I will give the video first and let you see the context first. When it is this verifiable that a professor is lying, to his students, essentially teaching them the opposite of what he is hired to do, should someone like this lose their job? Is the university responsible for the libel and slander this guy puts out on social media when they are confronted with the evidence and take no action? Should FB and Twitter ban this professor for doing essentially the same thing Alex Jones did to school shooting parents?
As much as I don't like Steven bursting in places of business, he is doing a bit of journalism and acting the same way the press would if they found a juicy story.
When it is verifiable that a president is lying to his people, essentially teaching them theopposite of what he is elected to do, should someone like this lose their job? Is the country responsible for the libel and slander this guy puts out on social media when he is xonfronted with the evidence and takes no action? Should FB and Twittere ban this president for doing essenteially the same thing Alex Jones did to school shooting parents?
Only if he is saying things about a certain person that is verifiably untrue. But Obama didn't lose his job till his term limit was up, now we have someone who is proud of America.
Yeah that prof has mental problems. This kind of lying isn't uncommon from the political left be it Communist propaganda to liberals online that peddle lies both about Trump and also about conservatives and keep on peddling them even when they're proven wrong. There are a good number of people that seem to think that if they dislike you, then it's no holds barred and they're going to tell every vicious lie about you they can think of. This radical prof is like them, zero moral compass, and that seems very, very common on the secular political left.
"progressives" lie. That's what they do. And yes the lying professor should be banned from all social media, fired from his job, and criminal and civil charges filed against him.
Is that what I said or are you blatantly ignoring my example of Alex Jones I gave to make this straw man argument?