I was reading an article initially about totally different subject when I can across this: "Take Canada as an illustrative example. In 2004, Canada passed the Assisted Human Reproduction Act. The legislation banned payment for sperm donation and was also billed as a way to promote safety and avoid commodification and exploitation. But the act did none of those things. Instead, the act resulted in a near-total collapse in the amount of Canadians willing to donate sperm and a massive increase in reliance on American sperm donors, who, of course, are financially incentivized to donate. In 2010, about 80 percent of the sperm used by Canadian women was provided by American men. In 2022, it was reported that 95 percent of sperm donations in Canada were imported. " So American men, and their healthy, red, white, and blue sperm, are inseminating Canadian women while Canadian men are in the corner watching. How long before Canada turns American?
Those "yanks who will do anything for a buck" will gradually begin to replace Canadians in the gene pool. What do you think about that?
Its not much of a replacement if the mother is Canadian and the kid is born and raised in Canada. The replacement conspiracy theory is an American thing, and I doubt Canadians are concerned about it
Could lower life expectancy. Canadians have a higher life expectancy at 81.2 years while Americans have a life expectancy of 78.1 years.
According to a University of Texas Medical Branch study, in 2005-2009, life expectancy was 78.8 in urban areas compared to 76.8 in rural areas. Despite its vast territory, Canada is a little bit more urbanized than the U.S. Life expectancy for white (race) people is also a little bit higher. This probably does not get reflected in the overall statistics because the more urbanized areas in the U.S. have lower white percentages, so there are two effects cancelling each other out. This could account for a significant part of the difference between the U.S. and Canada.
This is hilarious!!!!! Sort of!!!!????? Often legislation is designed to accomplish the polar opposite of what that legislation is supposedly intended to accomplish........ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supposedly has been attempting to FIGHT THE COVID 19 virus for these past five years...... but what he actually did was nearly destroy the Canadian economy???????!!!! Is he really oblivious to the fact that he and Biden are making a total mess out of the USA and Canadian economies????????????? Do Biden's advisors and Trudeau's advisors seem to want to crash the markets? ? Do Biden's advisors want to create an economic crisis? No 8 vote(s) 38.1% * Yes 11 vote(s) 52.4% I certainly hope not???? 2 vote(s) 9.5% I hope so... because I know how to invest no matter which way this goes! 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote Perhaps this is one part of a way to begin to make up for our error of the past against Americans?????!!!! Do we Canadians owe America an apology for 1750 - 1783? ? Do Canadians and Brits owe America an apology for our ignorance in 1750 -1783? No.... Canada did not even exist until 1867. 8 vote(s) 16.0% * Yes..... if we had been more well informed we would have supported USA independence. 7 vote(s) 14.0% No..... America should still be a part of the British Empire. 3 vote(s) 6.0% No.... we are not responsible for what our ancestors do. 32 vote(s) 64.0% Change Your Vote Alain Pilote.. The History of Banking Control in the United States....
How many women do you think are being artificially inseminated to start with? Many Canadian women actually find Canadian donors on their own. You do realize that Canada and the USA make up North America, not just the USA. This is a monumentally stupid thread.
It's kinda already a 51st State.....speak English, shop at Walmart, eat Mac & cheese, CFL football(albeit 3 downs & a bigger field), have Liberals/Conservatives, senate, speaker of the house, and trade with USA around the 90% level. I've been there numerous times ...so I have an idea.
We would love to have you up here...... and the numbers indicate that Trudeau is in colossal POLITICAL TROUBLE...... that could well lead to him wearing a nice bright Orange jump suit.... in less than five years........ [HaShem willing]??????????? You Sir.... have the brains to play a role in that happening........ you really do!!!!!! EVERY PROBLEM FACING THE UNITED STATES..... can in theory be addressed....... from the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area film industry......... and some of the massive problems facing three hundred and thirty million plus Americans...... could perhaps even be solved from here in Canada....... Please take a look at the IMAGE that I added to post number one here...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/the-tate-plan-for-shalom-in-the-middle-east.614114/ OK... I admit it...... the Calgary Alberta film industry may actually be in a position to accomplish even more than we end up getting done from here in the GT&HA.........???????!!!!!!