we have been hearing this a lot from the anti gun crowd as one of the knee jerk solutions to the mass shooting problem but of coarse like all proposed solutions from the gun grabbers they never think it through just more knee jerk emotional bull crap with no logical thought proses just emotional reaction so you gun grabber take a deep breath put your emotional reaction to the side and use your logical rational part of your brain if it exists and think about it we have millions of Americans on depression medication should they be forced to forfeit their 2nd amendment rights? and wouldn't this caused people with assumed mental problems from seeking any kind of medical help for their mental problems knowing their name will be put on some list and the loss of rights? and wouldn't this also violate a person right to medical privacy? the same right used to justify making abortion legal in all fifty states?
I do advocate a National Registry for All Gun Owners showing their photos, names, and addresses because such a Registry would make someone think twice about owning a gun.
Here's my problem with the "mentally ill" argument, we don't have any greater level of mentally ill people than the rest of the world, but we do have more gun deaths. so it's not about mental illness, it's about our lack of gun regulations. It's bigger than drug or AIDS. This is how I feel about it.
Why would it make someone think twice? My state had ridiculous amounts of paperwork, fingerprinting, licensing fees and other hassles, but it's not a deterrent...just a process. Or did you mean for someone with dishonest intent?
Your question is skewed. The question you should be asking is why we have so many people so disturbed that they commit these crimes to begin with. Why are we pumping our kids full of mind altering drugs for conditions no more serious than being bored in school or having trouble keeping still. In my day that was called being a normal kid. The answer to this question is that pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars pumping large doses of mercury laden vaccinations and psychopathic drugs into our children. People have had access to weapons capable of mass murder for 150 years and yet these public attacks are a recent development, that alone should prompt an intelligent person to question what the real reason for public attacks is and to understand that taking away one of the tools for these attacks will just force the mentally ill to use a different tool to accomplish the same goal.. The problem is that we are poisoning the brains of our children, not that there is a tool they can use. There are many tools they can use. You cannot take them all away.
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...58.htm&usg=AFQjCNF1q38vGQd4XLIKpzq5iOYOGWMf5Q Harvard Medical School says you are full of crap. Now who is stupid?
As long as we post a national registry of all none gun owners with their names, photos, and addresses.
I would have challenged his picture saying america has 20x more gun deaths than peer nations... because its only like 1-5x from the least the most... but hey I guess blowing up his mental health stats is a good thing too... and I'd probably have brought up the fact half the gun deaths were suicides so they were not violence against others, you know like his aids picture.. so essentially murders are almost equal to aids... but I'd probably have said more people die from cars than guns or something along those lines... I dunno so many things, I never actually considered bringing up the mental health rates... thanks for bringing that one up!
would one have to prove they were sane to own a gun.... I think this could be used to abuse the 2nd amendment could we use the same criteria to take away the 1st amendment? in order to restrict gun ownership it has to be removed from the constitution imo, we can't just start denying some Americans rights if you have to have the privilege to have a right, then they are no longer rights, they are privileges .
kids are more likely to be killed by "assault" swimming pools than a gun.... statistically speaking. BAN ALL SWIMMING POOLS
Mental illness and guns are both 2nd row issues for this. The 1st row issue, the one that's really causing everything, is our culture and our media. As others have said, there are mentally ill people everywhere, and there are guns everywhere, yet we're the only country were we have a high rate of mass murders by deranged people. Why do the deranged flock to the mass murders? Sure, the guns make it easy to accomplish, but what is driving them to want to accomplish it at all, to any degree? It's a cop-out and at times, a diversion, to blame it all on mental illness. Unless we're talking about a mental illness we all share in.
Going to need more then a chart specially from a Bloomberg group. How about citing the data and how the data was gathered.... I can tell by there figures alone they are using suicides as "murders" to misinform.... A lie from the get go... This is what happens when you trust charts blindly. Educate yourself...