So (as everyone starts sentences nowadays)....So, since I've pretty much exhausted Netflicks, drinking more beer would be rather dangerous and frankly there's not much left to mine up my nose I decided it was time to catch up on the on Sky and BBC News I was listening to Angela mortgaging Germany to Greece and Italy - those poor Krauts having to work their tripe out to keep a bunch empty headed numpties in social handouts... Then we had the Chinese Ambassador telling everyone of their herculean efforts to supply the West with all the PPE and medical equipment it could possibly need - whilst keeping quiet about the fact that its all a load of tat and doesn't work and should probably be sent to the Americans... And then we have the Americans....what a bunch of tits they have in their Government. They have that Trump fella telling everyone they should piss off back to work and make America great again all the experts saying stay at home and keep America safe from Trump. The good thing is that hopefully all those idiots that voted him in will heed is words and head off out into the wide world get infected and then think again about listening to him and hopefully not voting for him...chance would be a fine thing...I wonder if Trump has tested positive for Cofefe-19.... And then we have the UK... Do you recall at the start of this Covid thing that there was a legion of very clever people that went out and hoarded toilet paper? I can them clever because people like me though them rather moronic because, I mean, who the hell hoards toilet paper! However, little did I know that now after the government basically throwing so much money into the economy and paying so much social security cash to the furloughed and new unemployed - toilet paper is now worth more than the cash in my pocket! So how's this working from home thing working out for you...?
Are you working from home and doing all that Netflix watching and beer drinking? News is poison...gets depressing to spend too much time on it. This week I'm on unpaid furlough and we've tore down our paneling, hanging sheet rock and hopefully will paint before I get back to work. I work from home but my bosses have high expectations...I work harder now then when I was in office. They crack the whip
I am sorry to hear how terrible things are; and they are terrible when a Scottman admits to having reached the safe limits of alcohol poisoning. Of course that's the point at which an Irishman is just starting to loosen up a bit. Probably inside the good ol' USA things are going pretty much as predicted. Everything Trump is suggesting the political Left is hysterically denouncing as "We are all going to die!" Then inevitably a bit of time passes and Trump is once again shown to have been essentially correct, but by then our hysterical leftists have already latched onto the next thing he's said or done that 'this time' they know for sure is going to lead to mass death and destruction. Sucks to be them because despite their endlless and passionate hysteria about -- well -- everything and such a huge investment in emotions, they always turn out to have been wrong. It's hell having a death wish that is just never fullfulled. But as to this mandatory lockdown or self-isolation -- depending on one's perspective -- people now seem to be getting a bit stir crazy. Many of them are driving around with no real destination in mind, just to get the hell out of their home or apartment. Alcohol is flying off shelves nearly at the same speed as -- as you noted -- packages of toilet paper. I was going to bring home a bundle of the prescious stuff -- TP -- yesterday, but did not feel like taking out a second mortgage in order to purchase the stuff. Anyway, it's now reached the point in which everyone NOT a hysterical leftist is sort of eager to go back to work . . . just to have something to do. So it goes.
....make MASA hats... Make America Safe Again....actually no...forget that....that sounds like something from the slave days of yor....I'm good masa Jones'n po black folk...we's good Covid fo us... Do you see what I mean...I'm piggin bored so my fingers run away with me.... No, you'd best go back to hanging your sheet rock... I guess you live in one of those less enlightened states that allow capital punishment....couldn't you get rid of your sheet rock by lethal injection?
Well I am finding that we are lousey sheetrockers and hope to get rid of our short comings with some orange peel texture..which I hate. Researching how to do that this morning.
I know how you feel. I put the plasterboard (sheet rock?)up, screw it to the studding and still need couple of furlongs of scrim tape and and about 30lbs of ready mixed tile grout to cover my tracks. I find the best policy is to paint everything in matt emulsion so as not to highlight my **** ups overmuch and then hang lots of pictures.
An abundance of paint and pictures do fix most mess-ups. My father and older brother were both absolute masters of perfection when it came to installing sheetrock and then going through the taping and floating process afterwards. I on the other hand always had better things to do, and so paint and photographs it was.
You mean you've got cabin fever, and you're sober. Countries like Morocco have lock down ending in a month (I have it on good authority from Casablanca); I found that out the day I found out UK's saying we're going to be in lock down for the rest of the year, maybe even longer. I think UK really is waiting for a vaccine to come out before we're out of lock down. Who knew the British economy had so much money to be able to afford that?
Also, I saw an article saying that illicit drugs are now harder to come by; Tell that to my neighbourhood.
It's a UK wide thing. Going to be like this for a week at least. UK doesn't get warm rain; no matter what season it is, could be high summer for all it matters; it rains in the UK, it's cold. Rain to someone in the UK means a drop in the temperature. Sucks imo.
At least a week, but that's how far our meteorologists can see into the future. Also... There's talk we're going to get a month's worth of rain in the next 24 hours.
I would love to have it piss down with, 2 weeks would be fine with. Lets say 1-2 feet would be just fine. The cold, don't you have clothing and heaters ? I am just a tad tired of having to haul 1000 gallons of water up the hill, everyday since 4 month. For a while we had a beer shortage. It was getting real serious. Now we have a coin shortage. The beer really concerned me
Same here totally bored... I am on my 5th day of 2 week qaurantine.. Just my look we went to Turkey on 29th Sep for 2 weeks and 2 days into our holiday the Gov removed the safe travel corridor.. Now I cant go out of the house... Just hope they dont start that sheilding bollocks again... I hardly coped last time..
I've finished fifteen internet courses by near death experiencer Dr. Kevin Zadai..... I thought that they were awesome......... If you are really bored just look up Warrior Notes School of Ministry! He learned a lot during a 1992 forty five minute brush with death. A lot more than he had learned in two Christian seminaries. If you like "Chariots of The gods"... you will like the way that he handled this topic..... All of his courses can be listened to for free on youtube but I am really glad that I decided to take his courses that offer credits. He prays over his students in glossalia... tongues.... and I really think that I have fewer fallen angels and / or demons in my life in comparison to nearly a year ago when I signed up for that first course.
I've been watching Deal or No Deal or the Brexit trade deal negotiations as it's properly named. Spoiler, all the boxes are empty apart from one which is full of rotting fish that we can't sell.
(2 months later) And yet it worked didn't it? Bet you're enjoying that freedom now while the rest of the world burns...
It worked if your goal was to cause massive unemployment, the collapse of small business and a mental health crises