And more. He was a murderer, a thief, a liar, an adulterer, he was unrighteously angry, he followed astrology, he was bitter, evil, an abortionist, accepted bribes, disobeyed the Ten Commandments, corrupt, gossiper, cursed, drank to excess, smoked dope, desired sin in his life, partaker of false doctrine, did not forgive others, gambled, denied God, worshiped idols, greedy, ate the fobidden fruit, heartless, jealous, lazy, loved himself, obstinate, persecuted others, despised the poor, preached with vain babblings, rebuked his elders, a scoffer, proclaimed his deity, did not confess his sins, had tatoos, traitorous, unmerciful, despised the Word of God, tried to enter Heaven another way, worldly minded and the list goes on and on and on. You don't believe it? Then what the heck do you think he suffered for on the Cross? Yours and my sins, past; present; future. He knew no sin, yet God placed ALL of mankinds sin upon Him. So while hanging there every conceivable sin he bore, no one suffered more, no one else could have. And you think your sin is the unforgivable one? You think you have to clean yourself up before He accepts you? You still deny Him, reject His Word, you mock Him and His followers. You love yourself, the world, your sin nature more than you love him. What gives?
You really think punishing an innocent man for the crimes or mistakes of 'everyone' else, including all people that had not even existed yet, is a good foundation for any system, especially one that claims it has the market cornered on morality? That's not a good foundation. What else do you have?
It is the perfect foundation, and you know that you cannot provide a better foundation... therefore,, I detect a tinge of jealousy on your part.
I think a feeling of hopelessness and being lost would be more accurate. But there is hope for our friend. Until his last breath.
Not at all. Only if you make it so. It's a legitimate point of contention and my hope is that a lost soul may come to believe in our Lord Jesus. The Moderators will ensure the posts are in good taste and meet the terms of PF rules.
i agree what makes people use jesus name in vain are the weak minded. ie.... jesus aint the idiot, it is the people afterwards that abused his gifts with beliefs and the creed Anyone can walk on water, idiots just didnt comprehend the lesson
Show the better method... and explain why that preferred method has not been either initiated or made effective in the history of man.
I thought the same thing until I read the entire paragraph, PatriotNews. Once I read the entire post, I realized it was a powerful testimonial.
I was a bit taken aback when I read the thread title, but when I saw BFOJ's name beside it, I knew it wouldn't be sacrilegious.
What 'method' did you have in mind? A belief system? A political party? An organized sport? A catering business? System and method are not exclusively the same; clarify what you want a better example of. While you're at it, you can explain how the 'method' you have in mind is effective. I did say system, and a system of morality was suggested at. Here's my answer to your vague question. A system of morality without punishing an innocent man for crimes that hasn't happened is better than the system that works at cross purposes against itself by doing such a thing. You don't base a system of morality on a decidedly immoral deed. The US Post Office is a more moral system, provided the method you're after is delivering mail.
I wonder if we should feel sorry for Christ on the Cross ? If one believes Jesus is God, then God could have escaped the cross at any moment. If God did choose to hang on the cross it is an act of masochism on Gods part is it not. The idea of God putting on a sacrificial show to prove some kind of point to humans is strange. Would it not have been more powerfull to at one point get down from the cross and lay down the law ? Now that would have made for good television. What is also strange is that God would call out to himself while hanging on the cross. I never could figure out why God would call out to himself " Why have you forsaken me" Should we feel sorry for a God that chooses to forsake himself ? Did God really feel pain ? If he did then the pain was of his own doing? Why would God inflict pain upon himself ? Was God thinking .. "I want these humans to obey my commands so I will come down to Earth and inflict some pain upon myself publically so that they start obey my commands" ?
All of the points you allude to in the spill you give above, is evidence enough for any Christian to realize that you KNOW nothing about what took place with Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit during that crucifixion episode.
Jesus also ate lobster and pork, wore a poly/cotton blend, had sex with a woman on her period and gathered sticks on the Sabbath. People tend to forget some of the most important laws in the bible.
By people, do you mean the Jew, the Muslim, the Christian, the Gentiles? Something you overlook is that Christians are no longer under the Law. The Law was meant for the Jew only and only during the time between Moses and Jesus. It's understandable one such as you that lives in darkness cannot comprehend the Light nor the Word of God. That's on you, it's far from the Truth of the matter, though. My hope for you is that you come to know Jesus and be set free from the bondage that has you bound.
Jesus did not die to forgive your sins, that makes absolutely no sense. The Romans crucified many people, he is no more special or important than those. Anyway, the who notion of a god creating all time and space, making rule,s making creatures who he knew would break those rules, chooses to harm/kill them until they love the god, then impregnate a women (rape?) so that she may bare himself, life a life on earth, then sacrifice himself so that he can change a rules he made is absolutely absurd. Acts should offend you, not just words.
I always suspected he was. You are talking about the Hispanic auto mechanic on 5th street, right? BTW, I was having a discussion with some of my kid's friends the other day and we were talking about human life on Earth long ago, like 50,000 years ago. They asked if there were any Christians at that time. I didn't know. Any ideas?
"All of the points you allude to in the spill you give above, is evidence enough for any Christian to realize that you KNOW nothing about what took place with Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit during that crucifixion episode." Which part of that highlighted phrase do you not comprehend?
I think it's bogus to try to put your sins off on Jesus. I will take responsibility for my actions, even if I get punished for all eternity. It's what I deserve and the thought of not owning up for my own actions seems weak and despicable.