Is being a US citizen at the US South West a racist idea? The US South West meaning Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Texas. Isn't it better for us American English speakers if we officially admit that we are a dual-nationality country, like Canada admits that they are a dual nationality English+French?
Depends on the neighborhood and if you look white enough for white neighborhoods, and brown enough for poor neighborhoods. Better if you can speak some spanish; your employment and buisness venture will be more succesfull money wise. If you are in Canada, I assume the living conditions are cold. If you seek to retire in the USA it is nice for white people from other white countries, you will have no problem. If you are seeking work, the unemployment is high, and the jobs are menial, unless you get into teaching French in the public school system or work in the medical industry. Both pay better than in Canada, and you can make a lot of money with a lot of time off to enjoy it.
The First Nations were the original inhabitants of Canada, like the American Indians were in the US. The French came in 1603 and colonised what is now Quebec and ruled until the British conquest in 1759. After that, the British agreed that the French could keep their language, customs and religion, as long as they were loyal to the crown. When the British North American provinces entered into confederation in 1867, the descendants of the British and French settlers worked together to form the nation...hence the concept of two founding nations. The case of the United States is quite different. The founding fathers were British, not Mexican. Mexicans did not contribute to the founding of the country; they were the vanquished from whom the US gained territory after wars. Now there are 12 million in the US illegally, many of whom refuse to abide by the law, learn the language, or adopt the culture. The traditions of the US are based on British traditions...the concept of life, liberty and property, good government, a constitution, the rule of law, a bicameral legislature, etc...I see no reason to pretend that we are a dual nationality country. We are a country where immigrants have traditionally come to adopt our way of life and better their own lives. That is why more people want to come to the US than Mexico. I see no reason to be ashamed of our history, our culture or our prosperity and no reason to downplay the true roots of our values.
Well I don't think I need to go back into the disease carring Missonaries and how they used VD as a bilogical weapon to take over the USA.. But fact is if you live in the South West of the USA, were Mexicans once innhabited prior to the Wars of 1812, you should have nothing to fear. Just pick you neighbor hood well. In other words, Avoid the cheapest rent. If you base your impression of the South West USA on broadcast media and the jewish ran entertainment industry you will expect to see white people dominating the landscape and Mexicans crossing the boarder. LOL What may come as a culture shock to you is that there are a lot of Asians. Many kinds from the Fillipinos, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, all living in there own segments of society. This along with a large Black and Latino communities will supprise you. Think of British Colombia Vancover but with less white people. LOL. You have nothing to fear if you come over. Bring a camera and have agood time.
It's a matter of opinion. Spanish is spoken widely in the Southwest, so, it is kind of a dual citizenship thing.