No, I agree, it was horribly irresponsible to hold the rally if intelligence said they expected an insurrection. It falls in the category of "aid & abet" on the side of the organizers (team Trump). They need to get to the bottom of it and if Nancy was a co-conspirator, they can hang her from the same tree. That's what blame-shifters do.
What do you mean by "security failure"? None of their targets were found or hurt. That sounds like security-not-fail. It didn't go off without a hitch but that's still a stretch to failure.
You forgot Biden. We all know that Biden was ultimately responsible for the Insurrection by daring to run against the Bronze God
I don't know. Is it a "failure" to be overran by a violent mob? And if it is a "failure" then does the blame shift from the attackers to the defenders? "Blame the victim" is your argument, is it not?
Why do you suppose no Republicans chose to write a bill to start a Congressional Committee to investigate those riots. They are free to do so at any time. I am sure that may Democrats whose districts were effected would support such an investigation. However, both Democrats and Republicans have crafted a bill forming a bi partisan committee to investigate the events leading up to, during and after 1-6-21. What I would like to know is why every time there is a thread regarding the events before during and after the attack on the Capitol and both houses of Congress, people like you immediately divert to the totally unrelated riots after the Floyd murder video was released. What’s up with that?
Trump's rally organizers had information that Antifa would infiltrate them, but the liberal media kept calling it a conspiracy theory'. It wasn't until John Sullivan's brother notified the FBI and gave them his pseudo name and site, that they began looking a his record. If I recall correctly, (and I might be wrong), it was Pelosi who didn't want the National guards. This of course bodes the question, why was the infiltration by Antifa and maybe other subversives as well, being ignored by the Democrats and the Washington police? Also why did the police open the barricades to let the crowd enter the premises when John Sullivan asked them?
So, from the OP, your title doesn't match your citation, but if, as you suggest these kinds of incidents are now to be characterized as "uprisings" just wait when they get attached to ever BLM/ANITA gathering. Thanks for the bone.
Given the current crop of Democratic DAs, the narrative is more like: "Yes, I robbed the bank, when do you think you'll dismiss the charges and I can be on my way.". Why, suddenly, are you demanding a different standard here?
There is clear video tape of Trump nuts crashing through the steel barricades and using them to batter and assault police officers. If other policemen were removing barricades to allow this mob into the Capitol building, they should be identified and charged with aiding and abetting these violent thugs. Babbit was part of a rabid mob who was using metal objects to smash through doors into the Speakers lobby while Trump thugs were screaming to kill Pelosi and hang Pence. Innocently stepping through the glass...LOL...Poor Ashlii..just minding her own business tiptoeing through the tulips when a fiendish cop shot her for nothing....What a bunch of crap! She did not deserve to die, that’s for damn sure. The blame for her death goes right on Trump, Guiliani, Trump Jr and the rest of the scum in congress who got all of these ignorant imbeciles all fired up with their blatant lies and distortions. I really look forward to seeing these a$$holes grilled on live TV for hours about their roles in this debacle.
One second, the MAGA people are calling it a "tourist just looking around" situation - the next, the Capitol was "Breached". Hell, Why The ***k do you really expect people to buy your bullcrap. We ALL SAW what happened that day. We're not going let you piss on our backs and convince us it's raining.
Trump was informed of the break-in within minutes of its occurrence. I would like to know what he did from that point on for the remainder of the day.
He has none...he thinks Pelosi runs the Capitol. I've explained the chain of command several times...doesn't get it.
They knew there would be a large march/protest and the responsibility for security was Pelosi's. Trump had nothing to do with the group entering the Capitol or with the defense. The Guard is requested by the Governor not the President.
Which "Governor?" I believe there is a National Guard in the District of Columbia. When did Trump offer National Guard troops and to whom? Why do you think Pelosi was responsible for security?
So you say, yet the only videos I saw were the ones taken by the girl with John Sullivan when he asked them to open the barricades. Cut it out. I saw the videos and Ashley had nothing to do with those who were breaking the glass. She just happened to be the one that went through the broken glass while Sullivan was on the side lines watching. I also saw a video of the plains clothes policeman stick his arm out from behind a corner and aim at Ashley. He then disappeared. There was no remorse from Sullivan, instead he told his associate who was taking the videos, that he said it would be exciting. Was he the one who told the officer hiding behind the corner to shoot her since she was a Trump supporter? Is that why he targeted her rather than the ones that had smashed the glass. Also John Sullivan said in the video that he didn't realize how hard he hit the glass. Was he referring to the door, because I didn't see him smash it, or to the window in one of the offices? Why aren't these things being mentioned?
I say we do a committee and hearing as many times as the GOP did Benghazi hearings. The first one can be objective and definitive. The next 20 can be political, lets rub this in their faces.
Well you might want to look up the hours of video that depict Capitol police behind the steel barrier being overrun by the Trump mob who then used the pieces of that barrier as battering rams. John Sullivan has been charged and I hope he gets tossed in prison for years at least. Ashlii was with the violent mob who crashed through those wire reinforced windows trying to gain access to the speakers chamber. Then she was first through the window. People were screaming to hang Pence and kill Pelosi. You think she was just going in to use the coffee maker. Come on Jeanette....If the only videos you saw are the ones you point out it is because you are getting your info from bullshit news sources.
In all the deflection and questioning who was where from what organization as well as the disinformation and outright lies being circulated by the Trump supporters, Republicans, and the right, I have yet to see any acknowledgement that an actual crime took place. Anyone want to step up and actually say that these people committed crimes ? This brave soul might even venture to specify what crimes.