Um, no. Just no. We sacrifice the animal to commemorate Abraham (PBUH), but there is no animal brutality. This is the act of making meat Halal. The same thing is practiced in Judaism to make the meat Kosher, and as a result a Muslim can eat Kosher and a Jew can eat Halal. But there is nothing involving bats to make the animal Halal. What we saw in that video wasn't the way to celebrate Eid al-Adha. THAT was animal brutality and your fellow Western Americas were playing a part in it!! Who was holding the cable around the sheeps neck to prevent it from escaping? Who was cheering the "man" on while he beat the poor thing, encouraging him to hit it harder? YOUR Westernized American army. Why don't you speak out against that, instead twisting the video (does it ever stop with you?) to pretend like this was an Islamic practice... lol When we sacrifice the animal, we divide the meat and eat it. We don't throw it away. A portion is kept for us to eat, a portion is given to friends and family, and a portion is given to the POOR and LESS FORTUNATE. You sound just as annoying as you are on here in real life, hey? Tell me, do you go to your neighbors and complain about their turkey dinner on thanksgiving? Do you go and complain on Christmas during their dinners? Or do you save your annoyance for your unfortunate Muslim neighbors? Awwww, sorry don't be mad. It probably wasn't really worth fussing about earlier, reading it now... Yaawn... Nothing special. Actually, looking at the following posts and your past posts, I think you are lying. If I've learned anything about you, it's when you respond to posts you do it in order. What I mean is, you respond to certain parts in the order they are in the quoted posts. You this a lot. Even in the posts above, you did it. So, why would you start in the Middle and work your way through my posts. 22:28 was in the middle of my post. Even if you went over the limit, the posts wouldn't of been cutoff from the beginning and bottom. That means you chose to reply to that verse at that time, no? Otherwise why would that of been the verse you first reply to and not instead 8:12 which was at the beginning of my original post and your follow up post? Sounds to me like you went for breakfast at AnsweringIslam and WikiIslam, hey? Lol and you didn't even redo this response which was flawed from the very beginning. First you selected a part of the verse, and forgot to remove the part that says "eat" the animal. Doh! الله اكبر سلام
For some reason you seem to confuse this man with the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). That's all I wish to say. Oh but interesting thought, you didn't start this post with a verse you started it with the response to my opening question. Why didn't you answer it in the post before this, rather than jumping into the middle? Lol. Anyway, back on topic... So we have reinforced that you aren't the strongest reader on the forum, but please try your best and read the part of verse 8:12 before the quotation marks. More specifically, the word before the comma. Then try and answer the following question: Who was الله SWT addressing in that verse? Take your time. No. Where did you get that? There were Pagan tribes attacking Muslims and Pagan tribes who had treaties with Muslims for peace. The Muslims were given permission to attack the Pagan tribes who attacked them, exempting the tribes who had peace treaties with the Muslims. It had nothing to do with those tribes being Muslim, they simply didn't want to attack the Muslims. Some English translations do say lightly. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was clear that it was to be lightly. Husbands of all faiths beat their wives, some more than others. If a man really wants to do it, he'll look for an excuse to do it. Similar to what you just did. But, like you, they are wrong. 4:35 says not to stay with your wife if you can't live peacefully with each other. To divorce. Okay, first of all where is the idea of sex even spoken of? A Muslim can marry a girl, but the marriage isn't official and put into practice until she hits puberty. Non-Muslim cultures didn't even wait at that time. But nowhere does the Quran say it is permissible to have sex with a young girl. But it is actually pretty funny how I was right and you were going to go running to WikiIslam for more information. Lol الله اكبر سلام
As usual, your words are a pile of gobbledegook. Almost unintelligible. Who cares how I did my posts ? They came out looking redundant because of the word maximum rule, and then having to redo everything while trying not to lose what had already been written. None of that matters. What matters is the content which, as usual, refuted your absurd posts. So when are you going SHOW some evidence that my sources (8 books that I listed + some websites) are "biased" and invalid. So far you've got the same grade on that that, you got on my Islamization Quiz > a ZERO.
Let us continue, shall we... Lol what, couldn't find anything on WikiIslam about this verse? I didn't say the verse didn't mention slavery? I just posted it because I have nothing to avoid or hide. Yes, the Quran permits slavery. But the Quran is clear in how slaves are to be treated. And let's just say, it is pretty much the complete opposite of you Westerners. It says "however" not whenever. And to do something righteous for you and your wife. Does that sound like rape? There is only detention of rape my friend. This verse is not permitting it. How does one "take sex"? Lol... Um you realize you mentioned this verse as permitting rape/kidnapping, not slavery, right? It must be twisted, because it a peaceful book with a beautiful message. You are a prime example of somebody can attempt to twist what's said in the Quran. الله اكبر سلام
Oh my God bro you're something else... Why don't you read the entire post, then reply? Seriously, you're not helping your case. And yes it matters because it seems like you had nothing to respond too while replying the first time so you picked what you thought would be an easy verse and said "be back later"... سلام
Haha... Tell me who's brainwashed. This contradicts what you say. If Muslim men constantly beat and rape their women, but the women think it's okay (how can you rape somebody if they agree with it?) and don't report this then how does anybody know women are being beaten by their Muslim husbands? Heehee I don't see how I confirm anything you say. Well, we can agree one thing. You certainly aren't smearing Islam. سلام
Isn't it funny how you LIE about everything and proclaim yourself to be right. Even funnier is I sense you actually believe some readers might be stupid enough to believe you. If Muslims want to get even a modicum of respect from non-Muslims everywhere, they must obliterate the sura 4:34 from the Koran giving Muslim men the right to beat their wives. The non-Muslim world simply will not tolerate wife beating, no matter how often or how cleverly Muslims try to sugar-coat it and pretend that it is OK, or even doesn't exist, or try to project it on to us non-Muslims. In connection with that, they need to stop insulting our intelligence.
Are all of you reading this mish-mash of OJLeb seeing what I'm seeing, because frankly, i can't believe my eyes. This Islamist nut is actually saying that slavery is OK and that slaves are treated better in Islam, that Western slaves are. Pheeeeeeeww!! EARTH TO OJLEB : There are no slaves in Western society. It was banned long ago. In America, slavery has been illegal since 1863. WOW ! How warped can some of these kids "educated" by Islamists be ? What one of those propaganda rags did you get taught by, OJLeb ? Go to and check the list in case you forgot what you were programmed by. PS - what is SWT, and quit using Arabic letters, or I might have to start tying in Spanish to you.
OK, I'll tell you whose brainwashed. YOU are. And every Islamapologist alive. How can you do that ? Here's how. The women don't agree with it. They just tolerate it because the Koran tells them to. As for how anyone knows, they're beaten, they say so. They just don't report it to authorities so that it makes it into the statistical surveys. Also hospitals, doctors, and morgues tend to pick up on it. Even supermarket cashiers can see Muslim wives' black eyes, even when they're wearing niqabs. And we can agree on one thing > you "don't see". LOL.
What we know is that bigotry is an emotional state akin to insanity. I am glad you care nothing for the women who are beaten in this country while making hash of the women in the Middle East who are ... not beaten, far from it. It may come as a shock, as it usually does to those such as yourself, but sometimes people make choices that you don't understand. Fortunately, in the world of sanity and honor, they need neither your understanding or permission before choosing a faith. Pretty simple. Worse, you clearly demonstrate a penchant for not caring to understand anyway. Every fact is just an apologetic to you, excuse already in hand to avoid anything outside your closeminded view that condems over a billion people to evil - as you assume the role of arbitor and God. Your choice. Hard to debate a blind zealot though.
Really? Jihad is in the Koran is it? Clearly you are not using you own proximity search in the slightest. I mean if you were, you would know that what you quote is: Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned and upon it (the evil of) what it has wrought: Our Lord! do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake; Our Lord! do not lay on us a burden as Thou didst lay on those before us, Our Lord do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us protection and have mercy on us, Thou art our Patron, so help us against the unbelieving people. I suppose you are aware that the Pagans that occupied Mecca were ridding out to slaughter all Muslims, and that the Muslims were outnumbered and without allies in the beginning of the conflict? But I guess to a BIGOT, a prayer for help in thos ecircumstances means .... kill every innocent people everywhere. That is a really good one that allows you to type in whatever you are looking for. Now, here are the results of typing in the word 'jihad'. Hmmm .... no jihad. Funny. As for th ereality of Jihad, it is found in the Hadith, not the Koran. As is described here, ""The best jihad [struggle] is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allah, The Mighty and Majestic," Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad)." I would ask you to read up, but I am guessing you have o taste for anything other than trolling someone simply because he is Muslim? Trolling defends so many innocent people ...
Muslims get plenty of respect, and honestly you think a bit to highly of your kind. I would prefer to not have the respect of somebody like your kind, because I don't have any respect for you people. The only one lying here is you bro, and I don't see any other readers saying anything, other than Neutral. And it doesn't seem like Neutral believes the utter nonsense you post. You're hatred does nothing but make me more proud to be a Muslim الله اكبر سلام
Lol, look over here everybody!! You are just dying for attention and approval from others hey? Did I say slavery was okay? No. I didn't. Like the Quran you try twisting my words but guy you aren't good at it. And yes, slaves under Islamic law were treated like saints compared to the West. Sounds to me like you are trying to ignore that disgusting part of America's history? Because, um, incase you were unawareA, there aren't slaves in the Middle East either. You don't even know what SWT means loool how sad is this? You literally learned everything you "know" about Islam from hate sites. Your a lost cause my friend. I don't think I have anything more to say to you... حرام... Speak Spanish. Am I supposed to be offended by you speaking Spanish? Lol... الله اكبر سلام
Well, regardless of what you attempt was, you did do it. Quite obvious to me what you did. But sure, you really wrote so much only to have it cut of expect leaving the middle. Yes, this one and only time you started a post without going in the order of the things you reply too, and skipped it again despite saying you had to redo the whole thing. Exposed. سلام
Nope, I'm not brainwashed. You are extremely delusional and living in a twisted fantasy world my friend. There is no point replying to you, because you are so irrational, so demented, so brainwashed by what you read on the internet... I'm not brainwashed by anybody or anything. My opinions are based in personal experiences, not what people write on blogs. That is where we differ. You are a sheep. You listen to whatever a certain person tells you and buy every bit of it. Incapable of thinking for yourself. Incapable of going out, talking to real Muslims, finding about Islam from the people who practice it. You dismiss everything a Muslim says as Taqiyah, proving you have no argument and also you have no idea what Taqiyah means. There is no reason talking to people like yourself. At first, I did it out of amusement but not I see just how warped your mind has be come from what you've read on the anti-Islamic websites, there is legit no point in me responding to you anymore... It's a waste of MY time putting in any bit of effort when you are completely irrational and brainwashed. سلام
Exactly. Speaking with these people is like talking to a wall, but even a wall is not so ignorant... He won't read up on it... Unless it has something to do with an Islamophobic clown it'll be dismissed as Islamist propaganda... Funny how Jihad or holy war aren't mentioned in the Quran yet the anti-Islamic clowns have convinced themselves and some other people that there is some secret type of Jihad going on to help Muslims take over the world. And there is literally a Jihad for everything? Only a matter of time until an article on JihadWatch pops up reporting something like "Muslim Jihad on American Public Toilet"... I read an article somewhere describing rape Jihad.... Rape Jihad. سلام
I agree. Interesting that you talk about holy war though? From this point of view it looks a lot more like Protectionist has a bit of holy war going on. There are extremists out there, but, IMO, the events of the middle east over the past year have pushed the extremist elements into a corner. Muslims, never happy with our foreign policy in the region in the first place, are horrfied but what happened in Iraq, and the Taliban are widely viewed as much for causing agony and grief in Afghanistan as they are for ... their peculiar brand of Islam. Most of the Muslim world seem far more concerned about opportunity, expression, political participation, and modernization. They have families to worry about.
Very much so, these people seem to think they are in religious war. Crusaders. Brievik thought the same way... Every belief system is going to have some extremist fundementalists in the group. It's inevitable. But the extremists in Islam do harm frequently to other Muslims. Which is why people are getting tired of groups like al-Qaida and the Taliban. Most of the Muslim word just want to be treated like human beings and live their lives without being constantly judged by people around them. I speak from experience. سلام
1. "Bigotry" is the Koran. 2. You have nothing upon which to base any value judgement about how much I care about "the women who are beaten in this country". In going ahead with doing that without any basis, you ,make a fool of yourself, but there's no law against that, so go ahead with it, if you wish. 3. Whatever you're babbling about, one thing is clear. I do what security guards do. I observe and report. Nothing more. Nothing less. As for being closeminded, have you read these books ? If not, why not ? Closing your mind to the facts in them ? If you'd like to hear some of those facts, I could give you some, but better for you to obtain them directly yourself (if you're not "closeminded" that is). 1. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel 2. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer 3. Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer 4. Infiltration by Paul Sperry 5. The Day of Islam by Dr. Paul Williams 6. Sharia: the Threat to America by the Center for Security Policy 7. The Third Jihad (DVD) by Dr. Zuddhi Jasser 8. Muslim Mafia by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry [ame=""]Muslim Mafia: Inside Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America - YouTube[/ame]
Agh yes, the Koran is bigotry because you say so ... even though anyone of any ethnic group can become Muslim. Please take your white hood, burning cross, and rambling dialectic somewhere where they entertain such notions as even slightly valid. Might I suggest the Church of Jesus Christ Christian? You know, the neo-Nazi Chruch? Glad to see you are quoting a bunch of non-Muslim hate sellers as your proof ... which of course in no way shape or form indicated bias or bigotry on your part. Try this: