist agenda bigly.
This made me laugh out loud! The first quote is from the OP. The second is from a male post who is apparently afraid of EVERYTHING!!
Lol of course you vote for illegal immigration. An entire political party champions open borders policies. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for illegal immigration. We have every power as a country to stop every illegal immigrant from crossing our borders. The fact that we don’t is a direct consequence of the politicians we vote for. This is not difficult. A murder/rape by a black man, drug addict or illegal immigrant let out of prison by a Democrat DA on weak AF law enforcement is the same as a murder/rape by a mad divorce husband? LOL. You’re the one doing all the false equivocating buddy! And it’s hilarious!
get your guotes straight, lemmi. "a chicken in every pot" huey long huey long challenged fdr from the left with a program called "share the wealth." he brought many of the same reforms (education and health care) to louisiana that the bolivaristas have brought to venezuela. was "the kingfish " "woke? " no one that i know then or now calls him a socialist. "I'm for the poor man — all poor men, black and white, they all gotta have a chance. They gotta have a home, a job, and a decent education for their children. 'Every man a king' — that's my slogan." huey long Huey Long's Programs - Share Our Wealth, Share the Wealth one of only 2 sitting senators assassinated. both could have been great presidents.
Nope "a chicken in every pot" came from the Republican party and was used in the Hoover Presidential campaign.
Wow. I'll add rape to the list of subjects you folks are woefully, perhaps willfully, misinformed about. MYTH: Most sexual assaults are committed by strangers. It’s not rape if the people involved knew each other. FACT: Most sexual assaults and rapes are committed by someone the victim knows. Among victims aged 18 to 29, two-thirds had a prior relationship with the offender.
I think this is hugely stereotypical, but I also believe that many women operate and make decisions based on emotion, while many men are analytical. Both of these approaches have value. However, at times, an emotional approach is not desirable.
So women aren’t getting raped and murdered more because Democrat DAs are letting black criminals go free on racist anti law policies. Got it. So women aren’t getting raped and murdered more because Democrats champion open borders policies and ballooning the populations of criminals who shouldn’t even be here along with drug addicts capable of anything. Got it. I’m the racist for having a problem with all that. Got it. There’s a reason all you dished out was stone cold leftovers of typical liberal swill. No original thought whatsoever. Let me know when you find one.
Lol so a black man with a rap sheet a mile long let out of prison by a Democrat DA on racist and weak AF anti law policies rapes you, and it’s all okay with you because most rapes aren’t committed by strangers? Why do you think being raped by black men you let out of prison as a direct consequence of your voting is okay? Do you like rape? Stranger rapes you voted for are cool so long as they are in the minority? School shootings are in the tiny fraction of a minority of gun crime, and gun crime is a fraction of overall crime. Are school shootings super cool with you too? Are shootings in general awesome? Can’t get enough? Gotta be a majority crime stat for you to start caring? Try again. Try harder. This weak crap is pathetic