A small number of extremely wealthy people can certainly get a lot of people working furiously to stop a candidate that they don't want. http://www.politicalforum.com/curre...fear-donald-might-turn-out-another-j-f-k.html Some powerful people fear The Donald might turn out to be another J.F.K! How desperate is America's elite to ensure that Americans do not elect another John F. Kennedy or Lincoln? There are a few people who actually benefit from recessions or even full fledged depressions. They see the influence of unions broken and they get to buy up smaller companies for a fraction of the value of their assets. Dave Hodges thinks that the measures to get rid of The Donald might well get pretty extreme. I think he exaggerates certain dangers but he certainly made a good point with this statement: http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2...ump-as-the-main-target-of-the-criminal-elite/ There are a lot of very wealthy people who DO NOT want any sort of wild card in the White House. http://www.michaeljournal.org/lincolnkennedy.htm
My niece is a nurse who has worked a great deal in the USA. But she did her training here in Canada and she has stated that it is almost like USA hospitals are ten times better equipped than here in Canada?! What is your own opinion on socialized medicine?
I support socialized medicine. Too many working people are going bankrupt because they do not have healthcare and when they come down with an illness they go under with too many hospital bills. Canada, The U.K. and even little Cuba have shown that it works for the people. Did you ever see the film-doc. Sicko by Michael Moore. Shoot, socialized medicine works for the military people when the politicians choose to finance it; they should extend it to the general population.
Good point..... one thousand percent better than JFK!!!!!! You are indeed correct....... how could I have been so silly to think that he would merely be like President Kennedy!!!!!!! http://www.politicalforum.com/jfk/453840-donald-feared-because-he-might-turn-out-another-jfk.html There are a lot of very wealthy people who DO NOT want any sort of wild card in the White House. http://www.michaeljournal.org/lincolnkennedy.htm $4,292,893,825 x 10 = $42,928, 938, 250 So it would be no problem for The Donald to put this much interest free money into circulation.....(adjusted for inflation of course)!
I dont trust Trump like I did with Ron Paul,the ONLY candidate in our last election of candidates who believed in the constitution and would have served the people instead of the bankers like every president since Lyndon Johnson has. Trump SAYS the things that americans want to hear like getting rid of the fed,the CIA and everything,but how do we know that he will REALLY do what he says he will? what is there in his record that he isnt just speaking double speak same as Obama did before he got elected? I dont trust him as I did with Ron Paul however we already know that with Hellery as president,things will never change and she will continue the tradition of every president since nov 22nd 1963 of each president serving the bankers instead of the people.we all know she is an evil witch and what she stands for so that is WHY i would like to see Trump get elected because he sure as hell beats the alternative. Hellery just like Bill,will endorce the warren commission same as he did so there would for sure not be a new independent investigation done with the Hill as president. Trump would be our only hope of a new investigation being opened so that is why I wish he would get elected. that wont happen though,I am sure you already know this that Hillery will get the nomination because that is who the establishment wants in and they are the ones that put these people in office contrary to what our corrupt school system has taught us whoever they want in,they make sure gets in.They sabatoged ron pauls campaine inventing rule changes at the last minute to make sure he did not get the republican nomination,they will do the same thing with Trump. these elections are such a joke when you already know who it is they are going to elect.They knew Ron Paul would open up a new independent investigation so they made sure he did not get elected.They know Hillery will continue the coverup so they will make sure she is the next POTUS.the bastards.
err no wrong.It IS in the right forum.. It is in the appropriate forum since at least with Trump getting elected,there MIGHT be a chance of a new independent investigation being opened up. He says all the right things that need to be done for america to be a free country again like getting rid of the CIA and the fed so at least with Trump there is at least a CHANCE that a new independent investigation into the JFK assassination would be opened. He sure as hell beats the alternative of that evil b!tch HELLERY as the next POTUS,a mass murderer who serves the bankers instead of the people like every president since Lyndon Johnson has. That is WHY Trump wont get elected,they know that evil woman hellery will do the bidding of the establishment starting wars around the country serving the bankers instead of the people so they will make sure she is the next POTUS. so it for sure IS in the right forum since Trump getting elected will have an impact on a new independent long overdue investigation into the JFK assassination.
I notice you play dodgeball with me by running off with your tail between your legs going into evade mode when you cant refute my facts,you're no different than soupnazi. Let me guess,you actually believe that evil b!tch HELLERY actually believes in the constitution "even though her husband did not." is not a mass murderer,and wants to serve the people instead of the bankers and not start wars for them right? fair questions there.you going to play dodgeball as always and not answer them? had you bothered to read my last post to Dennis Tate you would understand WHY Trump is the far better choice over Hellery. you never read links or posts though that dont support your own warped views so that is no surprise you did not read it.
as i said before,I dont have complete faith and trust that trump is the answer just to clear that up.had you read my reply to dennis you would have understood that. Its just I would for sure rather have him in office over that evil witch Hellery because he sure as hell beats the alternative as i already spelled out in my last post to Dennis. we already know that with hellery,we are going to get a mass murderer who will serve the interests of the bankers instead of the people as every president since Lyndon Johnson has and that because of that,she sure as hell WONT open up a new independent investigation into the JFK assassination. Trump might not either but at LEAST with him,there is much better chance the fact that he at least is saying the right things that need to be done to fix america. whether he is another Obama and just says something and turns around lies about it and does something different and speaks double speak is another matter,he very well could,but AGAIN,he sure as hell beats the alternative of a mass murderer who will serve the bankers instead of the people and WONT reopen the JFK case. Trump at least MIGHT change that. not complicated at all to understand really except for you of course. everybody else here understands me on this.
as long as Trump gets his wall, and airtime publicity, he will let republicans in Congress run the country
When this country was first formed and the Constitution became the law, ONLY people vested (owned property or business) could vote, much less become it's leader. Today of course via amendments have basically given the right to vote to most anyone and many "anyone's" fear their primary source for a lot of things, will go away.... I do agree, many fear a non politician business man, yes in the likes of JFK, Reagan or maybe like Washington or Jefferson could take the powers away from them in some way. Media, pundits, advisors and even the hundreds of business, whose soul purpose is to influence...
So all the people in the US for all kinds of reason, not excluding the millions that have entered illegally, should be allowed a vote. How about the millions of convicts, in or out of jail, should they be allowed to vote. Well over half the people pay no Federal Income Taxes to start with and having registered in 5 States over the years, no form has ever asked if I pay taxes.
all Americans that are adults should be able to vote as long as not imprisoned for a crime they are found guilty of at the time of the election if jailed but not yet guilty of a crime, they should be allowed to vote if later they are found to be not guilty and were denied the right to vote, the government should give them 100k for the loss of that right each year they were denied someone imprisoned for 10 years and later found not guilty should get 1 million automatically upon being released .
I really wish that I knew more about Ron Paul..... I've heard a lot of good things about him but his campaign just didn't grab my attention as much as The Donald has. I have some pretty good news for you though........ The Donald CAN WIN THIS! I have read that a full third of Bernie's supporters are so disappointed with the way that they have been treated by Hillary's influential team members.... that they may well refuse to vote for Hillary.... and a surprising number of them may prefer The Donald over Hillary...... for many of the reasons that you have mentioned. http://www.politicalforum.com/lates...-bernie-supporters-will-not-vote-hillary.html Is the Rabbi correct that one third of Bernie supporters will NOT vote for Hillary? Is Rabbi Shaul Marshall correct that one third of Bernie's supporters WILL NOT vote for Hillary Clinton on November 8? Mitt Romney lost the election back in 2012 by being too hard on Newt Gingrich so....... something along that line could perhaps be happening again. https://www.facebook.com/rabbi.praver/posts/10208601930299169 Rabbi Shaul Marshall Praver:
Wow! I didn't know that The Donald wanted to get rid of the CIA! I admit that there are some serious problems in that organization but..... I was also hoping that the creation of a new office..... "Artistic Director of the NSA - CIA" might solve most of the problems. The political left has been at war with the CIA for decades. http://www.politicalforum.com/elect...dannion-brinkley-serve-his-v-p-candidate.html
Correct! http://www.politicalforum.com/latest-us-world-news/464333-trump-calls-auditing-fed.html Trump Calls For Auditing the Fed This sure does help to explain why so many GOP large donors have stayed away from the Trump campaign up until this time. The Donald has too much courage for the guys who are doing so well under the seriously flawed system that is geared toward breaking unions and forcing the poor to work like heck and complain little about poor conditions. http://www.infowars.com/trump-calls-for-auditing-the-fed/ Trump Calls For Auditing the Fed GOP frontrunner makes good on promise to call for audit of Fed If Bernie.... would go after the Federal Reserve like the Donald is doing....... he might just turn around the Democratic National Convention...... and flip many of Hillary's supporters.
Are you a phony poster with multiple accounts? Why are you responding to Dennis Tate's question? Oops!