can Beat " himself up like a whoopee cushion as Donald Trump embarrasses him six ways to Sunday and back. First of all " sleepy Joe " has literally Nothing to run on. Secondarily Biden is not very sharp.He makes up stuff and uses dopey phrases with the word " man " too often. He's a career politician with a storied history. He's ran for President twiced before. Donald Trump should have some millionaire pledge to make A Joe Biden lunch pail.With some kiddie graphic on the outside and inside stuff like a Male Seniors Depends diaper. A kiddie box of animal crackers.A little book titled - See Joe Run - { as in See Spot Run }.Some marbles and rubber bands.Small packet of tissues.Some bubble gum and gummy bears and a hard plastic wrapped piece of string cheese. Maybe something colored and fizzy.
It's just Joe being Joe.Wherever on Earth did that interpretation fly in from.On North Korea Airlines.
As I have said before if ole Joe is the cream of your crop you need to plow that field under and let it lie fallow for a few years a see if it'll grow something worth while then.
Worthwhile is One word.For what's it's worth.Not to be confused with what Old Joe is worth.Maybe a cup of coffee { Joe } on the cuff.