Oh yeah, make us laugh again and tell us your theory about how the conspirators switched planes in mid air. Make us laugh harder and tell us why in the world they would ever do such a bizarre thing. C’mon…make us all laugh.
Wrong the government provided massive evidence. You have none whatsoever and in fact you never provide a speck of evidence. So provide some evidence. The government has done so and you are stating a bald faced lie to claim otherwise
I never posted any such thing. Regardless, your silly invented rant has nothing to do with what I posted or the facts about 9/11. Go back and read for comprehension and if you can produce any evidence otherwise, please do so. I would be very interested in seeing any evidence that the serial numbers from the debris matched the serial number recorded in the parts logs for ANY of the 4 claimed planes. There is no mention of that in the 9/11 Commission Report or any official report at all, that is an irrefutable fact.
I must have had you mixed up with Eleuthera and his crazy theory. My apology. Good to see you're calling it batsh!t crazy too.
You keep inventing nonsense about what I post. I posted no such thing, try reading for comprehension for a change, if you're capable that is. The current discussion (at least what I'm discussing) is about the debris with respect to forensic evidence used to connect it to the alleged 9/11 planes, FACTS not theories. It's obvious you're not interested and would rather play your typical trolling games by diverting the issue.
And you never took part in the poll where you repeatedly posted. Oh, okay. What DO you think about Eluthrea's plane swap theory?
I will not take part in a rigged poll other than to discuss it as I see fit. Why would anyone in his/her right mind do so? I guess you are incapable of reading for comprehension. Once again, the current discussion is the officially claimed recovered debris forensically matched (or never matched) to the alleged 9/11 planes, not theory. What do YOU think about the fact that there is no record of such a simple investigative process required as standard NTSB crash investigation protocol that was never conducted? And for bonus points, why do YOU think a FOIA request for such was denied? I understand you're not here to participate in a genuine discussion about 9/11 so these are rhetorical questions that I don't really expect you to answer on a reasonable basis. The result is that there exists no physical proof that any of the recovered debris, not even the alleged FDRs, came from the planes designated as AA11, AA77, UA93 and UA175. As such, that issue and many others render the 9/11 Commission Report strictly faith based, not evidence based. And therefore far from "accurate" as you've often claimed and never questioned. IF such proof exists and it is made public, it would certainly resolve many questions about what aircraft actually were used on 9/11. Without it, we are all left to speculate and the fact that this doesn't exist and they are deliberately refusing to provide such evidence strongly indicates that these were NOT the claimed aircraft that were used on 9/11. Especially given the long track record that the US government is a pathological liar and all the other coverups and destruction of evidence surrounding 9/11.
Your indignation makes me laugh. That you can't answer a simple question makes me wonder how intellectually dishonest and cowardly you actually are.
The government has said all kinds of things, and most of what is says is false. Feel free to embrace the statements of known liars, but I will take a pass. Nothing supports the government story, and everything contradicts it.
Evidence supports the governments theory and none contradicts it. As proof you need to specifically quote one part of the report which you claim is false and then show evidence that it is a lie. IF you do not it is proof against you
There was no airliner at the Pennsylvania field and no airliner at the pentagon. That means the official story cannot be true.
Yes there were at both crash sites and that is fact you cannot refute, you are simply repeating a hilarious lie. Now answer and quote one specific part of the report which is false and show evidence that it is a lie. When you keep evading this which you are it merely debunks and ruins your claims
Talk about intellectual dishonesty and cowardice, YOU can't/won't answer 2 simple questions directly related the FACTS about 9/11, which is the current discussion. Instead you want to change the subject to YOUR question about someone's theory, the epitome of hypocrisy. I question the US government, all the time on everything, you OTOH question and ridicule everyone who questions the US government and never, ever question the US government itself. Who is the real coward, coward?
You are lying again. it is you who has been asked time after time after time and run like a coward from answering. You never question the government period and are PROVEN to be lying when you claim you have. You have never even bothered to read their reports and only repeat some horseshit from some you tube videos. Until you read the reports and cite them correctly you are lying every time you claim to have questioned them. You are the real coward and you know it and so does everyone else
You cannot say more. All you repeat again and again an again is you hate government. You have never examined researched or questioned the government and we have proven that fact
Now here is a real whopper of a fairy tale...the government report says, OBL from a cave in Afghanistan, recruited, masterminded, planned, co-ordinated those 9/11 attacks from that same old cave headquarters...he had 19 arabs according to the official fairy tale, they trained for a few days on small aircraft, then using the dreaded boxcutters took control of 4 jumbo jets that day...and flew them into two buildings in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington....these guys should be hired by commercial airlines, as they were doing aerobatics with those big 767's that even experienced fighter pilots/commercial pilots could not do with fighter planes or commercial aircraft....not only that, with those dreaded boxcutters they got the pilots in the four aircraft to give up their aircraft.....yeah like thats going to happen...not only that they defeated all of NORAD, and the trillion dollar defence systems of USA east coast, no problem...if these guys can do that what can Russia or China do? It's scary...burrrrrr...maybe the USA government should have hired OBL to command their defence systems, if he was so good at defeating them... Now that is a whopper of a conspiracy theory fairy tale..way to go...9/11 commissioners....
Yes but it is a fairy tale you dreamed up. The government report says no such thing. You should read it and learn a few things. It never says it was planned by OBL from a cave. You should quote the report rather than repeating hearsay. They did no aerobatics at all. NORAD is not a combat unit of the military their primary purpose is to monitor and watch for large external threats such as large scale ICBM attacks from Russia or China. Your entire post is spin and fiction. Quote the specific passages of the report which supports anything you said.
That's true for just about everyone on the planet, not just your personal demons. The only exception are those who were knowingly involved. But you know everything there is to know about 9/11 because the US government told you everything you need to know and you know for sure of course the US government would never lie or leave anything out, especially about something like 9/11. Anything the US government didn't tell you about 9/11 is for your own safety so it's insignificant to you. You could suffer a horrible disease or even death if you found out anything about it you're not supposed to know, they have the best intentions at heart for you.
No it is not true for everyone on the planet. No one knows EVERYTHING about it. The 911 report is accurate however and supported by evidence. Your response is merely baseless vitriol.
How any people would it do to do 9/11? Well with idiots like you, or GW Bush it would take a lot really....good thing they had Osama Bin Laden to blame...a Saudi national.....Yes that dreaded OBL....strange how his family were in Washington on 9/11 meeting with Bush Senior and some Saudi royals..and guess what Nazi....despite the NO Fly in American skies, they let them fly away like little birds and go home...hmmmmm...now do you think of Osama was involved that would have happened? What does your little mind tell you about that?
And the idiots who believe the government conspiracy theory know even less, and refuse to get their heads out of their rear ends long enough to find out....classic example of moronic denial....does that make you feel good usda to have your head up your ....... I guess it must because you continue to do it....bon appetite!
All false and rumors sonny boy and the name is Soupnazi. He has a huge family which means having some relatives here means nothing. If you did something terrible it not implicate your second cousin. Bush sr was not meeting with his family on 911 and his relatives left AFTER the no fly order was lifted. Micheal Moore tried those same lies and was debunked. You still have yet to post anything true