Jesus returns in 2017,,,,

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by RevAnarchist, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    We need a 'dislike this post' feature added! Why? Because some posts are pure speculation and fabrication sourced from the infinite depths of a members ignorance.

  2. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Lol I would love to see how long you would last in a professional debate before being run off stage etc. I am referencing not you personally but your replies. They are sourced from ignorance and are intended not for productive debate but rather for insult and belong in the round file of PFs worst posts.

  3. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Satan has actually been misinterpreted doctrinally from Judaism. There is no Satan - enemy of God. HaSatan is a servant of god. Part of his service is to test mens faith in god. Ha Satan is Eastern theology, Satan is western theology

    Actually, the above statement is correct if you study both old and new testament and have a background in Judaism.

    Further, "prophets" are not really fortune tellers.. They are commentators on current events, the past and possibilities for the future.

    Basically they are the conscience of the community.. If you do this.. or you don't stop doing that, this is what will happen. Its not magic ... its commentary.. or political analysis.
  4. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    So what is going to happen when he shows up?

    Big storms?

    Clear skies with no pollution?

    Will there be a point?
  5. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Yes, what you say is true but what you omit makes the truth neutral. I am aware that our Jewish brothers and sisters have a far different view of Satan than that of some 'modern Christians'. Actually the early Christians ideas of Satan were remarkably close to the Jewish description of the tester of faith. The particulars of the devil, Satan, and other claimed manifestations of evil are so diverse and many that I do not usually argue the details with professionals or anyone! Lol I read scripture and live and teach what I conclude from those readings and reasearch. I do not agree with your assessment of prophets. If a prophet is not 100% correct on his possibilities (predictions) of future events. For example; "And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."
    What that scripture means is that if a prediction a prophet makes doesn't happen they are a false prophet. That's easy to understand isn't it? Every prediction must come just as prophesied. In any case I was speaking in general terms. I could take apart almost every nefarious claim an unbeliever makes about scripture because most are not theists. Some have a good to excellent background theology some don't know the basics. Then there are those that are here to insult not to learn or debate, I consider them the most worthless and ignorant of all. There is nothing wrong without knowing or ignorance. I am totally iggy in many areas but you wont see me dropping in those places and chastising the members for what they believe and something I know so little about that I have to Google every sentence. So that is why I say bad things about the trolls. If any member thinks I am am not being truthful show me, please.

  6. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Most prophesies have not come to pass.. Spiritual "leaders" are largely a bunch of con men... especially those who start their own churches.
  7. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Do you really want to know? Yes, the point is that we could, the world if they believed, the world could stop the sequence of events if we really knew or believed in the prophesy. And I make fun of others for being idealists!

  8. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    You didn't answer any of my questions.

    But for fun : you claim we could stop the events if we knew the prophesy. So you don't know the prophesy, you don't know how to stop it, you don't know why you should stop it, you don't know why it'll happen, you don't know what will happen.....why did you post?
  9. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    OK.Tell me whats wrong. I've studied the Bible as a Christian for many years, produced many Bible studies for local consumption, studued the Hebrew religion and culture. The fact that I am now agnostic is down to doing what I have just quoted.

    Does Christianity claim that their Messiah is prophesied in the Tanakh? Yes.
    Has Paul converted the Passover meal into the Eucharist? Yes.

    Eastern Theology says there is no enmity between good and evil are complementary and interdependent. HaSatan
    Western Theology says good and evil are in opposition. Satan.

    Baptism of Children. I may have misphrased that. The ritual is not the same, but the practise is.
    Compare some of the ritual in the RC church, the clothing.
    Where does the idea of Purgatory come from. Catholics take it from 2 Maccabees.
    The Jews also believe in purgatory, though in a different form. The Catholic Church has followed this belief and practice of praying for the dead.

  10. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I actually studied religion in college. And not just Christianity. I find it intellectually a good thing to try to understand other religions.

    I would bet you know nothing of the mystical traditions in Christianity? That there were other "takes" on Christ? Fundamentalism, literalism, is not the only way to look at Christ.

    I bet I know more about the different flavors of Christianity than you do. I think you know just about one, your own.
  11. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Yet most Christians believe in magic blood. A holdover from the Jews, who had their own blood cult. The Aztecs had their own blood cult, so this idea of spilling blood, seems to be a common thing with primitive people.

    The people jesus taught were conditioned to be jews. And jews sacrificed animals to appease god. So when Christ died, it was to be expected that they would turn him into the greatest sacrifice of all, a human sacrifice. Animals were just not sufficient enough to rid man of sin, so they needed something greater. And by doing so, they ignored the teachings of Christ, who came to show them the way to the kingdom, which required repentance, and then an inward seeking of the Kingdom, once they also denied their own egos. He even told them where that kingdom was. But perhaps this was just too much trouble, and required far too much from the individual, and so the easy way out, is to believe in the magic blood of Christ. Then they just have to claim it, and voila!! Saved by the bell, uh, I mean blood. Magic blood.

    When it is said one must believe in Christ, all that this means is that one must believe in what he taught. But Christians believe in the blood. No wonder they could then create a church that committed so much evil, burning people, spreading their false beliefs at the edge of the sword. Makes sense. But one has to leave common sense at the door, in order to believe in magic blood.
  12. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Ill decide to report you or not later, after I pray about it. Anyway I sure am a bad con man because my bank account and my churches bank account is in the negative more than in the positive. I do not accept private donations, i.e. from private individuals nor have I accepted federal grants in over five years, even though I am sure I could receive a block grant for my humanitarian missions. I do not preach at my church and only guest preach when bugged to death and do not accept fees for my services. My ordainment was sponsored by a local 125 year old baptist church, my business licenses is public record for anyone to see, which includes information about my MA and undergraduate degree(s) from an accredited college and university, all public record. So tell me, how does that make me a con man? It seems you are the fraud, because you claim to be a christian one day and the next you are what ever suits you. The word hypocrite comes to mind.

  13. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    There is a long history of con men who become clergy.. and most are like Glen Beck....
  14. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I wanted to be sure you wanted to know. Why should I waste my time on a troll? If you really want to know that is different.

    No not at all please quote me and please please don't say what you think I said. The key word in this is think and this time you fail in it. I claimed if the world BELIEVED that the prophesy would come true we could change it. If the entire world changed the world events that must happen before Jesus returns, that bit of prophesy would not happen.

    I interpret end time prophesy its called Christian eschatology. I have already mentioned that but your kind only join a debate forum to argue so I have little respect or desire to play into your hoof?

    Wrong its in the short what a

    Wrong again...hey you are hitting 100% fail!

    Not exactly sorry I am not God, well compared to you I am close.

    I post for many reasons. To learn from the good people and to teach. For people want to have a productive debate, instead venomous argument and of toxic hate. Also I want those that are curious about the bible and its weird passages of end time prophesy to be able to understand it. People like yourself would rather attempt to harm via insult instead of debate. There is a satanic hate of Christianity and of anything Godly. That too was prophesied! Lol! Jesus said (speaking about the time of his return ie end times); Matthew 5:11 "Blessed are you when people insult you ..."God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about ..... John 15:21 But all these things will they do to you for my name's sake. Eh? You want proof? READ YOUR OWN REPLIES! Or those of other haters.

    Lastly intense anger in anyone for no reason other than the hate for Christianity etc at the world (still at home ?) and everything good in it belies a pathetic truth. That truth is that many are already a spiritual slave of Abaddon*, aka father of all lies. Sorry for being cryptic, but I must lol. Good luck an be careful I am all out of cheeks to turn, the next one might be a little smelly.

  15. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    What has Beck said that is not factual? I think his accuracy is as good as any of his peers. But you are correct. Prophesy tells us there will be false prophets. So at least you got one thing correct.Beck while not my fav (he is too money orientated) he is not one of them.

  16. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Beck is a con man and an Hysteric.. poorly educated with three months of "Bible College" and a recovering drunk.. At heart he is no different than Hagee, Falwell, Benny Hinn and the rest of the fundamentalist charlatans.
  17. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    First , I'd like to point out how any christian or believer ALWAYS has "hate" on the tip of their tongues. Anyone who dares disagree or even ask questions is insulted and called "hater" ...insults and hate, what great PR.

    I asked simple straightforward questions and "hate" sprang out of your mouth.

    You posted: """Originally Posted by RevAnarchist View Post

    Do you really want to know? Yes, the point is that we could, the world if they believed, the world could stop the sequence of events if we really knew or believed in the prophesy""""

    That isn't what I think you said that is what you said.

    You say: """if the world BELIEVED that the prophesy would come true we could change it."""

    How can the prophecy come true if it's changed.....and you say I'm not thinking????

    Believing something or not doesn't change it.
  18. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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  19. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Well a con man knows he is a con man. I doubt Beck is actually a con man, for he really believes in what he says.

    But there are preachers who know they are conmen, and are in it for the money. Probably not a large percentage though, for most do believe in what they preach, but I of course disagree with what they preach.

    But the fact of the matter is this. Many people are really afraid of their own death. So, if someone comes along and tells them a way to live forever, and that you need to join their organization, and contribute 10 percent of your income to them, you will have lots of customers. Religion uses human fear to convert. In the same manner as we use fear to take away constitutional rights. Fear is the greatest motivator, and its very old.

    To me, any god that would use human fear to bring people to him, isn't really what I would call a god. For a free choice would involve an absence of fear, for fear does drive choices. These organized religions really do depend upon human fear to remain viable. If god is twisting arms in order to get followers, by using fear, an actual free choice to come to him is not being used.
  20. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    "As it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one;"---Romans 3:10
  21. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    You have quoted a prophecy that has no source prior to 2007, being generous I could say that you were unaware of that fact. So if you're not a con man either provide evidence that this prophecy did not originate from Israel Today in 2007/8, or except you did not check your facts in which case forum members can make their own judgements on your motives.
  22. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Are you aware that nothing in this statement is true? You need to do some
    research, not that you will. I honestly believe you enjoy ignorance more than
    knowledge. At least your posts show that to be true.
  23. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Are you serious? Not one thing you mentioned has anyothing whatsoever to
    do with Christian doctrine.

    By the way, Paul had absolutely nothing to do with the Eucharist. I'm not sure
    how you came up with that but you certainly don't understand Christian

    What do the mormons, jw's, Muhammad, etc... have to do with Christianity or
    it's doctrine? I mean besides nothing whatsoever.

    You've yet to state one single piece that the Old Testament is a large part
    of Christianity. Not one single piece.

    I'm convinced that you don't know or understand what Christian doctrine is.
  24. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    You do not seem to understand just about anybody can call themselves a Christian, and do!. There is no arbiter on who is right or wrong, once you except one interpretation is correct without any evidence then ALL interpretations could be correct. For instance I always thought it was a bit weird that he hung around with so many other men when at his age a good Jewish boy should have been married.
  25. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    What do you know. we have something in common.
    You're wrong.
    Yes there are other "takes" on Christ and they are wrong. Care to go head to
    head with me on that?
    A typical response in hopes that I won't take you up on it. I'll call your bluff and
    raise you.

    Put up or shut up. This should be a lot of fun. I like battling know it alls.

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