I did skim the prior discussion and none of the questions where answered. Can you point me to a specific point or simply tell me yourself?
Nothing has been mentioned about tides, howeve most FE advocates suggest pull from the celestial bodies as they are always in motion. The sun I know is mentioned earlier. It is not orbiting around the Earth, otherwise the entire earth would be dark at one point, we know that doesnt happen. The sun moves along the equator. It is possible to see the edge if you find a way to successfully navigate. Easiest way would be to head south of course. Eventually you will reach what is known as antartica, once there, you will have quite the trek to the edge and let me tell you it is not a hositable environment. Miles and miles and miles of Ice and cliffs until eventually, you reach the edge.
That's easy to calculate. Just set the acceleration to a set interval of accelerations from sea level to upper atmosphere. Again they don't understand basic concepts of math or physics.
How does gravity work on this "Earth"? Is it uniform across the entire surface? And, does the atmosphere to stop at the edges and how does that work?
How do these celestial bodies affect the tides daily? If the sun is moving across a flat earth, would we not be able to see it at all times? What is beyond the edge?
Seen from on observer on the table, the flashlight will still appear with a smaller angular diameter when it's farther away (feel free to check that). Likewise, the sun is expected to appear much smaller near the horizon than when it shines from above using that flat earth model. Ah, I get it now. Dogma is the reason for your (pretended?) evidence resistance. Mystery solved, I'm moving on.
This is one of the questions I asked before that you did not answer... If there is no gravity, how and why do other celestial bodies pull on the Earth?
You dont believe in gravity aye? Drop a hammer on your foot....Does it hurt? Perhaps you should have believed in gravity then!
Gravity does change slightly by the Ecuador and during tidal phases. Thanks for reminding me of gravitational tidal waves. So Felix how would you explain the "appearance" of gravitational tidal waves on a flat earth?
This is thought to be caused by a slight imbalance of UA as effected by DE while ascending upwards, shifts in tectonic plates/siesmic activity, and the moon.
This is a common arguement suggesting that you can see the sun rise and set, so the earth must be round. If you do not see this happening thats ok.
No, the area illuminated is greatly dtermined by the aforementioned factors of both size and distance.
The investigation of NASA/KFC is taken very seriously because regardless of the shape of the earth, these entities are truly involved in malfeasance. This is the area which I speacialize in as I have been investigating NASA/KFC for quite some time and have researched the implications thouroughly.
Moonlight is also dangerous, this has been known for a very long time and there have been all sorts of implications relating the moon, and its light to mental illness. All of this was well documented in the 1800's
LOL. Documented in the 1800's and here it's almost 2012. Kind of ironic you're talking about mental illness. Also, if all the space exploration organizations are in a grand conspiracy about the earth being flat why wouldn't they lie about Dark Energy? Also please... please tell me KFC doesn't stand for Kentucky Fried Chicken. LMAO
Yes, moonlight being harmful was well documented in the 1800's, I mentioned this because it is truth, and it backs my claim that it has been known to be harmful for quite some time. This is Due to the fact that it is not refected sunlight. They do not need to lie about DE, I am not sure why you think they should?? KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken. In all my investigative adventures the only time NASA has used this acronym has been for the Kennedy Flight Center. They have been extremely careful so as not to arise any suspicion about a connection between the two of them.
I have no reason to as I have not observed or discovered any evidence sugesting they exist. Except fairies, I suspect there are a few of them right here on these forums.
What? This doesn't answer my question at all. You said other celestial bodies pull on the Earth. My question is, if gravity does not exist, as you suggest, how/why do these other celestial bodies pull on the Earth?
The sun rising and setting has nothing to do with it. A horizon is defined as the focal point where the ground meets the sky.
The Sun and moon have gravitational pull. Gravity is not the reason for weight on FE. That doesnt mean that it does not exist.
LOL. I'm pretty sure that you stated definitively that gravity did not exist, however, given the context of everything here, I have not the desire to spend time to search back and find it. So in that case, why would the sun and moon exhibit a gravitational pull, but not the earth?