How can Republicans win in 2016? One idea

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Aleksander Ulyanov, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Be for a Constitutional Amendment legalizing Marijuana

    Or possibly just a change in Federal Law will be enough. Whatever, if a Republican would do this (and have a reasonable chance of winning otherwise), I'd vote for him

    Naturally enough none of the Neandercons are going to vote for him but actually that's good. Any Republican who runs in 2016 is going to have to run against the Republican Party's Image and this would do just that,

    A lot of dems would vote on him for that alone, A lot of moderate Republicans would too. I think he'd (she'd) win
  2. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    while I disagree with a large part of your post at CPAC this year a lot of people seemed surprised that a large number of the attendees of the most conservative convention want to see weed decriminalized. The libertarians long ago started to leave the Democratic party and began to lean GOP which is small government and minimal governmental interference with our lives. Democrats want mommy to grave government guidance and that includes their leisure time

    from a CPAC poll

    The event also brought a chance to gauge conservative voters attitudes toward an ongoing legal issue in the U.S.: the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.

    As NPR's Sam Sanders reports, "62 percent of voters said marijuana should be legalized in some way."
  3. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    They get the votes to win from the 50+ years olds both DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS that represent a 20+ % voting block that votes 90% of the time that agrees with the following:
    I've been a yellow-dog Democrat all my life, but I'll be voting republican from here on out for two reasons. First, I'm FED UP WITH 95% OF THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY BEING CONTROLLED BY THE 2-5% HOMOsexual COMMUNITY. Almost every movie or TV show today has HOMOsexual component in it , promoting HOMOsexuality like it's a normal alternative lifestyle to millions of impressionable and confused adolescents in PRIME TIME every night, WELL IT'S NOT NORMAL IT'S A MENTAL OR PHYSICAL DISORDER THAT NEEDS TO BE TREATED LIKE YOU'D TREAT SCHIZOPHRENIA OR CANCER Secondly, I'm friggin tired of the Democrats trying to curb my gun ownership rights with FALSE FLAG EVENTS LIKE SANDY HOOK WHICH WAS NOTHING BUT A POORLY EXECUTED FEMA / HOMELAND SECURITY CAPSTONE DRILL MODELED AFTER THE DUNBLANE SCOTLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING IN THE 90'S WHERE HAND GUN OWNERSHIP WAS TOTALLY BANNED IN GREAT BRITAIN A YEAR LATER WHICH IS THEIR GOAL HERE!
    There are 10's of millions of GUN OWNING DEMOCRATS THAT ARE AGAINST THE HOMOsexual AGENDA THAT IS HIGH JACKING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY . Also , there are 10's 0f millions Democratic Men of all Races saying they'll vote for Hillary in public, BUT NEVER WILL INSIDE THAT VOTING BOOTH ,GUARANTEED. Republicans will win the 2016 PRESIDENTIAL RACE BY A LANDSLIDE !!!!

    Here's a few shows with Homosexual Content just off the top of my head without doing an in depth search ,let's see we have the one that started it all Will and Grace, then Six Feet Under , Girls, The L Word, The Walking Dead , The Following, Empire , Backstrom, The Big Bang Theory, The Cleveland Show, King of the Hill, South park, The Simpsons, Glee, The 100 , Black Sails, Madame Secretary , Gotham , Kingdom, How to get Away With Murder, The Modern Family, Dominion, Tyrant, The Night Shift, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Penny Dreadful ,Star Crossed, The Fall , Peaky Blinders , Wentworth , Defiance, Hemlock Grove, Hannibal , The Bridge , Under The Dome ,Ray Donavan , Orphan Black, Banshee, Betrayal , House of Cards , Masters of Sex , Nashville, Da Vinci's Demons , Arrow, Sons of Anarchy and Orange is the New Black just to mention a few there are dozens more. YOU GETTIN THE PICTURE !!!

    caps ate for emphasis and highlighting ,I'm not yelling at anyone
  4. OklahomaDemocrat

    OklahomaDemocrat New Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    I don't think the Republicans should cave to Democratic issues. I think they should remain true to true conservatism, but leave behind the hate and vitriol sometimes perceived with such conservative disciplines. Not all young voters are real liberal while not all older voters are real conservative. So, I don't think the GOP should automatically give in to marijuana demands. Nor should they give in to homosexual demands. The Democrats do not hold a monopoly on moral issues.
  5. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    That ain't gonna do it. They'd have to triangulate the Dem position on marijuana and come out in favor of Ecstacy legalization in order to win.
  6. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Equality without regard to sexual orientation is a done deal, embraced by most Americans. If the GOP were to eschew their endless kvetching and 1) Espouse fiscal restraint, and stop lavishing taxpayer money on the Pentagon and corporate welfare 2) Abandon their theocratic social agenda and stop trying to insinuate the State further into wombs, and 3) Renounce big, anonymous money that manipulates elections and candidates, they would be far more attractive to the American people.

    I just don't see them cleaning up their act until they have experienced at least one more Romney Landslide!

    The well-guarded secret to success in national elections is to reflect, represent, and legislate the values and vision of the present electorate, not pander to a vanishing constituency.

    No party with a future can ignore it's younger members: COLLEGE REPUBLICANS TO RELEASE REPORT SLAMMING GOP FOR TURNING OFF YOUNG VOTERS
  7. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    I can see where the Evangelical right can consider same sex marriage a conservative issue but as far as I am concerned both it and the marijuana are more a libertarian issue than Democratic. I am certainly a older conservative but only fiscally conservative while socially I am libertarian all the way. I tend to lean GOP at the national level at least for Congress but have not seen a real Republican run for President since Reagan although a lot of wannnabes call themselves Reaganites. Federal Government needs to get back to the basics of building roads and infrastructure and securing the borders and let the States take care of the "sin" laws
  8. CausalityBreakdown

    CausalityBreakdown Banned at Members Request

    Aug 14, 2014
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    what the (*)(*)(*)(*)

    I don't even know what to say to this. You somehow went from the political strategy of marijuana legalization to a poorly formatted, incoherent and paranoid rant about gay people?

    I really think you need to calm down and maybe talk to somebody. I'm not trying to insult you when I tell you that I'm concerned for your mental health.
  9. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    If Republicans want to win they will have to nominate Hillary.
  10. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Rand Paul is a lot farther evolved on Marijuana than a lot of Dems, regardless of what extremists and partisans think this is not a partisan issue.

    Obama may have been a stoner in HS and may even be doing a bowl down in the Rose garden on occasion but he loves the control aspect of marijuana laws and refuses to reschedule it from a class I drug
  11. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I agree about the Rand Paul thing, but it really is a partisan issue. Go to a concert featuring Pink Floyd and another featuring Garth Brooks and see which audience lights up more. Both attract voting-age crowds.
  12. mamooth

    mamooth Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Hillary supports medical marijuana legalization, and is cautiously supportive of state efforts to legalize. That is, she's playing it safe, going along with popular opinion.

    That's not much different than Rand Paul. He didn't suggest legalizing medical marijuana, but did suggest reducing criminal penalties, and supported state actions to legalize.

    Like Phoebe pointed out, getting to other side of Hillary on this issue would require a jump too extreme for any of the Republicans.
  13. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I'm a Dem and will probably support Hillary, but I hate that about her. She leads from behind. But who doesn't these days?
  14. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    if I had a choice between the two concerts I would go see Pink Floyd but that still does not mean I would vote for a Dimocrat in a national election. Your issue is that you stereotype and profile the average conservative. To you we all look alike.

    remember bill Clinton is the one who signed the death warrant for Glass Steagal. If I wasn't so convinced Liz Warren is just as much a hypocrite as Clinton is I possibly could support her depending on who the GOP nominee is. The difference between me and all the partisan jackasses is that I vote my conscience, not some phony political agenda that the advertising types put together and the lobbying companies regurgitate on the media. I recognize the fact that low info voters cannot get past identity politics, however thank God a lot of the Independents really are Independent and outnumber the low info crowd on both the left and right
  15. OklahomaDemocrat

    OklahomaDemocrat New Member

    Apr 5, 2015
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    Very good post. Stereotyping voters should be avoided at all cost. It is one thing to look at demographics and trends, but don't automatically put someone into a corner based on abstract evidence.

    Liz Warren makes Hillary Clinton look far right wing. She is an even bigger hypocrite than Clinton. I could see Warren supporters not voting for Clinton because she is too close to the center. They are both liberal bastions and I'm sure the media, being as liberal as it is, will bow down and worship the Democratic nominee (probably Clinton) and will turn CNN back into the Clinton News Network that it was all during the 1990's. All the debates next October will come out with Clinton as the automatic winner by a landslide margin.

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