That's an incorrect accounting of how Davis was caught. Maybe you shouldn't be smarmy in your ignorance.
The meteoric rise of the Republican Party as a party with limiting the growth of slavery as part of its platform was enough. South Carolina's declaration of secession is literally just one big tantrum about the rise of abolitionist politics. Also it amuses me to watch people not understand what a terrible precedent it sets for a country to allow entire swaths to just leave at will if the political party they support doesn't get a majority, let alone for a country to be built with that in mind. No neo-Confederate can ever explain to me how exactly the CSA would have turned out well in any circumstance. A loose confederation of states run behind the scene by a literal aristocracy and a third of the population in chains with another third living like European serfs. A regression to Medieval times under the thin, stained guise of "states rights and liberty".
I would answer that but I have a mod on my ass so I guess I will hide out till the heat dies down. hehheh
There has never been a right to unilaterally secede from the US government. No we don't. We were in open conflict with them. The Korean war never actually ended, it's just not hot anymore. We attacked Germany and Iraq preemptively. Even the ones we didn't attack, we were not peaceful with. There are no slave states we peacefully coexist with. Nor should there be. Our way is superior to their way. We corrected their mistakes.
Not before or after either. There are no redeeming qualities of a racist ideology. They are all inferior and they are all immoral. - - - Updated - - - They are wrong. And those "others" are a tiny minority.
The definition has never changed. Racism is the belief that the humans can be divided into distinct biological groups with their own behavior. If you believe this, you are a racist, even if you do not believe one race is superior to another. While a belief in superiority is common, it's not a requirement. Even if you think all races are different but equal, you're still a racist. The definition has never changed.
It is not integral to modern America, which is the only America that matters. Making it illegal is not necessary, the way it has been with many of the lower cultures. Freedom of speech in America ensures that racist ideologies remain open to criticism. Racist ideologies cannot withstand scrutiny; people can see them for what they are, and almost always reject them. There are no laws against racists holding office, yet no racist holds a major position in our government, not even in the most racist areas of the country. Racism has been in a steady decline since the civil war, and now is all but extinct. It probably doesn't help that many of them are cowards when it comes to admitting their own beliefs, instead playing on semantics and mincing with equivocations. Racist ideologies are clearly inferior and immoral and deserved to fail.
Well, why don't you give us the correct account; you know, the one that justifies Davis putting on a dress.
I'm gonna be nice and just post the link with no further comment.
If you want to understand what happened this is a good place to start>>>>,d.cWc