It's clear now: Trump is not going to do anything about the Pandemic.

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Golem, Sep 22, 2020.

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  1. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Not lie.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020
    HereWeGoAgain likes this.
  2. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Seriously, what actions do you think he should have taken.
  3. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    That was absolutely serious. Not lie! If he had told us the truth, governors would have been able to prepare, the people would have thought twice about traveling to infected areas, hospitals and nursing homes would have prepared better, businesses would have taken steps to get ready for shut downs and/or restrictions...

    And, of course, follow the advice of the CDC. Of which I could make a list but... what for?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020
  4. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Objection your honor, he is assuming "facts not in evidence". So you don't have a better plan? Trump was scathed for blocking travel to China and Europe. Biden called him a xenophobe, had Beijing Biden been president, who know how many more infected folks would have come here. Just the fact you are dishing out baseless rhetoric and not a plan to do it better tells me your argument is outta gas.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  5. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    So Trump tells how many thousand lies? And suddenly all these institutions believe his every word?..... Did you think about that claim, very much at all?
  6. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    I don't have any plan, because I'm not President. Fortunately Biden will be. And he does. Even though it's hard to come up with an actual "plan" when this asterisk President refuses to give the President Elect access to the information he needs to transition into a real plan. An outline of Biden's plan has been on his website before the elections. The specifics require input from the government experts which Trump has denied access to. So Trump not only has NO plan (and no interest), but he undermines the next President's. You guys found us a real creep to have as President at the worst moment possible.

    So I have no idea what it is you want "evidence" for.

    No he wasn't. He was scathed for being a xenophobic bigot regardless of China or Europe. You are repeating Trump tweets. Anybody who does that has an almost certainty of simply (maybe inadvertently) repeating a lie.

    Biden called Trump a xenophobe because Trump IS a xenophobe. Do you have any argument to make that is not a repetition of Trump's thoroughly debunked lies?

    If Biden had been President.... or anybody who would have listened to his own experts, somewhere between 130 thousand to 210 thousand lives (as of last count) in this country would have been saved, according to peer-reviewed studies.

    Both directly caused by Trump's actions... indirectly by his incompetence....

    ... not to mention the economy.

    As things are, Trump was only concerned about two things: the stock market, and getting himself re-elected. Which is confirmed by the fact that now that he lost the election, he has completely lost interest in solving the worst health crisis this country has faced in over a century.

    And the only thing you can come up with to defend your "idol" is repeating the so-often debunked lies he tweets? You can't do better than that, can you?
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
    HereWeGoAgain likes this.
  7. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    We have 2 promising vaccines that we need to do some serious distribution planning for and he's blocking the transition team from information. He's doing worse than nothing at this point.
  8. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    It has nothing to do with "believing". It has to do with not knowing the facts.

    The mongoloid-President hid them replacing them with lies and, as a result, thousands of people died. You can keep trying all you want, but there is no way to excuse this guy's incompetence.

    He lied, he had no strategy to deal with the crisis,... in fact, he undermined efforts of those trying to deal with it. And his incompetence is now confirmed by the fact that he is now hiding in his basement while the country is entering one of the worst periods in this crisis. Which, in his case, might actually be considered an improvement. But underlines why he should never have been President*
    HereWeGoAgain likes this.
  9. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Dats Racist!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  10. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    This defense is so lame! It is often repeated because you have nothing else to offer, although it is very inaccurate. One, Trump never "blocked" travel to China and Europe. He implemented some toothless travel *restrictions*, not a ban, full of exceptions, and with no attached mandatory quarantine. A page-long list of exceptions, if you consult the executive order (which is available on the Department of State website). A real ban is what Uruguay did: closed borders, nobody coming in and out, period; no exceptions except for Uruguayan citizens being rescued from abroad, and these, had to stay under mandatory quarantine for 21 days. You may want to compare their rate of Covid-19 by million of the population with ours. Newsflash: they are doing a lot better.

    So, no, Trump's toothless travel restrictions did little. And not only that, but he did nothing else for 5 weeks. You say opponents of his inaction don't propose an alternative plan? Of course there was one. The use of the Defense Production Act to beef up domestic production of PPE and test kits, and implementation of aggressive contact tracing and isolation of the infected (like Uruguay, South Korea, and New Zealand did).

    Was it wrong for Dems to call the travel restrictions xenophobic? Sure. But two wrongs don't make a right.

    I would prefer that instead of calling it xenophobic, the Dems had called it insufficient and asked for it to be tightened up, together with asking for more action regarding PPE, testing, and contact tracing.

    But this inaction is not even what I most blame Trump for. I think his twisted style of "leadership" worsened the problem. He allowed masks to become a divisive political statement rather than a simple but helpful public health device. He mocked mask wearing at all times. No wonder his half of the country, his followers, never followed mask recommendations. Trump tried to minimize the threat at all times. I'm sick and tired of his statements that we're turning the corner and in no time the problem will be over. No, it won't. Not without action.

    Trump didn't see this virus as a PRESIDENT that had to unite the nation in fighting it off, efficiently. He saw it as a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, as an obstacle to his reelection, which needed to be minimized and dismissed at all times. THAT'S what I can't forgive him for.

    He commands the loyalty of half the country. Leading by example and asking for people's cooperation, would go a long way, given his popularity with half the country. If he hadn't mislead the population about it, this thing absolutely would have been under better control.
  11. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Yes. He is jealous of the next administration and is practicing a scorched earth strategy. He will be delighted if Joe Biden struggles to keep this virus under control. Meanwhile lots of people will unnecessarily die, but if these people are not named Donald J. Trump or Ivanka Trump, he couldn't care less. In his opinion, they are just the losers and suckers.
    yardmeat likes this.
  12. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Were not talking about what Biden claims he would do. If you think Trump messed up, tell us what you would have done differently, because you can't claim Trump did wrong if you can't tell us what he should have done right. Nice dodge above though.

    Debunked? Hear it straight from the horses backside.

    Note the 1:10 mark.

    Biden's advisor admits they got lucky with H1N1 because they did everything wrong. Some experts. H1N1 originated in Mexico and yet Obama/Biden never even restricted travel to necessary access only. So you want to rely on luck and poor advice?

    You couldn't be more wrong.....

    I experienced this myself.. This why people rolled out in record numbers for Trump.
  13. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    See this post.
  14. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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  15. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Trump has done a great job with an unexpected pandemic which China unleashed on the world.

    Task Force communicated regularly with governors, who praised the administration (initially, before it became political). Scientific information from experts allowed state governors to make decisions for their states.

    Production of PPE was ramped up and distributed. FEMA quickly responded with "pop-up" hospitals in trouble areas, and additional human resources have been quite mobile with personnel from several states helping other states as needed.

    Treatment and vaccine development has occurred in record time, thanks to Warp Speed. Texas acute clinics are getting monoclonal antibody treatment this week for free by DHHS (same thing they gave to Trump). I'm guessing other states are too. Pfizer vaccine is just about to go into its pilot delivery program for distribution, and Moderna's vaccine is not far behind.

    Many state governors screwed up in not protecting people in nursing homes, some states more than others, but the same thing has happened in just about every advanced country with a large elderly and vulnerable population. Also the "fatter and happier" (obese and diet-related illnesses) wealthy countries have done worse in many cases than other countries.

    I'd say Trump has done a fabulous job and is leaving Biden a working virus control plan and treatment/vaccine programs and products. Biden should have easy road with managing the decline of the virus now that we're on the "downhill" side of the battle. He just needs to follow up with treatment/vaccine distribution and open up the economy as quickly as possible.

    Job well done and many thanks to President Trump for being in place when the uphill climb challenge started. We got lucky to have a businessman in charge when this virus was unleashed. Trump thinks outside the box and takes quick action which is not a normal "feature" of career politicians.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  16. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    I told you. Not lie! Tell people the facts as they are. Give people a chance to exercise personal responsibility with the facts on hand. Not the nanny Trump state that doesn't want to "scare" us.

    You are so used to lies that you don't realize how damaging they can be.

    Exactly! Debunked!!!! Your video proves it yet again. Biden is saying that Trump is xenophobic for "labeling Covid 19 a foreign virus" Biden was absolutely spot on. And that banning travel based on favoritism rather than risk is "counterproductive" Almost prophetic!

    I assume that video is from early 2020. And it demonstrates how Biden would have handled the epidemic. He would have handled it like a REAL President. Watching that video clearly illustrates how 130 thousand live or more could have been saved if HE were President. Even considering the fact that Biden did not have a panel of experts in epidemiology, like Trump did, he was 100% more accurate than Trump. Thanks for the video. It will come in very handy when I need to show Trump's utter incompetence.

    It's amazing that you would post a video and not even bother to listen to it! Or you would have seen that it proves exactly the contrary of what you claimed.

    Or... maybe not... Given that you are ordered to "not believe what you hear" when what you hear is not convenient for Trump. That would explain your post as "selective hearing"
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  17. truth and justice

    truth and justice Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    That video shows that Biden had an actual plan unlike Trump. Not the first time that the "professor" has scored an own goal
    Golem likes this.
  18. Golem

    Golem Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 22, 2016
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    I think the reason why @Professor Peabody marked 1:10 as the point to watch, is because he only heard three words. The word "banning", the word "travel" and the word "counterproductive". He hoped that, like him, we would ignore the fact that they are part of a full sentence that proves exactly the opposite of what he thinks (and of a full speech that makes his position unequivocal) . It is interesting how people can be selectively deaf to everything except three words they think prove their case. But even more interesting that, they are so convinced of it, that they expect others to be selectively deaf too.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
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  19. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    If you look I was responding to individual parts of his post.
  20. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    It demonstrates that Biden wouldn't have restricted travel at all costing millions of more lives. Obama/Biden never restricted travel from Mexico (where H1N1 originated). As Ron Klain said they did everything wrong but got lucky. I guess with Biden we really need good luck. Maybe he can provide every citizen with a lucky horse shoe.
    James California likes this.
  21. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ Biden & the DNC want people to be frightened.
  22. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    But I don't see how it applies to what I was saying. It's a bunch of "But Biden" defenses. The "But Someone" defense has never impressed me because I'm not a partisan. I'm not a Democrat. I'm under no obligation to defend Biden, Hillary, Obama, whoever. If former officials also made mistakes, my point is always that two wrongs don't make a right.

    Yes, there were several things that Trump could have done better, in his management of this pandemic, and I couldn't care less if Obama didn't do well with the H1N1, or Biden called Trump's travel restrictions xenophobic, etc. Like I said, I've already acknowledged the latter as wrong. It doesn't make any less wrong that Trump sat on this situation for 5 weeks playing golf, having implemented ONE lame containment measure (a travel RESTRICTION not a ban, which had more holes than a Swiss cheese, and was toothless because it didn't include quarantines).

    It's been recorded that 40,000 people came from China during that "ban" that wasn't one, and countless more from Europe. Again, I've mentioned the proper way to do it, which is what Uruguay did. Just as an example, the Trump "ban" said - among several other exceptions - "except for airline crew members" while the Uruguayan REAL ban said "no more commercial flights from anywhere; the borders are closed by land, sea, and air" so no need to open an exception for airline crew members... Trump had exceptions for investors, businessmen, diplomats, etc., while Uruguay had, "no, nobody comes in, period, regardless of who they are." And so on and so forth.

    The various categories of people who could still come in under Trump, including US citizens and permanent residents and various relatives of these, could just walk right in... while Uruguay restricted it a lot more and the very few exceptions - like Uruguayan citizens being rescued via Uruguayan military airplanes with Uruguayan crew from being stranded abroad - had to stay under mandatory (and monitored) quarantine for 21 days. That's what a proper ban is. Result, Uruguay was NOT seeded with the virus all over the place in hundreds of different places inside their country, like we were, here.

    And no, it's not Monday Morning Quarterbacking. I can't prove it because I wasn't a member here at the time so I can't show you a post saying so, but at the FIRST sign of trouble in Asia, I said to my wife "we need a global and strict travel BAN, as in closed borders, with as few exceptions as possible, and those exceptions need to be quarantined under strict supervision for at least 14 days before they are sent to their homes or hotels." We did a similar restriction with mandatory quarantine for cruise ship passengers... why in the hell not for airline passengers too? So, if you've been to a cruise, you do have to stay quarantined or else, but if you just come in to an airport coming from China or the UK (where the virus was raging too, worse than in China) and you qualify as one of the exceptions, you can just go straight from the airport to your home or hotel and nobody monitors you???

    If it's a question of individual freedoms, then why was it possible to force quarantine upon the cruise ship passengers? There is legislation that regulates mandatory quarantines in public health emergencies (like a nurse coming from an Ebola infected place found out; she was kept in quarantine against her will and tried to sue, but lost) so why wasn't it done? And don't blame anybody else, because the FEDS are the ones who control the borders. The Trump Administration could have done what Uruguay did... but they chose not to... and now Trump and his followers keep pumping their chests talking about this supposed Chinese travel "ban" when they let in 40,000 people, certainly many being asymptomatic carriers...

    Even exchange students were admitted...

    Basically Trump's "ban" that wasn't one only stopped some Chinese tourists with no ties to the United States from coming here... while letting in WITH NO QUARANTINE all sorts of Chinese crew members, students, businessmen, Chinese relatives of US citizens and permanent residents, etc... 40,000 people. Great "ban" indeed...

    Did you see the pictures of thousands of people in panic flocking to arrival lounges of our airports? Because they were US citizens or permanent residents, they were admitted, no questions asked... while Uruguay DID quarantine their own citizens.

    No, don't give me this crap about travel ban, and especially, don't use mistakes committed by others as excuses for the current mistakes, because two wrongs don't make a right.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  23. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    We [the US] have 4% of the global population and 20% of the deaths from Covid. This is a disaster and the next few months are going to be horrific if idiots like the SD Governor and all of those free spirits out there don't stop perpetuating trump's ongoing mass murder.

    If you call the world's Covid shthole a success then you have some thinking to do.

    Every time trump dissed masks or Fauci or actual scientists, and continued to perpetuate the insane anti-science mentality he helped to foster, he killed people. He is guilty of negligent homicide. He has killed at least 100,000 people because he lies about a national crisis. And we know he lied because he admitted it.

    Trump is the biggest mass murderer in US history. That is literally true.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  24. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Biden said it in the video posted at about the 1:10 mark. Besides you shouldn't stop US Citizens from re-entering the country.
  25. CenterField

    CenterField Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2020
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    So from all that I said, you REPEAT the "But Biden" defense which I have ALREADY told you I couldn't care less about, since two wrongs don't make a right??? You must be mixing me up with some other poster, now trying to show to me that Biden did say so... when I never doubted that Biden said so and never implied that he didn't. I actually said it was wrong to say so, in my first post here in this thread about this matter. But again, Biden being wrong doesn't stop Trump from being also wrong which is worse because Biden wasn't in charge while Trump was; it happened during Trump's watch. Biden's watch hasn't even started yet, therefore, so much for blaming Biden... (it was still wrong of him to call it xenophobic).

    And who said we should stop US Citizens from re-entering the country? I said, THEY NEEDED TO QUARANTINE, not stay abroad. Yes, come in, but quarantine for 14 days with law enforcement supervision. Once you show that you are not a carrier of the virus after 14 days, then you can go anywhere.

    If your response is so disconnected from what I was saying, I assume you didn't even read what I said.

    Sure, you have the right to say TLDR but then, don't comment on it, because your comment is not related to what I said, ignores what I already said, and puts words in my mouth.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020

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