Sorry but labor isn't fungible. An illiterate peasant can pick lettuce but isn't likely to start a software company that will employ thousands. You might have a point if we were ONLY importing a highly educated/skilled workforce, but that's the opposite of what open borders folks such as yourself wants. Anyway, I've already said that I'm perfectly willing to let some other country experiment and provide data. I guess Somalia must have very high wage rates given their lax border controls...
A punishment for bigots in Fargo, North Dakota and other places far from the border who are terrified at the prospect of dark- skinned refugees from our foreign policy crossing the border without some ICE thugs taking their children from them. For people who believe in freedom open borders are not a punishment.
If you had been reading my posts, I don't support open borders. And reality says you are wrong. We've had huge influxes of unskilled labor in the past without it crashing wages. Again, take a look at elasticity.
You realize stagnant and decreasing aren't the same thing, right . . . And that you didn't actually address what I said at all?
I've addressed what you've said, although if you meant the part where you said you didn't support open borders, that seems unlikely since you are arguing for them. If you are conceding that unskilled wage rates are static, why in the world would you want to import more of it? Again, I refer you to supply and demand.
LOL @ScottAdamsSays just suggested @realDonaldTrump should rename @ICEgov. Change it to "National Immigration and Customs Enforcement." That way, when Democarts like @Ocasio2018 and @SenGillibrand try to abolish it, they're getting rid of "NICE."
Only if by "addressed" you mean "got econ 101 wrong." Ah, so you haven't read the thread at all. Let me know when you do. Either you don't know what "open borders" mean or you haven't read my posts. Maybe start with the first post I made on the page? "Yep, there are some extremists on the left who want completely open borders and there are extremists on the right advocating closed borders. At minimum we need criminal background checks and some indication that the applicant can financial support themselves or that they have financial support. I have yet to see a good argument for anything beyond that, however." I can try to find a way to simplify that even more if you still think that is open borders. And again I refer you to your complete misconceptions about supply and demand and refusal to learn about elasticity. Take a look at Mariel boatlift some time. The experiment has already been conducted and your argument already lost. Huge influx of labor, no longterm crash in wages. Also maybe take a look at the labor shortage we have in agricultural migrant work.
The smiles are because they're high on pot and mushrooms. The frowns are because they feel entitled to make the same money right out of HS or college that their parents are making without having to work for it for 20 years.....but both smell the failure.
In fact they are stopped because no one knows if they are a risk or not, which is why they need background checks. Of course it is also the sworn duty of the government to protect the American people. The 2ndA is not the issue.
Okay, let's say that these North Dakota bigots are now being punished by large numbers of dark-skinned refugees from our foreign policy coming to Fargo, as you would like to see. America has, by European standards, a pretty skimpy welfare state, but it does have one. Should these refugees have the same rights to welfare as the bigots of Fargo? Or would you exclude them from it?
Stupid is as stupid does. Leftist Marchers Want Open Borders I want a pony.......I'm never getting one.
It wasn't even a good attempt at an analogy. How are you going to have background checks with open borders? People have to go through legal requirements before entering any country in the world, the USA included, and listening to "Imagine" 24 hours a day isn't going to change that. Why would a wealthy country let in the world's poorest rather than encouraging the governments of poorer countries to change their act in order that their own people don't remain poor, uneducated and forced to leave their homes because of their own mismanagement? Latin American countries, for the most part,are horribly mismanaged, and they should be told so. Their leaders should be publicly humiliated.They've been 'developing' for decades now, even centuries, with little sign of improvement.
We as in the US government created this problem that has resulted in families now fleeing their homes to get away from drug gangs violence by allowing all the way back to the 1980s for drug gangs to form in our prison systems and then deporting some of those gang members to nations that was too poor and too weak to deal with them. To say nothing as how many times we had send US marines into those nations for the benefit of US companies which is hardly the why to help create strong nations. Now my solution is that if there already too many people in the US that we can not grant those families safe harbor we could send those suffering nations our racists and bigots to made more room for those families in the US. It would also be amusing to watch M13 and some of our bigots and racists fight it out far away from our shore.
Typical lefty nonsense. "We"as in citizens did not make the decision to send the military into these shitholes. That decision was made when suddenly our government decided to be the world police. The government also decided to be the world charity. It takes tax payer money and sends it to these shitholes in aid. Billions of dollars go for this. I say do not send anything to these shitholes. I see you admire MS13.....keep it up and good luck in November.