Thank You for your thoughtful response. My mom was in inconsolable pain and tried to commit suicide by slitting her wrists and throat and for some reason I called the police when i went to check in on her in the morning and they treated her like a 3 year old who did something wrong. I was like wtf is this all about. Do people have personal autonomy in the united states or what??? and can decide for themselves???
Hmm...I must admit I have a hard time accepting Atwater's NDE claims here regarding 911. There's no evidence that any Arab/Muslim hijackers were on board the aircraft, let alone that any were capable of piloting the airplane in the way it was flown. We can't even be certain that the aircraft were actual civilian airliners. There's also no evidence that an airliner hit the Pentagon, nor that one crashed into a field in PA. So who knows. Perhaps Atwater did have an NDE experience at one time - one can't say - but her recounting of questionable 911 events makes her, in my view, look less credible now.
Thank you for this thoughtful comment..... you have inspired me to begin a new discussion and poll in the 9-11 Conspiracy Theory forum. I would love to have your comment over there when you have some free time. Near death experiencer views results of September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in higher dimensions. ? Do you personally believe that Dr. P. M. H. Atwater reported what she saw to the best of her ability Edit No.... I think that her imagination is too powerful. 0 vote(s) 0.0% * Yes... what she reports fits with what I am finding out about the afterlife. 1 vote(s) 100.0% No.... i do not believe that there were any Islamic terrorists on the planes. 0 vote(s) 0.0% Maybe... I do hope that what she reports is accurate.. this could decrease terrorism!? 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote