Would you like a few dozen articles on why unilateral trade deficits don't matter or how trade creates wealth or were you just hoping that you were talking to a liberal who would stop questioning the moment you mentioned Warren Buffett's name? Have you ever considered how Hong Kong got rich despite its massive trade deficits? Have you ever considered why no one cares about trade deficits between states?
Why a numerical limit and why the extremist fantasy scenario? Did you read the article? The only negative impact was on high school drop outs. Overall, it didn't have a major impact on wages, as the author himself sites from the Card research. You should read Card's research. Also, a response paper has been written that dives deeper into whether or not ven low-education workers were negatively impacted: http://www.nber.org/papers/w21801.pdf
If we give out visas (without citizenship) we will have no illegal aliens, those here will be "trackable" and will more likely pay taxes. It seems like you are hoping for a utopian idea where we don't let people in and have a surefire way to keep them out. Wall or not i just don't see that happening. Would like some sort of barrier/wall, wider green card/visas given out to anyone, then anyone who DOESN'T have a green card gets zero leniency. We give them an out to take and if they don't take it, we throw the book at them and their entire family as we deport them. Gives them the responsibility to handle it themselves and if they don't, we have done everything we can and I have no problem shipping them out. I feel like this is a HUGE winning issue as to the majority of the country
They contribute to falling wages for Americans who should be doing those nobs instead And they swarm into our schools, hospitals and other social services which takes away money from Americans
Not according to most economists. According to most economists, they contribute more than they take. Hell, they pay into the services you just complained about. Womp womp.
I did not expect you to fade away quietly or pay the slightest attention to his ideas That would require more thinking than most liberals are used to
The barrier/wall probably isn't necessary. It would probably be a money pit and I'm not so fond of massive overuse of eminent domain. Overall, though, this is what I would like to see. Even if it did have to come with a wall.
Most of those economists get paid the same whether they are right or wrong And in the case of poor illegal aliens or visa lottery winners the economists are full of crap
You say . . . while doing the exact same thing you are accusing others of, ignoring ideas you don't like without so much as considering them. Hell, you can't even get people's politics right. Let me know if you do want those articles, though.
You say that as if you have some sort of point that you are hiding. Care to share it? Although I am enjoying this whole "I'm going to make this about economics . . . but I don't want to hear from any economists" routine. We were just talking about immigration. Now you are changing tracks to illegal aliens? Hm.
This is one issue I'm tired of hearing about. It's being blown out of proportion by clueless conservatives and Russian trolls, and has been for a long time now.
What will America be like if you open the borders too 100 million more poor people from around the world? It wont be a pretty sight
Your ideas are standard mainstream globalist free trade dogma I rejected them long ago when I wised up
Capitalism favors global trade and goes against protectionism. That's been true since Adam Smith. Capitalism is inherently globalist. You can be a capitalist and still be an American. Not sure where you got that from.
Why is it a fantasy? Pew polling suggests there are 600 million people who want to leave the third world for the first world. If they could actually do it that number would be much higher. Yes that was the point of the article, you have to break the labor market into segments. Obviously thousands of unskilled workers pouring into an area are not going effect the labor market for pharmacists, or any skilled worker. Instead it goes after the most vulnerable worker population. Unskilled workers certainly don't effect my employment outlook, but they do effect people on the bottom and who are just starting. Not sure why you want to drive their wages in the dirt...
Link? And we are not the only first world and answering "want to" to a poll doesn't mean having the actual means to do so. You had complained about immigration turning our country into a 3rd world country, which would require more than just one segment being hit. But even if we do look at the unskilled segment alone, the research you posted is flawed. See the pdf I posted and/or read more here: http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/s...y-to-back-trump-immigration-crackdown-9545760
There is a reason Brandolini's Law is in my signature line, and your link is a good case in point. The "flaw" that the study refers to is "Starting in the 1981 CPS, survey coverage of lower-skill black men shifted sharply to include relatively more black men with less-than-high-school, and relatively fewer black men who had completed high school....the fraction of black workers in the exact March CPS samples used in the Borjas paper: male, non-Hispanic employed workers age 25–59, with less than high school. " There is a massive difference between a subset that includes "high school or less" and "less than high school." That was the whole point of Borjas study. The bug that you are finding is actually the feature.
AND they dramatically alter your culture, in their rejection of it. America bizarrely supports this, in providing no incentive whatsoever to speak the language, and other key elements of integration. They're like SJWs, rejecting the very culture which allowed them to do what they're doing. As though somehow that will turn out well.