Here's where mine came from. I love these movies. [video=youtube;J78J-6PbhVo][/video] Tell us about how you came up with your name....
Gamewell manufactures fire alarm pull box systems and being a volunteer firefighter it was a natural for me to filch it for my own use as a screen name. The number 45 is the pull box assigned to my station. Btw this thread is a pretty decent neutral thread for a political forum. Nice to see one of these threads pop up now and then.
Hm, I don't recall it now, but I did read through the Hunter's Blades trilogy. Was that character in there? I have a bunch of others about that dork Drizzt that I'll also be reading through eventually.
had a black Belgium sheepdog named Jack, was my closest friend for 14 years. Like Bojangles I still miss that dog everyday
Tezelian, in Tezelic (Tezelian; Tehselaihn; Macro Tezulu-Altaic), Noun; [Tez] means Unity, [eli] means as, [an] means whole, i.e the word 'Tezelia' translates into "unity as whole", this sources from the nation and philosophy of Tezelia founded in 2007 after the two years Proto Tezelo-Felentor [ntrkanidao] wars, a 'Tezelian' (Tezelian; Tehrac) is a citizen of Tezelia (/See chronicles of the Fall Vol.II). and I chose Imperialist because I love Imperialism.
Because it's what funds your science and space programs... I rather let oil be in the hands of the American's who atleast take us to space than desert muslim arabs who will build more mosques with the profit. If I was a leader I would grab other inferior peoples resources and use it for my own good reason.... I can be an Imperialist and because of the resources grabbed from others, boost my economy and help my own poor, improve education, public sector, etc and spread the empire.
My user id and my screen name are an abbreviation of my full name. I chose to have a permanent online prescence in 1994 when I chose jmpet and can proudly say I put my name to my words- something apparently no one else here can claim in this anonymous forum.
Good points here. It is through organised government control, not by pure "rule by the people," that accomplishments are made. It is empires that have left grand monuments and significantly advanced civilisation through human history.
daddy of all, couse im father of 5 kids from 6 different mothers. not really but yeah... back in 90s when i was into online gaming i used to own my share of frags so i was named daddy among some other things, making my way into the top i kinda become everyone's daddy i guess.
What can I say... I'm honest! I've been Smartmouthwoman online since Aug 1999 but people who know me would tell you it started a long time before that. I got my irreverent sense of humor from my mom. It's been both a blessing & a curse.
The first forum I ever joined was a WWII forum so I chose my favorite battle from WWII which is 'Operation Chariot'. I decided then on that it would be easier to keep track of one name; so 'Chariot' has been my internet name ever since.