It seems you have a sick infatuation with American soldiers getting sucked into yet another war. Do you want to see more American blood spilled on yet another pointless war in the Middle East? because at this rate, that is where we are headed.
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares about more than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the existing of better men than himself.” ― John Stuart Mill
Israel had no interest in attacking Iran. It does now. One Palestinian from Gaza, who was in the Jericho area in the PA at the time, was killed by falling fragments of missiles. Karma... There's no difference between the military and the political wings of Hezbollah. Read their manifesto: The Lebanese are well aware that Hezbollah is holding their country hostage. A Lebanese TV host said last week that Hezbollah has essentially taken Lebanon hostage, comparing what the Iran-backed terrorist organization has done to the country to the hijackers who carried out the 9/11 attacks in the US. ... “We are in danger of a hellish, existential war,” Sadek said on June 24 regarding the threats Hezbollah has made to countries such as Cyprus, which is in the European Union. “We are being held hostage. We have been hijacked by a group that has no clue of what is going on in this planet.” Video here:
With the amount of money USA spends on bombs and bullets (more than all nations combined) it is bad business to not be involved in continuous wars. That would be a bad investment, something the capitalist deems as the death knell.
I don't think so. Israel knew this was the price for their attack on Lebanon. If Hezbollah is holding Lebanon hostage, then the Lebanese need to fight back. You know Lebanon has an army, navy and air force, which are not Hezbollah. That being the case, I'm not sold on the 'hostage' claim.
Israel didn't attack Lebanon and the Iranian leaders couldn't care less about Lebanon. Israel attacked Hezbollah, a proxy of Iran.
As Pisa pointed out, it was an attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon rather than an attack on Lebanon itself. As I understand it, Hezbollah was not supposed to be in the part of Lebanon that they were in by treaty. We are seeing each side in the region take such escalatory steps, and that's how conflicts tend to develop. No one side bears full responsibility in such cases and it becomes bigger tit for bigger tat.
I’m late to the party but have I missed Biden wringing his hands and whining for Israel not to do anything and play nice with the state sponsor of terror? If not, I’m sure he will soon. Being a weak ass POS is his MO
They had a bloody civil war in Lebanon from 1975 until 1990. The Lebanese fought back, but they lost. The Lebanese army is doing nothing to stop Israel. On the contrary, it retreated from the southern regions known as Hezbollah's strongholds where Israeli troops are currently operating. Why do you think the Lebanese army acts like this?
Actually Biden supported Israel's actions in Lebanon and spoke out about Iran attacking Israel. So why make up false crap? How does that support Tramp by lying about Biden. Trump also lied about Biden never speaking with the Governor of Georgia over the hurricane and insulted the North Carolina Governor over the hurricane. Tell me do you think this works? Do you think exploiting tragedies and saying false things makes a point?
Because the Lebanese army is trained and armed by Britain. If Lebanon engages with Israel then it's as if UK has declared war on Israel, indirectly.
Yes, it was an hit on Hezbollah specifically, and they ARE a terrorist organization, but they are also part of Lebanon. They are the second largest political party in their parliament. Israel has had many conflicts with them in the past, and at one point went in all the way to Beirut with their ground forces. There was also a war in 2006. Heck, Reagan had US forces in Lebanon in 1980s, and we lost 241 men there in a terror attack.
Hezbollah was involved, but it was not a war between Lebanon army and Hezbollah. Interestingly one side was a coalition of Christians who fought against a coalition of Muslims, and in the end it was ended by the invasion of Jews (Israelis). Why would they sacrifice their lives when the conflicts is between Hezbollah and Israel?
It wasn't a "symbolic" show. So many in the MSM are describing this as Iran's retaliatory strike on Israel. Retaliation for what? Israel has been hitting Hamas and Hezbollah, right on its borders, 2000km from the state of Iran. Are many finally admitting that Hezbollah/Hamas are acting on behalf of Iran in attacking Israel (not on behalf of innocent Palestinians, though they are in need, and deserve help), and that is why Israeli attacks on these organizations result in retaliation from Iran? Because Israeli attacks on these forces are, and have been attacks on heavily armed Iranian forces, which have been armed and organized right on Israeli borders for some 30 years now? And as I've said since 2022, if the Biden administration, which includes Kamala, is going to use proxies to attack and weaken Russia, we can expect Russia to use proxies to weaken us, and Iran has been Russia's main proxy for some 50 years. Now here we are. A deal needs to be made, we stop trying to put weapons in Ukraine, and Russia reins in Iran, or at least tells them that they will not support them if attacked for doing the same thing that NATO is doing to you in Ukraine, to Israel.
what’s false about what I said? Biden has never told Israel not to respond to terrorist actions? What total BS on your part. His entire position this entire time has been for Israel to ceasfire. That goes for Gaza., that goes for Lebanon. And that goes for Iran. Why? Because as I observed, he’s weak ass POS and that’s his MO. Biden tells Israel not to invade Lebanon after killing Hezbollah leader: ‘Cease-fire now!’ oopsie! You’re not even right about Lebanon! Btw FYI Lebanon and Iran aren’t the same thing so when I talk about Iran, it’s good for you to respond with Iran and not get confused and talk about Lebanon, India, the Arctic, or Pluto. so you can stop making up stuff now “Death”
I remember seeing a headline maybe just today if not yesterday that there was a likely "October surprise" in the works to harm Harris in the coming election. Seeing as how Gump is out capitalizing on this "chaos" that he, of course, blames on the Biden Admin, I have to think this is at least a part of that. In fact, I feel that October 7 of last year onward has been part of something big behind the scenes to cause all sorts of problems for us and Israel in Russia and Iran's favor. I consider that first surprise attack on Israel to be the start of whatever this conflict shapes up to be.
To add to your comments, actually the Lebanese Army never fought the IDF only Hezbollah from 1975 to 1990. The actual army which is small was fighting Hezbollah and avoided the IDF. The state Army is traditionally Maronite Christian in majority. If there have been skirmishes between the actual state army and IDF they have been isolated as a result of border issues where the army enforces its border if it sees the IDF coming in but they are isolated as opposed to wide spread. The reason is since most of Southern Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, its Hezbollah clashing with the IDF there and the Lebanese Army quite frankly is technically still at war with Hezbollah although it can not do a thing about them. So the Lebanese state army is doing nothing to stop Israel because Israel is at war with Hezbollah not Lebanon. Lebanon the state is held captive by Hezbollah. Hezbollah represents a third of Lebanon. The other 2/3rds ins Sunni and Christian who want Hezbollah out. Technically Lebanon is an anarchy divided into 3 regions and Hezbollah controls its one third. Hezbollah has killed more Lebanese citizens than Israel. Hezbollah like Hamas has moved all its operations into homes, hospitals, mosques, schools with a vast labyrinth of underground rails to move very large missiles and munitions by train cars. These tunnels were built by the Chinese and Iranians. Hezbollah actually when it was started had many engineers fully trained to build tunnels. They have always been financed by Iran but also China, Turkey, Russia. Sunni Muslim countries are technically at war with Hezbollah as to what it has done to Sunnis in Lebanon and Syria. It will never say so out loud but that is why Jordan offers the Israeli Air Force air space and Egypt and Saudi Arabia as well as UAE have not spoken out. Most people do not know this or that Hamas is only Hezbollah's and Iran's allies because of the "your enemy Israeli is my enemy" cause. If Iran had its way and Israel did not exist, they would then war against all the Muslim Sunni Middle East states. We also must not under-estimate many in Lebanon do not support Hezbollah as many in Iran do not necessarily support their own Muslim theocracy but can't say anything. One reason Iran is very careful is it is afraid to trigger an internal civil war if it goes too far in Lebanon or Israel. This is why it does everything by proxy not directly. It has a Revolutionary Guard but they are the equivalent of Nazi Germany's SS. Outside them the regular army is not predictable in terms of the quality of its training or fanaticism towards the ruling theocracy's extremist views.
Retaliation for Israel assassinating Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah and IRGC commander Abbas Nilforoshan in Beirut last weekend. MSM didn't make that it, - it happened, and Iran says the attack was a retaliation for it. Also, Israel and US intel knew it was going to be the price of the assassinations and expected the attack. Looks like it was worth it, since the attack did very little damage, and Hezbollah and Iran are down two leaders.
I don't see how Trump trying to politicize this helps his campaign, or hurts Harris campaign. Americans are not dumb enough to think an ancient problem is suddenly Biden's fault, let alone the VP's fault.
If gas becomes more expensive and/or inflation otherwise takes off, that could become something influential. We've seen how dumb voters can be when their pocketbooks are impacted.