Hate crimes are usually committed due to children being raised in a home where the parents do not help them to understand or accept someone's differences. The only way to stop homophobic behaviour is to start teaching children to accept differences in people at an early age. Black, white, red, yellow, straight, gay or lesbian, differences in people has always been a fact of life. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to teach acceptance of differences, there is outside influence that occurs. However, parents and teachers have more influence over children than anyone else, and that is where the steps to stop homophobic behaviour must begin. 1 As you raise a child or begin teaching one, be sure to show them by example. Telling is good, but showing is better. 2 There are good and bad people in all walks of life, regardless of sex, colour or religion, and the best way to protect and teach him or her this fact is to explain this to him or her. As the child grows older he/she will already be comfortable with asking questions about the subject of homosexuality because you have been teaching him/her about differences in people all along. 3 In order for your child to be comfortable around gays, you have to be comfortable around them as well. If you know someone who is gay, talk to them openly about their lifestyle and ask questions. It may be uncomfortable at first but most people are more than happy to discuss this because they know it is how people learn to accept one another. 4 Realize that just because you accept a gay person's lifestyle it does not mean others will think you are gay. Homophobia is described as a fear of being gay or a fear of homosexuality being contagious. Homosexuality is not, by any means, contagious. You must be comfortable with yourself in order to be comfortable with others. 5 When asked questions about your feelings toward homosexuality be honest in your answers. But more importantly, listen to the responses. Don't let fear intrude on your logic and don't decide it's wrong just because it's something you don't agree with. You may not agree with it, but still realize it isn't your decision what others do. Just because you accept differences in others, it doesn't mean you have to like it or agree with it. 6 Children are more open-minded than adults due to adults having already formed opinions which are usually based on how they're raised. Remember this when talking to people about homosexuality and base your discussion appropriately. Saying hello to people with a smile will open many doors to discussions and learning the way of life in others. If you're heterosexual and you're approached by a gay person, don't take offence. Take it as a compliment but explain politely that you do not swing that way.
how to stop homophobic behavior in one simple lesson 1) gays who feel threatened by homophobes should carry a fully loaded pistol, after taking the appropriate licensing and handling courses. 2) and if a homophobe bothers you, you should shoot that person in self defense. 3) after the danger passes, you should publicly and loudly thank the founding fathers for the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution 4) and over time, learn how to vote consistently Republican, as Republicans will be most likely to protect your right to carry and your right to keep your own property. end of lesson
I was with you until number four. I myself carry a Ruger .380 LCP. More on topic, the way to defeat prejudice is education as well as open and honest discussion. Now that is difficult to start. Frankly I've had some very open, honest, and in depth conversations with some deeply religious conservatives who are hard set against homosexuality. We walked away on good terms even with our differing belief structures. There doesn't have to be animosity or vitriol. In my opinion that is the best situation to end prejudice.
I know if I were gay I would carry a loaded firearm with me, more often than I do already. Last thing I need is some right wing hillbilly lynching me in the name of god. As for stopping homophobic behavior, remove religion from the equation and all of a sudden there is no justification for such blind bigotry.
The fatal mistake of many 'criminals', 'bigots' and 'bullies', is that they believe their victims are truly weak (and will not defend themselves).
I've been gay all my life and never felt the need to carry a firearm. Is it that the threat posed by "homophobes" is exaggerated or is it that I just have more balls than you?
Neither, a difference of opinion. I carry a firearm anyways, not a matter of balls, just a matter of "not going to deal with it".
if you look at the definition from Websters, "indoctrination" may sound harsh or negative but it is close to what is done to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view. as opposed to the term "educate" to develop the faculties and powers of (a person) by teaching, instruction, or schooling.
Sure they are. See it being injected into the curriculum across the country. California recently mandated by law. Before they even know what sex is, they are learning that its done with both men and women.
Of course, they would argue that the children are being educated. Educated to believe that homosexuality is an equally valid option to heterosexuality.
I bet there are millions of bisexuals who disagree. And more importantly, millions of parents of school children who disagree.
now you are mixing 2 entirely different topics. The first is about indoctrination. The knee-jerk reaction from homosexuals would be that they do not indoctrinate. By the definition, no other word comes closer to what they attempt. There is a viewpoint and agenda and it is pushed. it's not evil as indoctrination is something that is done all of the time at work, sports teams, politics etc. Heck, even Al Gore did it with his movie. But, it is about an opinion on sex, and really doesn't belong in the schools. To your second point about an equally valid option, i see it no different than being a vegetarian. Most people eat meat but there is a smaller percentage which doesn't. Does that make vegetarians wrong? Absolutely not. They are just different from most people in what they eat . Homosexuals are just different from most people in how they have sex . Other than that, we're all alike.
Surely you are talking about muslim countries where homosexualas are discriminated against and brutally beheaded. NOt this country and give me some links to these allegedly rednecked hillbilly attacks. How about lets see a little respect from the homo side toward the hetero side. Remember that old saying, you don't GET respect, you EARN it. What are you doing to earn it.
The US has been far more tolerant of homosexuals than some countries. However, there are still inequalities in the law, and there have been historical cases of discrimination. There were campaigns in this country to enact legislation that made it possible for homosexuals to be fired from their places of employment simply because there were gay. As well as attempted legislation that made it possible for homosexuals to be evicted by landlords and housing boards because they are homosexuals. So the US history is not perfect, but I do agree that it is better than some places in the world. As for mutual respect, again I agree. However, to argue that a group of citizens is unequal or undeserving of rights based on their sexual orientation is no different than to discriminate based on race. To say that individuals who contribute to or support this kind of bigoted activity are deserving of respect is contradictory to this nations values and common decency.
HA! hardly. It occurs to me that perhaps homoxexuality is some weird torturous mental condition the goal of which is death. After all, that IS the end result and more often as not, early. Then it strikes me odd how homosexuals infiltrated the roman catholic clergy, abuse the children and then the blame goes to church officials for placing these perverts in proximity to children whose lives they damage. All the while the media ignoring the predators and going after the church. I think i see the agenda there. Try denying a homosexual entry into the priesthood.
If I have gay sex do i serve more prison time for robbery? Am I pulled over at 5 mph below the speed limit if I have gay sex? If someone smashes into my car while it's parked am I "at fault" if I have gay sex? please explain to me how the laws are written differently based upon how one engages in sex.
The end result of every life is death. Heterosexual sex carries just a many risks as gay sex. To say otherwise is to deny reality. And really? REALLY? Homosexuals "infiltrated" the catholic church to molest children and smear the institution? Because gays are super secret mafioso assassin's!! Would make a hell of a novel. Perhaps the next Dan Brown book will be based on that theme. By the way...why would the church attempt to cover for the priests then? Sorry but attempting to liken homosexuality to pedophilia is a old lame tactic that just doesn't hold water.
For example, until recently one could be dishonorably discharged from the military for being a homosexual. Did you not know that homosexuals being allowed to openly serve was a new policy? There are also states in which employers are still allowed to fire employees on the grounds of their sexual orientation. There are still states that have laws on the books which hand out prison time for homosexual sexual activity. Though the supreme court ruled them unconstitutional. So yes there have been and still are some inequalities in the law.