Progressives of 20 years ago are the right wingers of today. Progressives of today are pushing regressive policies, like segregation. Times have changed. It's conservatives ironically calling for and pushing for change and progress.
And we think that because that is what your leaders keep saying and doing. You hear equity we hear fu and the horse you road in on as Democrat policies destroy small businesses across all demographic groups.
The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. A Democrat Ponders a 'Thumping Rebuke' Varadarajan & Teixeira, Wall Street Journal
Being an aging white male I have little to worry about. It's many of the people, that made the difference in the election outcome (that have taken voting against ones own best interests to a level never before imagined) that need to worry.
Getting rid of rights is not progress. Wanting to return to a previous time is not progress. And how on Earth are progressives pushing segregation!
That's sort of the crux of my original argument, Progressives want to progress way too quickly and it's alienating too much of the country and causing pushback. They expect society to just openly accept radical changes and if they don't then they believe it's acceptable to just force it down their throat anyway. If you put most of these progressive policies to a direct vote they are rejected by the overwhelming majority of the American people. Again using the transgenders in sports situation, various polls are conducted about this with various wording but basically between 70%-87% of Americans flat out say you should have to compete as your biological gender and no men in womans sports regardless of identity. 55% of Americans last year stated that it's morally wrong to even change your gender at all according to Gallup. Yet many institutions are allowing this to take place out of a feeling of being morally correct regardless of public sentiment. I get it, those in support of this tend to view this issue as being akin to the civil rights era and believe that sometimes we have to force societal change due to morality regardless of public opinion. The problem is that if your Party supports something that the overwhelming majority of Americans don't then you have to expect it to harm your candidates at the voting booth. What's harming the Democrat Party is aligning themselves with the Progressives who are simply too radical for the American people. It's not just the trans issue it's a lot of other policies as well, polls show that the Progressive view on most current hot button issues is the least popular even in regards to things like abortion. The Democrats need to get rid of the Progressives or severely limit their influence within the Party. The mistake they made was allowing Progressives to basically take control of the Party and run on their policies and it cost them dearly. I understand the First Amendment but even with that half of Americans think it should be illegal to burn the American Flag regardless. The actual law is irrelevant, public opinion is what matters, but aligning your Party with folks who do that on a routine basis and hold protests carrying terrorist flags through the streets is probably not the best idea.
There will always be a pushback to new laws, and sometimes, the people these laws protect, don't have the luxury of waiting until people change their minds or sometimes they are just tired of waiting. This was true for slavery and civil rights and it's true now. Also, the majority should not keep basic humans rights away from marginalized groups. This is why we have the Bill of Rights, a group of laws that cannot be taken away by the whim of the majority. Also, I hate to disappoint you, but if you look at the data from the exit polls, the vast majority of voters, voting for Trump, did not vote for him because Democrats support trans rights, but because they thought Trump would be better for the economy (which I disagree, but that is a different discussion for a different day). So the actual law DOES matter, we do not dispense mob justice in the U.S. I refer back to my first paragraph. As for... I give you...
What is so great about the US? We no longer make anything, we are dependent on illegals to pick our crops, we lose wars. What is so great about the US?
Beyond the obvious Greatest economy in the world, the Greatest Military and the Strongest currency it also has wonderful scenery and abundant natural resources. It is easily defended and has abundant agricultural land. That is patently untrue. And YOU voted for their deportation. Sometimes. The Greatest thing is our Constitution. Our Constitution is “the best idea mankind has ever had”.
Yes. Kackles was big proponent of Defunding the Police as are number of other Leftists. 'Defund The Polic... AAAAAH HELP!' Liberal Activist Gets Jacked In SF, Throws Fit After U-Haul Stolen 'U-Haul urged her to alert authorities to the theft of its truck...' The 'authorities' would be the police.