Rather like a chess game, many settlements are forced. Many folks plead guilty to crimes they did not commit, just to end the cruel game. Many of the surviving family members attempted to have a real trial with normal discovery processes, but judicial and political pressures effectively forced them to settle for the class action. I know you will likely call me a liar, as that seems to be your standard answer to anything at all that threatens your view, but that is really what happened, and it is easy to understand why.
Pleading guilty for any reason is not a settlement at all. Commonly called a plea bargain no one is forced into it and those who do so are almost all guilty. Settlements are never forced they are voluntarily accepted and agreed upon. That is simple fact which you cannot provide evidence to refute. You keep making assertions which are proven fictional. That is why they are dishonest
No sir, my statements are not dishonest. They make you rather uncomfortable, but they are not dishonest. They are truthful, and the truth scares those who still believe that official tale.
Yes, a typo is plausible no doubt. But the bigger point is that the official tale is undermined by the evidence. For example, how could the tale be true when the damage seen at WTC could not possibly have been caused by office fires, structural damage and gravity. Another example is the lack of an airliner in Pennsylvania and at the pentagon. There is no evidence to support the story. If flight 77 had crossed the pentagon front lawn as they claim, they would have had many videos of that event. They would have allowed people to inspect and verify that the debris found did belong to the alleged flight. They didn't, and they have hidden the stuff from view. No way the story can be true.
It is obvious. No, it is not. I could post evidence to contradict your fantasies all day, but you've already stated that you're not interested in sources. Proof? All you have is an ignorant argument from incredulity here, nothing more. AA77 and UA93 existed and there is ample evidence. I would post it for you, but you've already stated that you're not interested in sources. There is, it is just that you refuse to acknowledge it or accept it (see above). They have one, but the shutter speeds limit the clarity. I could supply you with an in depth study on the subject, but you've already stated that you're not interested in sources. How do you know that? Is this what some idiot on the internet said? Have you lodged any requests? Because you say so? Argument from incredulity?
the bigger point,is that you are wrong About everything you post there is NO indication there would be 'many videos;,and the black boxes were found at the pentagon and shanksville
Yes they did allow comprehensive investigation of the debris. There were no video cameras at the Pentagon which were specifically designed to identify fast moving aircraft hence the lack of such videos. Flt 77 is not a story it is fact which the evidence proves - - - Updated - - - The damage at the wtc was caused by and is consistent with structural damage and fires. Your claim to the contrary is false
Show me another building tube within a tube design that has fallen. Show me another tube withina tube building that withstood a fire of any significant size and did not collapse. You can not compare an apple to an orange and claim they are the very same and what happened to one would happen to the other.
"there are experiments documented by Jonathan Cole." Isn't this the guy who dropped solid chunks of ice on solid chunks of ice and explained that since these solid chunks didn't behave as steel framed buildings have been claimed to have that it is proof of some sort of fraud or conspiracy? Wait... solid chunks dropped on solid chunks did not behave as steel framed building supposedly did. Well gee if a solid chunk of wood/ice is going to behave the same as a steel framed building why don't we just build buildings out of solid chunks of wood or ice? You quite obviously according to this mans experiments will have the same empty floor space... he has proven that engineers and architects and builders the world over have been idiots all along.