Okay. Thanks for the explanation. The theory rests on the idea that the Earth is a flat piece of paper that is traveling upward without tilt, along with all the planets, moons and the sun--and the entire galaxy all at the same speed. It also requires that the flat paper Earth not tilt. What's holding it steady? Do you realize now many meteors and asteroids have hit the Earth? The slightest hit would cause everything on the surface to fall off the edge. Also, all the water would fall off the edge every day. Also, all the ships that have sailed around the world would fall off the edge. Also, there IS NO EDGE. Show me the edge of the flat paper Earth and I'll concede the argument to you.
Most kindly sir, your last post was riddled with assumtions of a most unfortunate nature. It is not a piece of paper, it is cylindrical. There is speculation that there is a slight tilt at times. A meteor, while sometimes dangerous, would have have even close to enough force to offset the balance sustained from UA and DE. The water is held in by the ice wall, or what you would call antartica. The edge would be some couple hundred miles through Ice. Circumnavigation has been explained early in this very thread along with many more things you are likely to ask about. North is at the center, by traveling directly east or west, what you think would be a straight line, is actually taking you ina circle. See avatar for reference, a flat earth is also the U.N logo.
Colonel Sanders was described by many aa someone who kept others at a distance with many things in life. He is also someone who liked others to believe he was ''in the know'' just not letting them in on what he actually knew.
A: A cylinder isn't flat, it's cylindrical. B: There are no cylindrical bodies in space to support your idea. C: Tilt would still be an issue. D: There is no edge of the world. If there was a tilt of any kind, the center of UA would shift and it would be noticeable, because we'd all rush sideways instead of downward. There is no edge of the world. Planes have flown around the Earth millions of times. We've charted the North and South poles. You so realize there is a South pole, right? Besides you've contradicted. You said the ice is one the edges, but it's not, it's at the poles. They aren't connected.
A cylinder can be flat on top and bottom, no? The rest of what you have posted would only be true if the earth was spherical. If someone flew in a straight line they would go over eventually, I do not know of any navigation equipment which would allow this.
If your theory contradicts with the law of gravity, chances are your theory might be true, but if your theory contradicts with the second law of thermodynamics, you have no chance at all.
You don't know of any navigation equipment capable? Draw a straight line on a piece of paper. Did it take "advanced" equipment to do that? We have charted every corner of the Earth, including both poles. Your Theory requires a complete disregard for everything we know about navigation, ever map ever created through exploration. People have explored both the North and South poles. We have scientific outposts, yet no "Edge" has ever been found. Joseph Kittinger's famous low-tech ascent into space was done with a balloon. Check out the low-tech video yourself, this was prior to our advanced Hollywood effects. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWugcnyqLMk"]Skydive from Space - YouTube[/ame] The argument you have offered is little else than conspiracy speculation.
No, antartica has been explored to an extent. The paper and staright line thing doesnt hold water......the ice wall however, does.
Nope, my Qu'ran says that earth is a perfect sphere. And calculates its radius quite accurately. Though last scientific researches prove that Earth is not a perfectly spherical! D*mn it.
You do not know when a technology actually developes, only when it is released to tthe public. Pioneers of certain technologies have attempted to supress the knowledge of it at first if there was potential for controlling others for unparralleled gain.
Which experiment was that? Lots of people interpret the qu'ran as teaching of a flat earth, you have never heard of this?
How can an uneducated Muslim interpret the advanced equations of physics in the Qur'an? Think about it.
I have not deviated from the topic. I am not employing sarcasm I was just curious about the equations in the qu'ran. The concept of the earth being flat has been a recurrent theme inIslamic debate. However if you cannnot currently provide them that is ok and we can proceed inwhatever direction you fancy.
Well, then there's no equation in the Qur'an as far as I am aware. I was being sarcastic. I don't consider the Qur'an to be a scientific reference book and I have no f*cking idea why you quoted me and stated that the Qur'an teaches the earth as being flat, which I don't give a sh*t. Let's move on.
I dont have much care myself for what others do not care for. I had no idea you were employing sarcasm, on another thread I observed you seriously debating such things as the Islamic faith. And I already said we may move on. You accused me of deviation from topic and I responded by saying I had not deviated, but was more than willing to move towards which ever direction you felt was appropriate or where you may have been harboring misplaced doubt. Please, go on.
You should care for what you write, and to whom you write. Otherwise you would just end up throwing words at people randomly. I am openly atheist. You may want to trace my posts since you seem interested in my stance on religion.
Well why would I trace your posts now that you have told me. You truly suspect I have acted inaproppriately? You are from Turkey and I saw you debating Islam. True, a thourough investigation would have been needed to accurately determine your religious beliefs (or lack thereof) however what I said still pertained to the earth and the belief of it being flat. Would it be wrong of me to submit a rather complicated equation to somebody if they were not a mathematician? Anyway the floor is yours if you have any questions regarding the flat earth, moonshrimp, KFC, or any of my own personal and most excellent theories.
Being from Turkey and debating Islam don't make me a defender of the Islamic faith automatically. Turkey is a democratic, secular republic with true multi-party regime. So there're probably enough secularist Turks in Turkey that should prevent you to assume that all the people in Turkey would learn physics from the Qur'an. So your entire reasoning is so problematic that I could write forever on it If I got it too seriously. And last but not the least, I just love the idea of a holy book that explains the exact calculation of Earth radius. I would immediately be a believer of it.
If you can't draw a straight line on a piece of paper you have fewer skills than an elementary school child. Where is this 'ice-wall' and why has it never been photographed? We have two 'islands' of ice, the North and South Poles. They have booth been observed completely from the air. They are not connected. There is no "wall." Your theory discounts too many well established facts to be taken seriously. If you honestly believe your debunked theories--assuming you aren't trolling--I feel sorry for you.