Say what you will about Jerry Sandusky, but at least he drives slowly through school zones. Sure he often gets to work late as a result but he enjoys coming in a little behind. Of course, sometimes Jerry decides not to go into work at all and stops at the schools. When he gets there the teachers ask, "Now which child will be going home with you? To which he replies, "Oh, I don't know, surprise me." Breaking news!! Amidst the scandel Jerry Sandusky has just tried to commit suicide by jumping into the ocean. He was found by the coastgaurd bobbing up and down on a bouy.
I like 'em, but I have a very politically incorrect sense of humor. You know it's bedtime at Jerry Sandusky's house when the big hand is on the little hand...
News flash: Jerry Sandusky was spotted at Wal-Mart today. Apparently he was confused by a sign that said "Boys' pants half-off".
yeah, maybe if you worked with child abuse victims, it wouldn't be such a knee slapper for you. I don't see a lot of humor in it. But then I am aware of infants that have had to have surgery to repair the damage done...I personally know a woman who had to have corrective surgery before she could have relations with her husband after extensive childhood sex abuse. She had scar tissue built up from repeated tears to her vagina. that's not so funny. but then I suppose some people DO laugh at stuff like this: not long afterwards, the man shot the boy in the abdomen with a shotgun then blew his head off in front of his sister...who he retained to continue raping... yeah, heelarious. If you like that kind of humor.
It's been rumored that Jerry's Aunt Flossie is almost finished knitting his kevlar jockstrap,fir the joint { big house }.
when you work with the dead all day.... if you do not have a dark sense of humor you would lose your humanity.
I bet people are lined up around the block to invite you to their dinner parties. There are *no* truly funny jokes that don't have something horrifying at their core. That's why people laugh at them. Now... we're gonna continue to make crude jokes at the expense of the creepy child-rapist coach. If that offends you, I recommend not participating.
This just in, Jerry now denies being a child molestor even though he has basically admitted to as much in the past. Whew! I bet the university is breathing a sigh of relief now. After all, if it had been true this could have been reeeeeally embarrasing for the university.
Oh look, another pep rally at Penn State. Say, don't they know Jerry is innocent? For being college kids they seem a little thick, if you know what I mean.
I am not participating...I am occupying the thread in protest. and pointing out, to those that have a shred of humanity left in them that we are talking about real children here, not some made up crap.. and I have laughed at many a joke that had NOTHING whatsoever horrifying at the core of them....the fact that you do makes me VERY happy we aren't invited to the same parties. see, I do not require someone to be in pain to laugh. When someone trips and falls, I run to help and ask them if they are hurt, I don't laugh. If my husband has the car door swing around and hit him, I don't fall over laughing, I say "OH! Are you ok?" If I see a kid fall in a pond, I race to help him out, even if I dont' know him...pain isn't FUNNY to me. you are not making jokes at the expense of the are making jokes at the expense of the kids.
No, see... that's where you're wrong. We *are* making jokes at the expense of the coach. If we were making jokes at the expense of the kids, they'd look more like this: What's pink and purple and doesn't like to (*)(*)(*)(*)? The 10 year-old in Jerry Sandusky's shower. "Occupy" all you like. We're not responsible for your offended sensibilities, 'cuz nobody's forcing you to be here.
Hay Ma,I'm goin over to Jerry's for a workout. Okey dokey son,make sure and pack a lunch just in case.
Okay. Consider me admonished. I'm sorry. It's not funny. If someone did that to my son, you'd have to visit me in jail, cuz I would kill them.
I wasn't gonna until you brought it up. Now do you have something to add to this thread, or are you just trolling/ metaposting now? Q: How does Jerry Sandusky make a 10 year old cry twice? A: He wipes his bloody (*)(*)(*)(*) off on their t-shirt. /(*)(*)(*)(*) the self-appointed P.C. nazis.