
Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by fourthhorseman, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Principle can be pointing to the root base of a contemplation and allowing the thoughts to emerge by touching it in a (sometimes) mediated point, which makes the understanding succinctly expressed afterwards; it is a prerequisite for certain thought, and it is a set point of action corresponding to thoughts or movements that occur when the principle occurs like content entailed by a moral principle. The exact principle is touched upon and set, so the emerging thoughts or resultant motions that it causes supervene the principle, which is the center or the source of the issue. The issue follows the principle, but the issue is set to a point; a first considered point. Secondary principles are for actions that involve the branches of philosophy, and the main principle is in respects the root cause, like wisdom, a known first principle. Moral principles can occur after something (can be preceded) thus not being first principles as well; preceded by contemplation or an act. If they are supreme, and root-based, they are first principles, but many a time, they are in the course of philosophy and actually occur after something is denoted like precept, making them mediate.

    Supervene implies characteristic that comes afterwards (or like follows but with forward sense) and occurs conjoined. Karl thought they were conjoined with green, pink, yellow spirit. Supercede is replace though.

    Being courteous implies giving firstly. Giving before receiving what you want is what Jimmy said.

    Issues for the common good that are not opinioned subjectively, but objective knowledge of the true want can be agreed upon, and these are the universal issues, with universal import.

    Sharing understanding is an asset to understanding, for the understanding gets credit and becomes delineated and remembered for the quality. When understanding is received, one can choose not to accept it, for reasons of not being conventional in a worldly way and a break away from the norm which is revolutionary and thus not share it, even though it was provided in them, which results in excessive criticism. This happens when writing has impact, for they think a great deal about the content, and it requires intelligence to have necessary affect (not impact, which can be upon reception) and if they don’t reach the intelligence, they don’t beget the proof of the ideas. The first time effect becomes necessary and a search for the writer happens sometimes in politicians who receive ideas from sites (where people express their ideas politically to people attending the site). Upon reception, impact can be affected, but adherence requires they reach the proof of the ideas, lest they be discredited in lack, and discredit to despite the person.

    Duty is the necessary options or decisions that one is obliged to take or do; it is the allotted work requisites for having a good reputation. Abstaining from duty can lose you advantage or benefit, and there are ramifications that make the life worse upon a reluctant or abstaining way. Duty is like ones role, but it is one’s priority in work; his interest politically or religiously that progresses him towards something is his duty. It is those tasks one is required to engage in or perform, which give him repute. Hobby doesn’t give repute in the same way that duty does. Hobby gets appraisal for skill in interests, but duty receives repute for integrity, and value as a person. Preventing duty or abstaining from duty or being reluctant to commit dutiful act is self-denial, for duty is necessary for the reputation and it is the political interest of the person, to uphold value in posture and be dignified.

    Fundamental is moved by basic principle.

    Exact could mean know in a sense, and this was applied by Mary.

    Doing something bad and leaving evidence in the soul, a factor implemented in causing recompense. You bring it to emergence with remembrance.

    I thought I like being a renegade, for you stand for something, and move something towards you, by breaking from convention.

    You’re not involved in the epiphany, your evolving in the epiphany, and it ultimately comes from sense of Deity and revelation of eternal life. It’s not political, it’s religious.

    Principle of wisdom could be a set agenda of action.

    I use my courage for courage develops the soul; it is necessary experience and a primarily important value; it is utilized as virtue. By valuing yourself, you get a rating.

    “Regressive instincts” is an interesting concept in warfare.

    Supreme awareness is an asset that advantages the person.

    Make is to bring something into existence or cause something to be so directly in a started way that implies made. Create is to make from root up; make entirely. Produce is to beneficially make or cause to come to existence; to be developed into the core anew. Conduce is to move towards an object, giving a benefit made. Induce is to make something in something.
  2. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Total energy is exacted at the upmost, without reserve; absolute energy is pure energy, which is full, for the absolutes are felt, and full is a condition of this. Total energy is exacting full energy and inclining, for the being progresses and develops. Impure or tainted energy would be scattered energy, or external factors imbedding themselves.

    Absolute is benevolent and completely positive without limitation; the feeling of the full capacity to what is progressed upon reached (the extent felt) and having capability in the sense of ability, (what you can do not relative or contingent). The difference between capacity and capability is capability is all the effort of the ability you have (not use), contingent sometimes in exertion to the degree of not being able relatively and capacity refers to intelligence and intellect and what you can reach top-wise within city.

    Partiality is the outcome of government. Complete senses and total say get rid of government, for with good nature, they see it as unnecessary and heedless.

    Absolute regeneration is cleansing the being, and you get the ability to set a principle to precipitate this when you are at rest.

    Function is what upon operation you can do. It is different from ability how? Ability is a choice and it can be straight forward, and function is what you opt for as a decision; there is downward in control movement or effect typically that signifies the “opt”; you side it to yourself or take the option whereas when you choose, you pick or just do in a way that implies choose. Decisions are making the mind up about something and moving in control to get it, and choose is allotting something to you or picking something; decide is a start of the option and choose is the beginning of an allotment (which could be a thought). Function doesn’t have to imply decision, like when thing are ongoing, and the mind is deemed functioning, but initially there was a decision. In decision the soul moves down to understand the concept, to go to its depths, and make the right choice, but not by the method of choosing; instead, deciding. Function can be a choice, and in this sense, they are interchangeable; but functions precipitate downward effects.

    City is occupied place and range of place; singular connotations to it seem a bit broad of a generalization, but it is a suffix.
  3. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Excessive implies something left over again. If is abundant, it is rare. It is sometimes scarce in a sense; like left over remnants of emotions after significant progression. It is what remains to leave after the benefit is giving. Protest in excess is sometimes potent, because of the value of the deed. Excess can be what is left over, but due, and this could be a state of abundance. If you heighten a state, you become a bit excessive, for a lot is left over.
  4. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    In warfare one typically gives due portion consistently with an occupied mind to remain vigilant, but in peace it is at points for relation, for the self is considered in depth and introspections, introversions, and inquiries are not giving. There are point considerations, but the effort is implied as giving due portion and this is kept consistently with the exception of moments of rest. One is fighting, and when he considers the self, he gives his effort at remaining vigilant. He gives his awareness of others.
  5. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    What is the process of faith? People get more faith from prayer and accomplishment or successful means. Does rationality develop faith? A ration is what is giving to you as a result of your choices and decisions. Portion is what you have that you give. It seems to be the case, that when a person right and his rationality is intact, he develops more faith, for it contributes to the portion wherein faith is found.

    Hard work or contrived work; do you control the soul with this type work sometimes, or are you just in control of the soul? Deliberating a work, with skill to bring it about or create is contriving it by definition. Is easy work that is great a better value in heaven for you know the material more? When does one control his soul? It seems upon deliberation one could control his soul a bit, and work hard to create work that is contrived, and this implies less fluent but gets at the difficult material. It seems that knowing material and writing fluently has great value, but it one gets to truths ill-explained in the world by contriving means, it is valued. What is artifice then? It refers to the art of expedience, and is used in contrivance. Art like clever or cunning interworking utilized to create a work that is interesting is artifice. Creating means to deceive someone, interest someone, or outwit someone or just being artistic at a point and representing art like the art of war is artifice. What then is the meaning of artificial and is this a contrary of authentic? Artificial is contrived at face value, and is a contrary to authentic, when typical to be genuine and not strategically employed in a contrived manner at countenance. Authentic is the realness of a representation, and artificial is not developing naturally when vice but artistically created at face value upon the rarity of its positive sense.

    What then is the positive sense to superficial? It seems to be an emphasis of face value, and if the root is in the face and it is super because of it, it is a positive sense to superficial, put typically super in general is the compliment, because of no need for an emphasis in the face regard.

    We don’t feel our extent, because the depth enlies deep beneath where our minds are, and thus we don’t have absolute feelings, because our mind doesn’t reach the absolute knowledge in a normal state, and we thus have negativity that depletes energy. In absolute heaven, when there is a system of leadership instead of a government, and the form is anarchy, the absolutes are achieved normally.
  6. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Representation is an intuited stance at principle in the object that is meant to be transcended or sent out but is intuited in place; a portrayal of the object. When they are intuited they are sent to another object in the sense, but they are intuited as an objective stance previous to them being transcended or sent to the object; they are intuited back to the object (when represented).
  7. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    With principle sometimes, the issue is asserted in a point, but not contained to the principle? I don’t think so, for that is a means, and principle is a start.

    Confound is moving towards something found, or moving away from something found typically without derived benefit. To confound someone, is to move them from their expectations into the negative, or towards something found without conceived benefit, which can be confusing, like not accepting a truth. It is surprising when it moves them to something that is beyond their expectation, and to a truth that is accepted as self-evident upon evaluation after the surprise. They move toward a truth, because they can’t just accept is at base, and it doesn’t give them benefit for it causes surprise that moves them back into the self; this emotion is not seen as getting the benefit of the truth right away? Or is it just towards the truth and a cause of something different then their expectations that comes with a benefit upon evaluation thus being confounded profoundly (active and recipient mind simultaneously, but a certain cause for the benefit distinct from the reception). It entices them into the truth, thus having them move toward it and be surprised or confused for they can’t accept the truth in conversation in relation in a basic way that is with benefit and accompanied contemplation. When someone typically moves towards something found, it is not confounded when what then? When it is derived with benefit basically and not distinct, and in relation, but active thinking applied, not just moving towards the reception of something. It doesn’t have to be surprising or confusing, but it is without derived benefit in the corresponding active mind.
  8. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    What is equality except Goddess and God valuing all souls equally? Absolute wealth to each gives us a sense of equality that is good, but it seems subjectively certain people have better wealth than others, even in the absolute condition. Should we strive towards that acceptance of equality? Being valued equally, and not being considered with more or less love by God. What else is equality?
  9. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    I expect more war, with doctors that don’t understand the order of my mind. They are reluctant to accept my well-being as I am involved in transcendence, and they are close minded to this understanding in a way. They are the people that need to comply, yet they act like the patient needs to comply. They need to accept abnormal circumstances, and realize transcendence is a means of closeness that fulfills the will. And the soul body! My soul body is in town, but my spiritual body gets to the world, and this is not deemed normal, but it is privilege in a sense, having a town for the memory, and a choice to be in a good environment, away from the ugly of the world. People elsewhere need to stand for the open door policy so guilt gets to the doctors. Preventing freedom is a bad deal, and it is involvements in fascism. Also, pressuring people to take drugs is negative for it doesn’t pertain to truth, and thus it is adverse and against the will. I don’t like how they are derogatory towards the transcendental lifestyle. The profundity of this town, living together and converging on the same concepts is a very influential factor when perceived as spiritual, and how it in general affects the world, because of supernatural sense. They need to talk to the patient and actually analysze the concept, rather than gear themselves towards propaganda, and just be a control force and drug pusher. Fascist impulses of the doctors, a tyrannous force.

    Without peace, war is heedless.

    Labor is use of work that is for the sake of efficiency. I labor to figure out new concepts. They are not deserving of the deem abstract, because they apply to present experience, and involve feasible plans.
    Transcendence of the overt mind, but with a soul body in town, with many known people throughout history, significant including those of political nature of whom were and are powerful in the world, but centered in town. A dualism of mental presence, with a special intelligence that can handle it. We don’t always feel homely, but it is nice to abode in the tavern, and give attention to my beloved girlfriend, and if I must say, counterpart and adored one. She has a countenance, and counters me with difference, that is allured into abudance. Attract though, but counter at times, and not always; sometimes just sole significant other, and soulmate of course.
    I have to break away from the illusion that I am taking these anti-psychotic shots, because it can slow you down to have people thinking of you taking a shot, with knowledge of just inhibiting factors. It is indeed like a cave.

    Peacemaking policy involves tactics like incentive and control, but persuasion is strategic, and they are points of strategy, and the supervening of course.

    I think with Nicollo that people are weary because of development and digress from the norm, into the maladaptive.

    People get controlled by sin in abrupt moments, and it makes our memories elapse into currency, but we know the totality of the content in the soul.

    Me and Nicollo thought republic for the turn of the cycle, but small promotions found necessary in republics would make for anarchy, so my potent knowledge of peaceful anarchy as the turn, with in after analysis of heightened war involved anarchy in the process, seems accurate, and is knowledge.
    Goddess and God released an ambition when they nodded in approval to in for a surprise, with little used dietyful force. We want them to be louder, but we have to be stronger, so they can celebrate our moral value.

    Steven Colbert thought with well mind that people are certain of their traits, and I agree with this, thinking in the past I am certain of my characteristic traits when confidant, and always to a degree.

    Total prime is new. I had a total prime move of spiritually releasing a fire ball by crossing the arms horizontally-like and diagonally to a small but significant degree, above and below each other with space in between.

    The doctors have difficulty reaching my intelligence and grasping my standard. I thought they shouldn’t associate themselves with it, and just accept it as higher, so they don’t scrutinize it in excess. It is a higher standard, and they should try to establish mutuality with the stance of naturality and purity; no drugs, not even lithium salts.

    Your utter capacity is your extent in a sense.

    Surmount has an over sense, if I didn’t mention it, but it could still mean up to root, and this bears off as offensive.

    People have a sense of a normal body with me, because of the mental presence (the centered mind) but they partially sense the spiritual body, which is pale, and the hair which is black. The facial structure is curved out finally, and they are not keen enough to sense this, but it is in the spirit!
    There are hindrances in the foresight, rationally, that prevent absolute feeling; the extent can be inhibited, by contingent factors; if only we could control these factors and master the destiny to the white house. It is a realistic political aim, and I have enough intelligence to lead the world adequately. I am in fact, the ordained king. There has to be special mark of privilege for the ordained king eternally, and people shouldn’t stifle this reputation, but vengeance maintains It as absolute. I maintain it, but there is an illusion to it being stifled, because my feelings are not absolute; I only have but a bare sense of the absolute.

    If society could fund resources without bias, and not have capitalistic restriction, because of unjust protocol, than people could be in a more happy state absolutely.

    Walt thinks when you twist logic, you slant the degrees, and it is complex. By nature… I thought this as well in a way.
  10. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    To improve thyself on objects of concern is manage, and administer is to handle concern. A societal concern
    we need to manage, is getting more resource in the magic shop to help our cause.

    Personality traits are what upon determination live in the state; characteristic of it. Sigmund Freud was talking about this. Saying that personality is determination-based is advancement in psychology as well as philosophy. The determinations, or motions are element wise, but certain movements are controlled, which represents the mind in classification. The characteristic traits are the actions one operatively choices in a sense, thought Sigmund with me. What one has ingrained in him is his trait; they are like assets that are had. Ones heritage is a trait of him and my heritage is Israel. What you have is the character, but the heritage is within the personality. The character of the heritage is had though, as a trait. A character-trait could be individuality-wise, and before or during determination essence, but personality-traits could refer to determination in specific.

    Magnitude is importance of expanse.
  11. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    I want to be occupied the majority of the time, but instead I rest my mind a good portion of the day. This is what progresses you faster. It is work, and your actions become necessary as a result of will power.
  12. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    I think that conditions make them necessary, but the will power could create necessary conditions.
  13. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Etiquette makes you know stuff.

    We have dispositions, for the soul is moving and a degree from a fixed position. The state of the present can be conceptualized though, proving the horseman have positions of authority.
  14. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Enlighten me. How do manners make you smarter?
  15. fourthhorseman

    fourthhorseman New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    By making you know how to act; its sets the order, and progresses people at a faster rate (manners).

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