The ballot box will now have "Gun Control" front and center according to guest speaker on CNN today with Wolf Blitzer, in 2020. Did the Donald Trump Era usher in a new thrust to re-write the Second Amendment? More and more CNN anchors and guests are talking up the need for a final solution to gun control. The latest spade of shootings are now being used (once again) to fare up the irrational, illogical and nonsensical ideas about "gun control." Yet, nobody inflaming the matter on main stream media has put forth any real "solutions" or make mention of what a real "solution" would look like. The idea of legislating moral behavior has always seemed like part of a broader ulterior motive to me - part of a larger control mechanism. Using isolated events in society ban an entire segment of society, always seemed more like mass control as an attempt to truly solve underlying problems. I'll bet dollars to donuts that the 2020 presidential debates will be toxic with gun control rants and no real substance behind how to go about implementing it.
What would be a detailed gun control measure and how would it be implemented in America? Is it time for Parents to take control of the household, so that pathological people are not breached into broader society 18+ years into the future? How will added gun control measures prevent gun violence in America?
Attack that which some of sworn an Oath to defend and protect is UN-American on its face and an attack on all Americans - both at the same time. Who would assume such an evil posture other than someone seeking to destroy all that is American.
Democrats only get elected when they lie about what they want in sane districts. When they speak honestly good people are repulsed by what they want.
seems to me that the objective of gun control and many other hare brained liberal schemes is more about controlling the law abiding citizenry than doing anything about crime and violence..truth is they don't care about dealing with either..they just want power and to feel morally superior
Honestly, I think it is all one big game on both sides of the isle. Both of them are responsible for selling out America and Americans. Both are subservient to the elite money interests who control things from a distance. Anything they do with "gun control" is meant to protect their political interest and will never have anything to do with truly caring about an individual's right to life - which logically means their right to self-defense against the tyranny or one or the tyranny of many. Their only interest is in protecting and preserving the System, which has nothing to do with preserving Liberty, but everything to do with preserving their power, authority and control over the masses. Jefferson, told us what to do here. There are 380 million of us. That's a massive and distinct advantage. That problem is that the ingrained individualistic bootstrapped nature of Americans is the very thing that prevents them from working together, on one accord and for the common good. Thus, classic divide and conquer, though it is a strategy that is as old as time itself, still works for the Elite and their mechanical puppets who hold manage the store (The U.S.) for them. You can consider the Federal Reserve their literal cash register. The People, have lost real control many (many) years ago. Divide, conquer and confuse works for them.
Liberals get early success with emotional responses when it comes to gun control. The second people stop and consider the what they are actually saying, its rejected and the emotionalism is gone. It is only in liberal run urban hellholes that we have seen any significant gun control, and its those same hellholes that produce the majority of American murders. Go figure...
'I hope detailed gun control measures are discussed. Its about time' whenever I hear this from the gun control crowd, it tells me : 1) they view it as a continuous , never ending process and 2) they know that whatever their latest genius piece of legislation,talking point or fund raising crusade is a farce and won't accomplish what they when that is obvious...go back to 1) above, repeat
It is a continuous process until the problem is resolved as well as it is in other developed countries. We deserve no less
ahh... a moral and political the temperance movement and prohibition....the results of course were disastrous