Oh for gods sake, I've gotten so much info and links from March 2020, and MOSTLY from the FrontLine doctors, I ignore just about all of what the government tells us what to do and when to do it, blah blah blah, as a rule I do the opposite of what they tell us to do. Too bad millions didn't do the same. i
You don't know that. Indeed. A good immune system is a good immune system, regardless of inoculation status. Huh? You just got done saying that it's a good immune system that "wins the battle". Hogwash. The whole point of getting a vaccine is to train one's immune system in order to avoid becoming infected with a particular disease (such as COVID). If one still gets infected with COVID anyway, then the vaccine failed. I'm not going to allow you to continuously shift the goalposts around for what constitutes a "successful vaccine".
we do know Fauci got the vaccine "Hogwash. The whole point of getting a vaccine is to train one's immune system in order to avoid becoming infected with COVID" the vaccine trains your immune system to fight the virus if\when you do get it the vaccine does not act like a condom that repels the virus could a variant mutate that the vaccine no longer covers... sure... but that would not be a failure of the vaccine could your immune system be compromised and the virus still win, sure ... but that would not be a failure of the vaccine I think anti-vaxxers already know all this, but pretend not to at this stage
The libs for sure can say anything and it's all over the world....no questions, nadda, what they say is GOSPEL, NOT.... Not for those of us who Question Question and then go with our own "guts"...
... and those people would be wrong. Pretty much. The vaccine trains one's adaptive immune system so that it is more efficient at identifying and destroying the virus. If the vaccine is actually accomplishing this, then one should not become infected with the virus upon typical exposure to it.
I've been around numerous COVID positive people for extended periods of time (who weren't jabbed and suffered nothing more than mild symptoms) and I haven't gotten COVID myself. I am not jabbed either. According to Biden, I should already be dead after being hospitalized. Hmmmmm. I also know several jabbed people who experienced worse COVID symptoms than the unjabbed people experienced, and I know jabbed people who were otherwise healthy who have immediately developed health issues (blood clots, among other issues) after getting jabbed.
You got all that and I say so true. My grandkids spent time at their cousins home and the cousins were all jabbed, and the kids ended up with mild covid symptoms....they will NOT take them either, nor their mother, my daughter. Nor their grandmother me who is 84 soon.
No, we don't. You have absolutely no idea what is inside of that dispenser, if anything, or if it even got stuck into his arm. You are simply taking his word for it. Right. Right. COVID-19 is already a variant... You cannot have a variant of a variant. A "variant of COVID-19" would no longer be COVID-19, but something else entirely... You are also acting as if a virus is alive (it is not).
How can anything be believed from their mouths, they all lie. And if Trump got the jab, I question that too. All politicians LIE.
not the way it works, the immune system has limitations, that is not a failure of the vaccine the virus replicates fast once in the body, the vaccine helps give it a head start, but it is still up to your immune system
Yes, a preplanned and contrived "photo op" for the press to photograph a life-long crooked politician for more than fifty years, surely means that he jabbed himself with "Operation Warped Minds" Experi-Mental DNA alerting shot. *LOL* Only a total fool would be that naive to believe that some career politicians are injecting themselves with multiple jabs that were created in less than 8 months, and for a pseudo virus that has raked in billion$ for the puppets at the top of this FAKE pandemic ponzi scheme.
If you take a close look at his arm, there already appears to be a puncture site. So, he might have had the injection first and then provided the photo op. You don’t know what is in the barrel (not dispenser) either. It’s certainly not just saline because saline is clear and the solution has a definite tint to it. You appear to be simply taking the word of somebody as well unless you actually prepared the injection. COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, so saying covid19 is already a variant is technically incorrect. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) is a strain of coronavirus that causes COVID-19. It is related to SARS-CoV-1 which is the virus that caused the SARS outbreak in 2002-2004. All viruses mutate over time as has SARS-CoV-2. Most of the changes have little to no impact on the virus’ properties. Some changes could affect how easily it spreads, the severity of the disease, and the performance of vaccines. Just to note there many thousands of variants of SARS-CoV-2. The variants that have been identified as “of concern” are the ones that have been identified as having a significant impact on transmissibility, severity and/or immunity.
Thats how vaccines are supposed to work... given the rapidly waning effectiveness of this one, it seems to do something different.
the vaccine was created BEFORE Trump's warp speed, in fact it was in trials before Warp Speed so you don't have to worry, Trump did not create the vaccine
that is not how vaccines work, this is a fast replicating virus, the reason for boosters is to keep the body's immune system primed - you still have benefits without the booster, the booster just helps keeps body ready
I have had my 3 shots as recommended but I wonder just how effective they are. Not from anything the anti vax people have said but from how the story keeps adapting to conditions and actual results.
the healthier your immune system, the more effective your immune system is after being trained, if you lack sleep, nutrition, are stressed, have any issues that affect your immune system like a flu or other illness, that plays into it too you could catch Covid multiple times too, every battle is a battle your body wages also variants play a role, so far the vaccine seems effective against them all, but that may not always be the case, just like with the flu - this vaccine targets the spikes, so those are harder to change and still be as effective of a virus as that is the keys into the cell, if they change, the keys may no longer work, even if the vaccine can't target them
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe, maybe not. Here, you are quibbling over semantics. Yes, the specific part of the syringe that holds the solution is called the barrel. However, a syringe is one of numerous types of dispensers. If you would read the conservation, you would clearly see that I didn't make any claim to know what was inside of the dispenser (like my interlocutor did). Take it up with him, not me. How do you know this?? Hard to tell from that picture, and pictures can be wonky in terms of color. It's not the same as seeing it in person. What are you even talking about? You clearly haven't been reading what I've typed if you think that I am doing any of that... You are describing what my interlocutor was doing, NOT me. Here, you are quibbling over semantics once again (apparently you enjoy doing this). It was clear from the context that I was referring to the virus and not the disease. Yes, the technical name for the virus is SARS-CoV-2. If it makes you happier, so as to not quibble over semantics, SARS-CoV-2 is already a variant, thus a "variant of SARS-CoV-2" would no longer be SARS-CoV-2, but something else entirely.