Jimmy Carter - the greatest fool in american history

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by hkisdog, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. hkisdog

    hkisdog Banned

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Jimmy Carter is the greatest fool in American history.
    Jimmy Carter said a powerful china is good for America.
    Jimmy Carter said he believes if a person is looking at his eyes, then the person wont lie.
    what a great fool.

    now, Michael Pillsbury, one of Jimmy Carter's advisor said, Jimmy Carter and him were fooled by china.
    Jimmy Carter believes china wants to be a little brother of America.
    Michael Pillsbury now believes chine want to ruled the world and conquer America.
    Michael Pillsbury: The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy.

    He is smarter than the idiot, Jimmy Carter.
    But he is till a fool.
    china openly declares it wants to conquer the world all the time.
    chairman mao even said it is ok to nuke 2/3 of the world population.

    Clinton, other fool, who lets china joins The WTO, which hurts America economy well,
    Since china never cares about laws and rules.
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has decided to include the Chinese currency,
    wait and see, these fools will lose again.
    since china never cares about laws and rules.

    Jimmy Carter and other fools believe china wants to be a little brother of American.

    general wesley clark: In 2011, a well-placed Chinese associate told me that the country’s new leadership intended to dominate the South China Sea; that its regional rivals, like Vietnam, would bow to its ambitions or “be taught a lesson”; and that if the United States interfered, our assets would be targeted.

    By 2013, this associate’s warnings had become even more ominous: “We can see your stealth aircraft”; “we have our own GPS and can shoot down yours”; “we know your technologies from all your companies and from NASA, because Chinese scientists work these for you”; “you will not have any military relations with the Philippines unless we allow it, because China provides them $3.5 billion per month in remittances through Hong Kong”; “Chinese shipyards are working 24 hours a day, seven days a week”; “more than 30 ships were launched between October 2012 and April 2013”; “by 2019 China will have four aircraft carriers deployed.”
  2. hkisdog

    hkisdog Banned

    Feb 5, 2013
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    some fools believe if there is a strong economic tie between America and china.
    then china wont attack America.

    fools should know that there is a better way, that is making china as poor as possible,
    then china has no ability to attack America.
  3. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    No matter what Carter has said, he is not only second now. Obama has taken his place as the greatest fool, and the worst president ever.
  4. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    You're really not liking China these days. Bad order of Egg Foo Young?
  5. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Jimmy Carter wasn't a very good president, but he was no fool. Remember he is the only president to broker a middle east peace agreement. I agree all these free trade agreements and the WTO has hurt America and taken away our ability to control our own international trade. Jimmy was wrong on several things, but a fool? No, Just a peace dove Democrat trying to fill Chamberlain's shoes.

    I think his biggest flaw was he couldn't recognize there is evil in this world and some men, leaders are just pure evil.
  6. Beevee

    Beevee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Bin Laden figured this out in reverse a few years back, that by being the self proclaimed coalition leader and hitting the US economy, it would be draining on their ability to eventually beat terrorism.

  7. TomFitz

    TomFitz Banned

    Jan 9, 2013
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    Sorry, but that boat sailed a long time ago.

    I always marvel at how little the far right wing seems to know or understand about the world.
  8. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Your viewpoint is somewhat uneducated and skewed. What the US has done in its relationship with China has been done to enrichen Americas elite's. The fact of the matter is that the US government is owned lock stock and barrel by the large corporations and wealthy elite. America's large corporations, are now multi-national, and in being so have no particular allegiance to the US or its citizens other than to make the most amount of money from them that they are able to.

    Now the purpose of the US government is supposed to be to protect and to serve the general welfare of the American people. The US government has in fact, committed treason against its own people and sold their interests out to benefit the multi-national corporations and the wealthy elite.

    The government does this because our elected officials depend on the corporations and the wealthy to fund their exorbitantly expensive campaigns so that they may obtain and maintain their seats in office.
    Each and every elected office holder is in fact a whore for the moneyed interests who make their profits at the expense of the American workers and the health of the American economy.

    But none of this is the fault of the greedy elite, nor of the criminal politicians because people must always be expected to act in their own best interests.

    The fault for all the damage done to the economy and for the millions of lost jobs rests squarely on the shoulders of the American people. It is the American people who have allowed their Government to become the whores of the multi-national corporations. It is the American people who have allowed the corporations to off shore their jobs and simultaneously exploit 3rd world labor and 1st world markets.

    The American people have shunned their responsibility's as citizens to hold their government responsible for its actions. They have become fat, lazy, and stupid, and have allowed their addiction for comfort to replace their ambitions to build a better world for their posterity.

    In short the American people deserve exactly what is happening, and much, much worse.
  9. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Henry Kissinger opened the door to China; not President Carter.
  10. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Wasn't Nixon the first to visit Chinese in like forever?
  11. Sadanie

    Sadanie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 9, 2011
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    What pleasure do you get. . .what constructive goal are you pursuing in insulting and disrespecting a 90 year old man who has done nothing but GOOD all his life?

    This is sickening!

    And I bet you think Bush and Cheney are heroes! SICK!
  12. thinkitout

    thinkitout Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I agree on everything you say other than that ALL politicians support corporate corruption of government policies. The problem is, HONEST politicians do not have the support to implement reform. This support needs to come from a UNIFIED populace with UNIFIED values. Biased partisanship has caused us to lose control of our government, allowing the corporate sector to take over.

    We are still a great nation, but in order to preserve our heritage and allow its perpetuation into future generations we must put the issues contributing to our division into perspective and make ethical decisions to resolve our differences. We cannot blame the corporate sector which has exploited the lower and middle classes to its fullest advantage, nor can we blame the government for passing and enforcing laws which leave consumers defenseless. WE, THE PEOPLE are at the top of the chain of command and are responsible for the actions of our government, and it is up to us to monitor this government to ensure that only responsible and appropriate legislation is passed to maintain economic stability. However, we can only regain control as a united populace dedicated to the rights of the individual, which should be the primary consideration of our government, overriding monetary concerns. While the existence of a free market has always been the foundation for our flourishing economy, regulation to the extent that it does not jeopardize the constitutional rights of our citizens is imperative.
  13. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Very well said. The test for people going forward will be to challenge themselves. To reject the desire for ease and comfort, in a desire for education and knowledge.

    We allow our government to do what it does out of our own willful ignorance, and our aversion to do our duty as Citizens to become directly involved. In these days, direct involvement takes courage as it is something the government opposes. Citizens striving to exercise their duties are risking being labeled as "activists" and put on government lists for persecution and retaliation. The question is if we as a people have the courage to stand up for our morals and ethics even at the risk of our own safety.
    We were once the land of the free and the home of the brave, our future will depend on if we still hold those values in reverence.
  14. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    This is correct. It was actually Nixon who engaged the policy to try to split the alliance between China and the former Soviet Union.
  15. thinkitout

    thinkitout Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    The main problem is that a troublesome economy has forced us to compromise our values. What was once a confident, freedom-loving nation has progressively evolved into a fearful populace, the majority of which are competing against each other for limited opportunities offering inadequate “trickle down” wages. Yet, we seem to be mesmerized by those holding our economy hostage, giving in to their many demands and accepting gratefully their meager concessions.

    In order to successfully overcome our present problems, our citizens need to universally acknowledge that human life and the requirements for meaningful existence are infinitely more important than money, and that we are mutually responsible to each other to defend and preserve them. Although it is considered by others to be a nation of abundance, America is defined by its people, not by its borders or resources. It was our spirit, our values, and our unity that made us great, not the fact that we are the world’s richest country. Our wealth is the by-product of coordinated efforts made possible by our unity, and our present economic woes are the result of our increasing division.

    Our country achieved its greatness because our founding fathers endorsed idealistic standards and values that placed country over self, exemplifying the highest aspiration of patriotism. This concept was not meant to undermine our value as individuals, but was a product of their realization that only a country united could guarantee and protect the rights of each individual, and if the rights of each individual were not protected, then true unity could never be attained. Our unity is the strength of the nation standing behind us that defines and increases our value as individuals. This idea is best illustrated by the phrase “ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL” from THE THREE MUSKETEERS by Alexander Dumas.

    Are we getting anywhere fighting each other?
  16. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    China has a smog problem...a big one.

    I don't hear the Leftists say much about that, ever. Are they afraid of them as they are of Islam.

    It's always Christians and America are the blight of the World....yet China is now the biggest polluter on the planet, more CO2 emissions than any other country.

    I think the Left fears China, so they remain silent about the pollution.
  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    "China says it will cut power sector emissions 60% by 2020 "

  18. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    When I lived in Beijing my apartment building was 8 blocks from my office. Many days, especially in the summer, I couldn't see one from the other. And it's getting worse. China at one time used coal for home cooking and heating. When they banned that the air cleared but then progress took hold. Now with all the coal powered electricity plants and cars on the road they're back to being pretty smoggy.

    China's perspective is that they should be allowed, as developed countries were, to ease into clean energy. But really that's a ridiculous perspective. Developed countries eased into clean energy as it became available. The technology is available now for China to do a better job. With smog it's not just a Chinese problem, it spreads throughout Asia and everyone gets to smell sulfur.

    The other thing they're doing that gets little attention outside China but causes a lot of unrest internally is polluting their fresh water. That's having a huge impact on people's health.
  19. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    We compromised our values long before the economy began to turn. The boomers who stood and demanded the government end the illegal war in Viet Nam in their early years, became the middle aged "me" generation of the 80's.
    They traded their values for BMW's and McMansions. They allowed the government to pass the trade bills that eviscerated our manufacturing jobs base and bought into the religion of wealth through debt and bubbles.
    After all who needs a good job when you can make millions on home appreciation and a stock market manipulated by the Federal Reserve?
    No our ethics were not sacrificed due to hard times, they were sacrificed for greed and the promise of easy money....
    It will be the hard times on the horizon that will force us to look at what we have done.
  20. thinkitout

    thinkitout Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Your commentary above depicts the "drivers" of our economy, the upper class and the elite who regulate "trickle-down. As income inequality grew, steadily increasing numbers of our population have been reduced to financial enslavement in a system that forces them to accept that freedom is only available as a purchased commodity, thereby putting money at the top of their scale of values.

    The upper echelons are the ones motivated purely by greed; regarding others, many will imagine themselves to have realized varying degrees of the "American Dream" and therefore defend the status quo, but for the rest, survival is the motivation.

    I agree with your comments on the sock market. Higher profits realized by the corporate sector have not provided the labor force with a proportional share of benefits, resulting in an ever- increasing imbalance in our economy. Is it really fair that stockholders and executives are rewarded for the successes of the corporate entities, while the hard work and dedication of the productive employees who are directly responsible for those successes do not justify additional compensation? Their only reward is that higher goals will be set for them to achieve.

    Hard times are already here for many, and will be shared by more and more with every passing day until we wake up and realize that we are ALL in this together. I will say it once again: "UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL" was meant to be a rallying cry for our nation, not its epitaph.

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